Lyrical Love Letter

Artie’s Niece and the Birthday Boy.

Playing the music makes this chapter better.

“So how exactly am I supposed to get in?” Matt questioned uneasy. He had been quiet the entire car ride to Artie’s but now Matt couldn’t help but open his mouth and speak.

“Watch and learn, my friend.” Declan smirked, deciding he liked Matt. He slung his arm over his shoulder as Juliette produced an ID from the depths of her D&G bag while Declan pulled his from his back pocket. Juliette sauntered forward. She had been unsure up until now but the bouncer was young and Juliette was feeling hot.

“Hi there,” Juliette smiled warmly at him. He took her ID, unconvinced of her age. “Wow, you really take your job seriously huh?” She continued. “You don’t have to worry though, I’m Artie’s niece’s friend, you see its our—oh damn where did he go?” Juliette looked around wildly until she spotted Declan and Matt several feet away. “Well come on slow pokes! Party can’t start without the birthday boy!” Declan grinned as he began walking toward his sister with Matt in toe. “As I was saying,” She flipped her chocolate brown hair over her shoulder as her eyes fixated on the bouncer. “It’s Artie’s niece’s boyfriend’s birthday party,” She cupped her hands around her mouth and whispered. “A surprise birthday party.” She sighed dreamily as he handed her back the ID. “But gees I wish it were my birthday.” She boldly stepped toward the bouncer and put her hand on his shoulder as her lips found his ear, “But god I wish it was mine. I’d ask for you as my present.” The bouncer coughed uneasily as Declan handed him his ID. “Come find me.” She whispered to him before sauntering away toward an uneasy Matt. She linked arms with his and she moved forward quickly. “Come on Mathew! I know you didn’t want to go out for your birthday but I’m telling you, you won’t regret it.” She pulled him through the door before the bouncer could protest. Matt relaxed noticeably and he laughed slightly uneasily.

“You’re deadly Julie.”

“Please, call me Juliette.” She smiled at him before grabbing his hand and leading him toward the bar.

“What about your brother? What if he got caught?”

“Declan never get’s caught.” Juliette assured with a light laugh. “That I can
assure you.” She hopped up on one of the bar stools and Matt mimicked her as he sat beside her. “So Matt,” She turned to him and flashed a smile. “What would you like to drink?” Matt grinned in response,

“Honestly, I have no idea.”

“Well then we’ll have to rely on my Manhattan clubbing expertise huh?”

“No fruity drinks though.” Juliette grinned slyly in response,

“Who said anything about fruity?” Just then Declan appeared as he smoothly slid into the stool on the other side of Juliette. “What took you so long brother of mine?”

“I had a nice conversation with Mark,” He offered Juliette a pointed look,

“Mark, huh?” She tested the name on her lips not overly impressed.

“Anyway I just had to have a chat about how impolite it is to objectify women.”

“Always the gentleman, Declan.” Juliette snorted with a laugh as the bartender made his way toward the trio. “What do you think, Deck?” She glanced at her brother. “Flips?” He pulled a face in response,

“Those are disgusting and you know it. Egg yolks should never ever be made into liquid form.”

“I know,” Juliette teased with a grin, “I just like to mess with you.” The bartended gained her attention then. “Three Zombies please.” The bartender nodded and walked away.

“Juliette no!” Declan protested but a grin was working its way across his face.

“What’s the matter Deck?” She questioned with a teasing grin.

“What’s wrong?” Matt asked uneasy.

“Rian’s going to be pissed.” Declan laughed shaking his head as he glanced at Matt. “You won’t be making it to band practice tomorrow.”

“Dance with me Mattie!” Juliette laughed. She had stomached her Zombie and had begun on a Gin & Tonic. She pulled him from his stool and the two stumbled onto the dance floor laughing as they went. Declan had taken two sips of his Zombie and requested good ol’ coca cola instead—he had deemed himself designated driver for the night. Juliette’s body moved instinctually with the beat of the music as Matt took on a less graceful approach to the song. Juliette hooked her arms around Matt’s neck as the music bopped along.

“I haven’t seen you in school.” Juliette noted as she yelled over the music, her words slurring together.

“I don’t go to Duullaney.” Matt slurred. “I graduated.” Juliette nodded mutely as her body swayed to the music. But innocent dancing turned into not so innocent grinding.

“You have nice eyes.” Juliette blurted and then his lips were on hers and she was flush against his toned chest. “I like your lip ring.” She pulled it between her teeth for emphases.

“You’re hot.” Liquid courage much?

“So are you.” She mumbled against his lips. Then Matt was guiding her farther from the crowd, farther from the dance floor, and farther from Declan.

Alex had been right about one thing though;

Juliette was dunk and about to have hot crazy drunk sex…just not with him.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this chapter was kind of epic....

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