Lyrical Love Letter

How Bad Could It Be?

“Here,” Juliette mumbled emotionlessly the following morning, tossing Declan a set of car keys. The two hadn’t left the refuge of their new room since the night before. Declan caught the keys and held it by the tiny Eiffel Tower key ring she had gotten in France when Collin took her on one of his business trips for her sixteenth birthday. He examined the piece of metal carefully before eyeing his sister.

“Are you sure?” He questioned uncertain. No one had driven Juliette’s Impala in the three years she had owned the black car. It had been a gift from her grandparents, Collin’s mother and father, for her sixteenth birthday. Collin’s father was a car collector and had searched hard for the perfect car in which she described as a ‘two door black ’67 Chevy Impala.

“Yeah,” She replied meekly not meeting his gaze as she brushed her long brown hair in a daze. “I kind of want to die right now so me driving is not a good idea.” Declan knew she was half joking but he threw her a worried glance nonetheless.


“Don’t.” She said defeated, setting the brush down on the bed side table gently. Juliette glanced up at her brother then down at her hands. Declan was the only person she could remotely tell her true feelings to, but sometimes like now she could still find it hard. “Just-” she paused and met his gaze. “Don’t leave me alone, please.” Declan knew of his sister’s uneasiness of being singled out and nothing said that like being the new kid. Declan sighed plopping down onto the bed beside his sister wrapping his arm around her, he replied:

“Never.” She hugged him tightly and breathed a ragged breath as she fought back a fresh army of tears before pulling herself together and getting to her feet.

“I have to get out of here before I start crying again.” Juliette breathed rubbing her sweaty palms on her Hollister jeans and moving toward the door, Declan on her heels. The two moved swiftly down the scratched & stained wooden stairs and out the door before anyone knew what had happened. They were not ready to face the residence of this home just yet; besides they had an impression to imply.
“So I think you should try out for cheerleading,” Declan said conversationally as they drove to school.

“Why?” She glanced at her brother an amused look upon her face, “They’ll eat me alive.”

“What makes you say that?”

“The fact that we beat them three years in a row at nationals and last year we destroyed their school bus.”

“Ah yes,” Declan mused as the pulled into the parking lot, “The infamous vandalization of ’05.” He smirked and glanced at his sister who swelled with pride at the memory, “How did a bunch 100 pound girls manage to do that much damage?” Juliette shrugged slightly smug.

“I still think you should try, they’re expressions would be priceless.”

“It’s to late.” She sighed slightly disappointed. “It’s October, they’ve already started competition.”

“So,” He shrugged being oddly optimistic, “I’m trying out for Football and I’m like three months late.”

“Only because the best football coach of an undefeated team called and put in -more than we both know- a good word. You basically already have the position.” Juliette contradicted as Declan pulled into the empty parking space between a shiny silver Malibu and a Corolla.

“Only because the quarterback moved”

“More like paid him to get outta dodge.” Juliette scuffed and Declan rolled his eyes.

“Maybe one of them broke a leg.” Declan offered.

“They have replacements that practice with them all year.” Juliette informed.

“Maybe they had a tragic bus accident and broke all their left arm’s.”

“Declan you’re horrible.” She laughed.

“Just try out.”


“Because I said so,” He said matter-of-factly. “No seriously, if you don’t try out for cheerleading I’m not trying out for Football.”

“Are you giving me an ultimatum?” She questioned surprised.

“We both know games are shit boring when one of us gets sick and bails.” Declan explained. “Who else is going to drive the teams insane?”

“I don’t know it’s a pretty tough position to fill.” Juliette sighed as though the idea of it seemed to big a burden to bear.

“Yes, a lot of undermining is involved. So much in fact that few survive—Katie Johnson for example.”

“Hey that’s not fair, it wasn’t my fault!” Juliette shrieked in protest as she turned to her brother.

“Oh yeah so Katie Johnson just gave herself a concussion on her own accord.”

“Okay you know how bad I felt.” Juliette grumbled waging a finger accusingly at her brother. “I don’t need a three-year-later guilt trip. That whole fiasco was an accident and you know it.”

“Yes I know.” He laughed, “I’m joking. So what do you say?”

“To what?”

“Juliette!” He complained.

“Fine,” She caved then grinned. “God it is so fun to mess with you.”

“You’re funny.” He grumbled sarcastically as he turned the key in the ignition then handed it to Juliette who tucked it safely within the depths of her Dolce and Gabbana bag.

I think I am.” She mused. “So funny in fact that it goes right over people’s heads because my jokes are just way to witty for their narrow-minded brains to comprehend.”

“It doesn’t take much for you to run with, does it?” Declan questioned amused as the two left the car before walking around its front and stopping to stare at their new school and classmates. “Kind of weird isn’t it? Going to a school you used to rival.”

“I don’t want to verse our team in competition.” Juliette’s demeanor became instantly serious, “I want to go home.”

“To late for that little sis,” He sighed and began walking, “Come on Sunny, you stand there long enough and people will think your weirder then you already are.”

“Hey!” She cried breaking out of her trans and running after him.

“Besides,” He continued when she’d caught up with him. “How bad could it be?”
♠ ♠ ♠

This chapter goes out to the one person that left a comment =]

Alex is in the next one I promise.