Lyrical Love Letter

Skinny Jeans

“Juliette, it is my understanding that you were on the cheerleading squad and captain of the volleyball team, is that correct?” Juliette nodded as the guidance counselor peered down at the papers before her.

“Yeah I was, why?”

“Well I was wondering if that was something you were interested in perusing here?” Juliette was quiet as she thought back to times of Volleyball and Cheerleading. She wasn’t the same girl that was star of the Volleyball team; she was not the same girl who felt the need to cheer on a team of nameless faces.

“I don’t know,” She sighed as she gazed at her class ring that had sat upon her middle finger for five and a half months and she twisted it around uncomfortably. The ring belonged to a school she would never graduate from filled with friends she would never see again. Yet she could not bring herself to pull the metal from her finger.

“That’s quite all right,” Mrs. Burns, her guidance councelor, smiled. “Moving to a new state can be hard.” She glanced down at the transcripts in her hands once more. “I see you tutored a few students back in New York.” She commented.

“I liked that,” Juliette said quietly. It had never been something she had advertised in her old school. She had been vain enough to be embarrassed if she ever had been found in the library with kids from her English or Math class, instead of being spotted with her cheerleading or Volleyball friends. But Juliette had enjoyed the satisfaction it brought her of being able to teach a fellow student something that their own teacher could not.

“Well we have a tutoring program here that would be very happy to have you.” Juliette nodded,

“Okay, then.” Mrs. Burns flipped through several papers and reached across her desk to hand Juliette a single paper amongst many.

“Your schedule,” Mrs. Burns explained. “to get to the senior wing of the school you just walk down this hall here, make a left and follow it down then make a right.” Mrs. Burns pointed to every room and hall, “All of your classes with the exception of your art class will be in that wing.” Juliette scanned the list of classes and found that she had been in most of the same classes in New York while others, she internally groaned, to find she had already completed. Juliette rose to her feet,

“Thanks,” She mumbled.

“If you need anything just come see me.” Mrs. Burns smiled as Juliette turned the knob on the office door and left the room.
Juliette was not accustomed to feeling out of place. She was not accustomed to feeling nervous. As a varsity cheerleader and captain of the Volleyball team it was not in Juliette’s nature to feel out of place when she had always been good friends with the majority of the school. It was not in her nature to feel nervous when she had stood atop the hands of her fellow cheerleaders and allowed herself to be dropped from several feet in the air. But nothing in Juliette was within her nature any longer and so she crossed her arms in front of her as though to shield herself from the gaze of curious students and walked with her head bowed and her eyes on the ground as she walked to class…that is to say if she knew where class was. Did Mrs. Burns say to make a left or a right down the hallway? Juliette gazed at the numbers on the doorways she passed before looking down at the crumpled piece of paper clutched in nimble fingers. No, room 514 was not near room 827. Juliette glanced up from her paper just in time to crash into someone.

“Woah wa-“ Juliette stumbled backward and stared up at the boy momentarily stunned. How the hell did she not see him coming? Oh yeah, she had been to busy with her face in her schedule to notice. Juliette glanced around the floor for the fallen piece of paper that was no longer within her grasp. “Looking for something?” Juliette’s eyes snapped up to see the boy she had crashed into, smirking at her; her schedule clutched in his hands. He had long wisps of hair that fell into his eyes and framed his face. His brown eyes sparkled in amusement as he stared her up and down while waving her schedule in front of her face.

“Give it back.” Juliette ordered, her eyes narrowing dangerously on the boy. She knew his type. The cocky type that thought they were the shit.

“What’s your name?” The boy inquired as he ignored her demand and scanned over her schedule before glancing over the paper at her and giving her a once over. “I don’t believe I have seen you around before. And I have seen everyone around here.”

“I do not believe that that is any of your business.” She frowned as she watched his eyes dance over her body. “Stop undressing me with your eyes.” Juliette growled as she reached for the paper only to have it slip through her finger tips as the nameless boy pulled it away quickly before she could snatch it from him.

The boy grinned. “I’m Alex.”

“And I don’t care.” She retorted reaching for the paper once more. “Give me my schedule, Skinny Jeans.”

“Ooh nicknames,” The boy, Alex, grinned in amusement. “Let’s give you one.” He scanned her over as though trying to decipher a difficult problem. “Hmm...How about Blanche?” He laughed to himself as he scanned her paper once more before freezing. “Holy shit you’re-“ Juliette took the opportunity to snatch the paper from the boy quickly and swiftly moving down the hallway in the opposite direction, silently thankful as the numbers grew steadily lower. “You’re Rian’s cousin.” He stated matter-of-factly and Juliette sighed in annoyance. It was just too much to hope for that he had gone on his merry way and left her alone. The way he said ‘you’re Rian’s cousin’ however did not settle right with Juliette, she did not like the way this fact came from the boy’s mouth. “You are Rian Dawson’s cousin, right? The Richie rich from New York City.” Juliette had never felt more insulted; and she had had her fair share of insults thrown her way. Realization dawned on Juliette however, there was only one way this nagging boy would know who she was…Juliette’s fast pace walking slowed to a stop as she turned to face the boy.

“Don’t even tell me you are friends with Rian. That kid can’t have that bad of a taste in friends.”

“Ouch,” He laughed clearly unphased by her supposed insult as Juliette groaned and began walking again. “So I guess we’ll be seeing a lot of each other than huh?” Juliette laughed out loud then,

“Yeah right,” Juliette grinned as she gave the boy a once over. “not even in your dreams, Skinny Jeans.” Relief flooded through Juliette as room 514 came into view. Alex smirked and opened his mouth to retort when a voice overruled his own,

“Alex don’t you have a class to be attending?” Juliette grinned at the teacher that stopped him in the hallway before she ducked into room 514-Art Class, hooray.
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