Lyrical Love Letter

The Unlikeliest Of Friends

“Oh my god,” Juliette murmured as she held Missy’s arm between gentle fingers. “Missy, you have to tell someone.” The two girls had taken refuge atop the Dawson’s roof. Missy swore they’d never get up there but Juliette had promised they would—and she had come through. Every time Juliette had been upset or wanted to be along Juliette had found the highest place she could get and just watch the world go by. In New York it had been the roof of the penthouse, in Maryland was the Dawson’s roof.

The sun was setting and darkness was creeping in on the two, but neither mentioned any ideas of leaving their safe house.

“Tell who?” Missy challenged. “The truth will tear my family apart.”

“If you don’t tell it could tear you apart.” Missy studied Juliette then. Juliette was nothing that Missy had pegged her for. She wasn’t shallow or a bitch, she wasn’t obsessed with shoes and fashion labels (even though her closet was filled with both), and never in a million years would Missy believe she could possibly befriend Juliette. “What about you?” She questioned nodding to the papers still tight in Juliette’s grasp. Juliette shrugged.

“I don’t know.” She smiled wanly. “The truth could tear my family apart.”

“If you had to choose,” Missy began carefully. “Who would you choose to live with?”

“If I was allowed to choose, I’d choose Uncle Ben. Not that I see him around the house much, what with his job always calling him out of town. But I have a life here now. I have friends and a boyfriend here.”

“Bet you’d never believe those words would leave your lips.” Missy smirked.

“Two months ago I’d call you nuts for even suggesting it.”

“So what are you going to do?” Missy wondered quietly. “I mean, you haven’t even told your brother about these.” She picked up two of the four documents and read them over quietly. “What I don’t understand is why Ben didn’t say anything. I mean—he’s trying to adopt you for cryin’ out loud. You would think that would be something worth mentioning.”

“He’s my mother’s brother. They don’t share anything under any circumstance.”

“Clearly it runs in the family.” Missy scuffed gesturing to the papers before tucking a piece of caramel colored hair behind her ear. “Whatever, I still think you should tell Declan and Rian.”

“Telling Drama Queen would do nothing but make things worst right now. Declan can never keep his big mouth shut. The last thing I need is Declan stomping around ranting and raving. As for Rian, I don’t know that he needs to know just now. Having him know wouldn’t change anything.”

“You have four people fighting for custody. Something—everything is going to change, Juliette. You can’t just hold it at bay by not talking about it. It’s not dirt you can brush under a rug.”

“No, it’s dirt of a completely different kind.” Juliette retorted. The two fell silent for a while, simply watching the passing cars on the street and listening to the songs of the Robins in the trees. “Hang on,” Juliette turned her eyes on Missy. “How did you know about what happened between Matt and I?” Missy simply grinned in response.

“That boy can’t lie to save his life. The poor thing was walking around like a guilty puppy with his tail between his legs. It didn’t take much poking and prodding to get him to sing like a canary. Matt never was one to keep things that bother him to himself. Just be glad he told me and didn’t spill the beans to Alex or Jack.” Missy said dryly laughing quietly. “Now that would have been something to see. Alex isn’t one for violence but I believe he would have made an exception for Matt.”

“Poor Matt,” Juliette groaned holding her head in her hands. “We were so drunk and I mean, you can’t deny that Matt is cute.”

“Of course he’s cute. Doesn’t mean I’d screw him though.” Missy retorted.

“Oh right,” Juliette nodded calmly, fighting a smile off her lips. “Matt isn’t your dirty little secret is he? No, but Jack on the other hand…” Missy turned to her, jaw dropped and wide eyed.

“What?!” She shrieked slightly appalled. Juliette laughed openly now as she watched Missy’s shocked face. “What are you talking about?”

“Just because Alex and Logan are oblivious and possibly blind doesn’t mean I am. Not to mention Jack is the most readable person on the face of this earth.” Juliette smiled kindly at Missy, “Do you have the slightest idea of how that boy looks when he’s watching you…Wording it like that makes it seem creepy but it’s actually…cute.” Missy’s face flushed in response, her gaze fell guiltily to her hands in her lap as she spoke.

“He’s the sweetest boy I’ve ever met,” She replied softly but she sounded almost sad in her words, confusing Juliette. “But it’s just—He’s Alex’s best friend,” She began in a rush. “I’m sure the same result would come of Jack that would of Matt if Alex knew. Granted, Jack is only like a year and a half older than me but—“ She trailed off and Juliette watched her conflicted form sympathetically. “He’s Alex’s best friend.” She repeated. “That’s a recipe for disaster.”

“Alex will get over it. Not to mention he’d have to get through me to get to you and Jack.” Missy smiled weakly in response.

“He’s asked me out,” She stated matter-of-factly. “a handful of times. Now he’s basically begging me. He knows I like him but that I won’t go out with him because I just can’t handle the repercussions of it. And it’s killing him. I hate it. But at the same time I’m so afraid that one day he’ll stop asking me and give up. I’m so afraid he’ll move on. I couldn’t bear seeing another girl on his arm.”

“What happened to Lisa? You said he asked you out…”

“Those two? They are the loosest definition of a couple I’ve ever heard.” Missy snorted. “They fight. She cheats. They break up. Then they get back together and it starts all over again. They broke up a couple of days ago though, I head them fighting from down the street.”

“You live near him?”

“Yeah—opposite ends of the street, but yeah.”

“You know…” Juliette began. “Jack won’t hurt you.”

“Neither will Alex,” She shot back. “Not intentionally anyway. But their All Time Low, the local scene loves them. It won’t be long before the whole world loves them. I just—I think it would be worst to have him for only a short time, love him for only a short time, and then have him gone completely from my life. I can’t handle that kind of withdrawal.” Juliette looked away looking slightly sick. “I’m sorry,” Missy rushed. “I mean I’m sure it won’t happen to you it’s just…”

“Who are we kidding, Miss? Of course it will happen to us. It’s just; you’ve just voiced every fear that’s plagued me for a good month and a half now. Hearing it out loud just makes it that much more true.”

“I’m sorry,” She replied guiltily.

“Don’t be, you’re right. One day they’re going to leave us behind. They’re going to go places we won’t be able to follow.” The two fell silent. There was nothing else to be said on the matter and neither felt like talking after that. They stayed within the comfort of each other, in the secrete hide out for another hour, watching the world go on without them.
♠ ♠ ♠
I just realized why the last chapter was so short.
There is this square boxy line I put in after every chapter to separate them and for some reason Microsoft put it in the middle of the chapter and I never checked to see if I had copied to the end of the chapter when really I had copied to the divider. Sorry guys completely my fault.

Your commenting skills are rad by the way, 187 comments? That made me smile.

Comments: 200 I know you guys can do it.
Have a song suggestion for this story? Drop me a line and maybe it will be added to L.L.L's Playlist!