Lyrical Love Letter

The Girl At The Rock Show.

“Alex,” Juliette whined as he pulled her down the strip of sidewalk. She imagined the scene looked similar to that of a mother grasping her uncooperative child’s hand and leading them along as the child stubbornly refused to walk calmly beside its mother. It was a situation that was not to unlike the one Juliette found herself in now; being uncooperative and being forced to follow her boyfriend as he dragged her along, his hand clasped around her own.

Juliette had spent the last few days trying to forget the incident that resulted in Juliette walking away from both her twin and her boyfriend—but also walking side by side away from them with her enemy turned friend beside her. Neither Juliette nor Missy had been big on divulging on the information that had them so upset that day. Declan didn’t really care and Alex prayed that it wasn’t nearly as bad as all of the possibilities his mind had conjured. But for now he would let it go, for now he would enjoy this night with his girlfriend.

Juliette” he mocked her grinning. “Just come on. I promise if you don’t like it you never have to come again.”


“Would I lie to you?” Juliette smirked in response,

“You want an honest answer to that question?” Alex just scowled in response.

“Alex I hate you!” Juliette yelled over the noise. Juliette had never considered herself a claustaphobic person but right now she was definitely getting claustaphobic. People were pushing her in all directions as they all pushed for a better position to see. The room was getting hotter and humid and Juliette was anything but entertained—something Alex promised she would be. But Alex stood beside Juliette, shoulder to shoulder, grinning like a fool.

“It get’s better I promise.” But all Juliette heard was ‘it get’s worst I promise.’ A guitar cord echoed around the room and suddenly, if possible, Juliette was pressed closer to everyone around her as the lights dimmed and fans fought harder to see as a group of men approached the stage. Alex interlocked his hand with Juliette’s so as not to loose her in the chaos. A shadowed figure approached the mic then,

All the, small things
True care, truth brings
I'll take, one lift
Your ride, best trip

Lights flared revealing Mark Hoppus on center stage.

“It’s Blink-182!” Juliette yelled over the crowed and Alex turned to her grinning before giving her hand a squeeze and redirecting his eyes to the stage.

Juliette’s heart was racing, whether it was fear from the close proximity of pushing and shoving fans, the loud music, or the fact that Blink-182 a band she had been listening to for weeks now was on stage, Juliette wasn’t sure. But suddenly she found her body swaying with a beat she didn’t know, moving with the crowd as they jumped and swayed to the sound.

She was grinning like a Cheshire cat as she lost herself in the music and for the first time in her life felt like she was in a place she truly belonged. It amazed her that three guys in a band could bring such a diverse group of people together. For one night the jocks and the outsiders were allies, for one night the kids with a terrible home life could let go, for one night music would drown out the sound of parents yells. For one night everyone was graced with an escape. For one night Juliette knew who she truly was.

Alex had maneuvered himself behind her as he wrapped his arms around her waist and swayed in time with Juliette, the two of them moving as one.


“That was amazing!” Juliette grinned as she dragged Alex along while she skipped ahead of him. Alex was willingly led along as he smiled, pleased to have made her happy.

“I’m glad you liked it, I mean—at first I wasn’t sure if you would but I’m happy you enjoyed it.” Alex confessed as he spun Juliette around, pressing her against his car. “But I have to say, I think I’ve become something of a bad influence on you.”

“Is that right?” She smiled in amusement; the smile reached her eyes and lit up like tiny stars as the lights of passing cars flashed across her face. Alex grinned as he held up the ‘Admit One’ ticket between two fingers than reached around Juliette to slip it into her back pocket. His hands rested there and he smirked,

“Mmhmm,” He nodded as his lips touched hers quickly before he pulled away, flashing her a devious smile.

“Tease,” She accused but she wrapped her arms around him as his forehead touched her own. “Thank you for tonight.” Juliette murmured, her breath blowing across his lips.

“Your welcome, I’m glad you enjoyed yourself.” She could hear the relief in his voice, thankful that she had enjoyed the one thing he loved most. Then his lips were on hers, teasing aside, as his arms went around her waist and snaked under her shirt, his large hands caressing her bare back. Juliette reached behind her and opened the backdoor of the car as her lips went to his ears.

“Show me how glad you are.” Juliette murmured breathlessly and suddenly she found herself momentarily falling backwards into the backseat of Alex’s car.

“It could take a few…hours.” He told her between kisses as he closed the door behind them. “You know, so I can really explain to you in depth just how happy I am.” She grabbed the collar of his shirt, grinning wildly.

“I have all night.” And with that she pulled him down on top of her.
♠ ♠ ♠
5 comments shy of being 200. I have to say I'm slightly disappointed but I've missed this story and this is the first time in a long time I've had five minutes to myself to update.

Working two jobs five days a week, my mibba time is steadily shrinking. Fair warning I haven't written a single chapter to L.L.L in three weeks. All I have are chapters prewritten...this kind of sucks.

And whats the deal with all these new Mibba rules? Albeit none of them were really bad or drastic. The only one I have a problem with is not being able to have links written into the story to view a wardrobe and such.

Anyway, comments? Concerns? Did you love it? Did you hate it? Is your job as suckish as mine? Let me know!

Comments = 210

Wow I actually have a page two now to my chapter list of L.L.L. Who would have thought this story would make it to chapter 31?