Lyrical Love Letter

Uninvited Guest

One Month Later

One Month Later.

“I’m telling you Eeyore is an emo little bitch who just mops around all day.” The boy was grinning over at the girl, whose fingers were intertwined with his, their hands swinging back and forth as they walked. Their friends gathered on either side of them in a group as they walked down the street.

“Alex!” She complained turning to the boy whose hand was intertwined with her own. A smile playing across her lips. “Eeyore is my favorite.” She pouted, her lower lip jutting out.

“Tigger is my favorite!” A tall lanky boy on the opposite side of the girl announced happily as he skipped along beside them. Juliette turned to him, thoroughly amused as she watched him.

“You know that really doesn’t surprise me, Jack Jack.” The past month had been the best of Juliette’s life. She loved Alex, she loved his kisses, she even loved how incredibly obnoxious he could be. She loved her new group of friends; Jack, Missy, Kara, Zack, and Matt. Granted, life was not perfect. Juliette and Alex loved each other but that never stopped them from fighting like cats and dogs at times—an act that frequently had their friends running for cover. But Juliette Dawson loved life. She loved her new family, her new friends, her new boyfriend, her new life. But Juliette had not expected to see her old life dead center in her new one more specifically the living room of her cousin’s house.
Juliette walked ahead of the group and pulled open the front door to the Dawson house grinning. Juliette froze, her eyes wide as saucers, the easy smile slipping from her lips. “Jonnie?” The word was hesitant on her lips as Juliette had thrown open her front door, her friends trailing into the room behind her. Alex, Missy, Jack, Matt, and Zack froze in the doorway instantly sensing the tension of the room. Rian and Declan were both on their feet, standing before the figure in the hallway with guarded expressions and defensive stances.

“What are you doing here, Jonnie?” Declan demanded.

“I told you, I need to speak to Juliette.” All eyes were suddenly on Juliette. “We need to talk.”

“We really don’t.” Juliette stated, extremely aware of the people behind her and the hand holding hers.

“C’mon Sunny, I’ve bailed you out of so much shit it isn’t even funny. The least you could do is exchange a few words with an old friend.”

“An old friend?” Declan echoed incredulously. “Friends don’t-“

“That’s enough Declan.” Juliette cutting him off, her voice deadpanned. Right before Alex’s eyes he watched Juliette Dawson suddenly become Juliette Barkalow, the social elite, the higher class, the girl that even Alex had to admit was out of his league. Juliette spoke calmly and collectively to the group behind her. “I think you should go. This is a private matter.”

“Private?” Alex echoed unsure whether to be sarcastic or wary in the remark. Juliette turned to him and pecked the boy on the lips, silencing him and momentarily easing him. Alex took a deep breath, breathing out his noise. “Call me later?” He questioned after eyeing the figure, afraid that this person would change his girlfriend back to the social elite, out of his grasp, forever.

“Of course.”

And then he was gone, disappearing out the front door with the rest of their group in toe; Leaving a defensive Rian and Declan in the hallway and Juliette standing uncertain in her own home.

“Talk.” Juliette started. “That’s it.”

“That’s it.” But the tone of Jonnie’s voice, suggested otherwise. This would not end in a simple civil conversation between two people.

Oh no, it would be much, much worst.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I stumbled across a thread about how people are pronouncing 'Mibba' differently. Personally I pronounce it Mih-buh but others pronounce it Meeh-Buh, how do you pronounce it?

Comments-217 Why not make it an odd number?

Spinning BLG's new album on myspace and loving it. Anyone else get a sneak listen of the goodness?