Lyrical Love Letter

The Mystery of Jonnie Posen

“No! Absolutely not!” Declan and Juliette Barkalow (Dawson—depending on who you asked at the moment) never fought often but when they did…well they took the cake for sibling rivalry of the year.

“Who the hell do you think you are, Declan!” Juliette shrieked angrily. “You can’t decide this.”

“Jonnie isn’t staying here!” His voice was booming and Rian, who was sitting patiently on the couch beside Jonnie, flinched.

“They get like this.” Jonnie said off-handedly. “Declan is just full of hot air.”

“Declan has never been like this here.” There was an accusing edge to Rian’s voice but Jonnie just shrugged in response.

“Declan doesn’t like me, not without good reason I suppose.”

“Care to explain?”

“Not really.” Jonnie grinned over at him before turning to the twins arguing before them.

“Jonnie is not staying here. Do you remember the last time you guys saw each other?!”

“It was a freaking rave, Declan!” She threw her hands up in the air angrily. “God! You are such an ass.” She picked up the remote control on the coffee table beside the couch and threw it at Declan. It caught him in the shoulder and when he flinched in response, Juliette smirked in satisfaction.

“Well I could have told you that.” Jonnie stated cheekily and Declan threw Jonnie a glare in response.

“The answer is no.” Declan stated for the umpteenth time.

“Have I told you lately how much I hate you?” Juliette snapped, her fists balling at her sides. “Just because you are three minutes older does not give you the right to boss me around like you have some kind of god given right.”

“I’m your older brother! It’s my job to look out for your dumb ass. And if it’s some authority issue you have—well I can always call them. I’m sure they would love to hear about Jonnie fucking Posen being in Maryland!” His eyes turned on Jonnie dangerously.

“No!” Juliette and Jonnie yelled in unison and Declan crossed his arms in response looking smug. It was silent for a moment, nobody knowing what to say next and then…

“I’m sure the authorities would just love the story.” Jonnie stood up suddenly, grinning wickedly--daring Declan. “I’m sure the authorities would love to know who trashed York Prep’s gymnasium. I’m sure they would love to hear about exactly what you did that night at the rave. What you helped organize.” Declan glared daggers in response.

“Are you blackmailing me?” He seethed.

“Are you threatening to call the cops on me?” Jonnie shot back while Rian sat back silently on the couch, watching the scene unfold with increasing curiosity.

Rian had always been mildly interested in his cousins’ lives back in New York and the things they had done. But more so he was curious as to what exactly had happened the night of the rave. A night that both siblings refused to openly speak about yet hinted toward elusively whenever one was mad at the other. But Rian also wondered about Jonnie, a figure who did not seem overly threatening—then again neither did Juliette but she had proved him wrong on more than one occasion. More importantly was why was Declan so infuriated with Jonnie? What had Jonnie done?

“Does anyone care to hear what I have to say?” Rian grumbled quietly. “Seeing how this is my house and all.” But Rian’s voice fell upon deaf ears as the scene continued to unfold, now unaware of Rian Dawson situated on the couch.

“Get out of this house Jonnie, before I force you out!”

“Is that a threat, Deck?” Jonnie was suddenly in front of Declan, grinning wickedly. Jonnie was asking for it, everyone knew it. But Juliette and Declan also knew better…most of the time.

“It’s a fact.” Declan growled.

“Declan for Christ sake. This hole, ‘I hate Declan’, ‘I hate Jonnie’ thing is getting really old.” Juliette interjected, stepping in front of Jonnie and forcing the two away from each other. “Seriously, you two have hated each other for ages and frankly it’s really immature.” Her eyes landed on her brother. “Jonnie needs a place to crash.”

“Why don’t you send Jonnie to your boyfriend’s house?”

Juliette laughed humorlessly in response, “No.” She stated flatly.

“Hello” Rian was on his feet now, more tired than annoyed through the whole quarrel. “Does anyone care to ask the only legit member of this house right now, what I think?” Three sets of eyes landed on Rian wordlessly; an angry pair of blazing caramel eyes, an uneasy set of chocolate eyes, and a curious set of cobalt eyes.

“Well?” Declan prompted.

“Um, maybe you should think about, I don’t know, what my parents think about Jonnie staying here before you start threatening each other like there is no tomorrow. You know considering my Dad’s answer is like the word of God around here.” His eyes flickered to Declan who turned away angrily, knowing he had no real say in the decision.

“When does he get home?” Jonnie questioned curiously. Rian glanced at the clock hanging in the kitchen,

“An hour.”

“Perfect,” Jonnie grinned snatching Juliette’s hand and guiding her toward the door. “There is just enough time for you to show me around. Maybe meet your boyfriend.” Juliette’s heels dug harshly into the carpet causing Jonnie to stop abruptly and turn to her questioningly.

“You are not meeting Alex.” Juliette laughed again humorlessly as she entertained how badly that scenario could go, as well as the scenario involving Missy, Jack, and Zack.

“Why not? Are you afraid I’ll scare him off?” She threw Jonnie a look in response as she stepped ahead of Jonnie and outside into the refreshing crisp air. “Show me you’re new life, Juliette.” It was a request and not a command but it still made Juliette uneasy.

“It’s not like our old life, J.”

Jonnie smiled in response, “Good.”
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Just completed one of my favorite chapters in this story but you don't get to see it for another...8 chapters =D 5 chapters from now and people get arrested--hopefully you'll see that by the end of next week or the beginning of the following.
Also, I've been abandoning the ever growing playlist for this story, anyone have any ideas for a song for this chapter?