Lyrical Love Letter


“Juliette, don’t take this the wrong way or anything but this place sucks, it’s so boring.”
That was because Juliette had not taken Jonnie anywhere near anything Juliette considered fun. Because all the fun places consisted of her friends, people she would not subject to Jonnie.

“Why are you here, Jo?” Juliette questioned, ignoring Jonnie complaint.

“What I can’t visit an old friend?” Jonnie gave her a side long glance.

“If you wanted to see me you could have flown me up to New York or L.A like you always have. Tell me what is going on.” Jonnie was silent for a long time. “Jonnie, you better give me an answer--a reason to try to get Declan to allow you to stay.”

“Declan doesn’t decide whether I stay or not.” Jonnie snapped. “You do, you’re aunt and uncle does.”

“Declan knows you, Jonnie. Don’t think he won’t voice every tainted thing you’ve ever done to them. You have to give me something to convince him to keep his mouth shut.”

“My mom has a new boyfriend.” Jonnie moved slightly, revealing bruising along Jonnie’s collarbone and upper arm.

“I told her it was me or him. She told me to get out.” Juliette’s mind was reeling. Jonnie’s parents were not exactly social elites but they had the money to get Jonnie into York Prep. The two had been friends forever.

“What about your father?”

“My father?” Jonnie laughed bitterly. “Why would he want me around? What with all his precious bands surrounding him. Beside’s he won’t let me anywhere near him especially since he found out about how Matt received a handprint to the face and the story behind it.” Jonnie’s father only further secure Juliette’s opinion of musicians and the people associated with them. It made it that much harder for Juliette to love Alex and not be wary of him.

“So what you’re telling me is that you have no place to stay.” Juliette said slowly.

“Sorry.” Jonnie stated with a nodded.

“Come on,” Juliette sighed.

“Where are we going?”

“To see the Wicked Witch of the West.”
“Excuse me?” Missy blinked standing in the doorway to her home, her hand braced against the frame. “You want me to do what?” Missy and Juliette had grown close in the past month and Juliette would wager Missy was her best girlfriend in Looserville. A fact that still shocked everyone within the town.

“Please Missy.”

“Yeah, please Missy.” A voice mocked. Juliette’s closed fist shot out and punched Jonnie in the arm. Here she was trying to get Jonnie an ounce of help and Jonnie was mocking her.

“You know, I should call your Dad and tell him where you are.” Juliette growled, “let him deal with you.” Jonnie knew her threats were empty but Jonnie’s arms crossed defiantly and fell silent. Juliette turned her gaze back toward Missy,

“Let me get this straight,” Missy began slowly. “You want me to put Jonnie up in my house because you don’t want Jonnie to be around the boys? Do you mind if I ask why? You know seeing as how one of those boys is Jack and the other is my cousin.” Juliette glared at Jonnie briefly who was still silent, eyes averted.

“Jonnie is my best friend. We’ve gone through a lot together. But Jonnie has this appetite for trouble.”

“It’s a problem.” Jonnie agreed with a short nod but a smile played across those lips.

“Trouble.” Missy echoed, flatly.

“Not for you of course.” Juliette corrected herself in a rush. “But you see Jonnie loves to feed stories to every boyfriend I’ve ever had. True or not the stories are usually bad. Granted, Alex isn’t like any boyfriend I’ve ever had and the boys are unlike any friend I’ve ever had, but I still don’t want to take the chance. At least not until I can settle something with the Dawson’s and my brother.”

“Why are you afraid of what the guys will think of me?”

“You’re the only one who knows everything.” Juliette gave Jonnie a meaningful glance, who huffed in response.

“You mean the rave?” Missy questioned.

“The rave, the party at Jonnie’s, the Underground. You know my track record and my history of ex’s. You’re the only one not from New York who knows these things. Things I can’t afford to get out around here. Shit went down and word spread in New York. A city of over 20 million people. How fast do you figure word would spread in a town like Lutherville?”

“You expected I’d show,” Jonnie spoke up stunned.

“With a friend like you, Jo, one must plan for everything.” Juliette smirked.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm fully aware of just how painfully fillerish this chapter is and for that I apologize.

So today was my last first day of high school so I honored that with an update =)
I have Algebra 2, Gym, Graphic Communications 2, and Psychology. Psychology seems like an extremely interesting class and I may even like it more than my Graphic Comm class which is really surprising.

If any of you ever get the chance to take Psychology I suggested it...even if I do have to carry a freaking egg baby around for a week...

Comments-235 because this chapter sucks and I know it.