Lyrical Love Letter

A Whisper and A Clamor

Jonnie slammed the phone down on the hook as more of a knee jerk reaction then anything else as she stared at the piece of electronics reproachfully. Did she really just say call Cha-Chi?

“What did she say?”

“What’s going on?


“Fuck me.” She swore before running a hand through her hair.

“Excuse me?” Alex was the one closest to her. Had the situation been under different circumstances and Alex probably could have blown her statement way out of proportion followed by countless dirty jokes.

“Your girlfriend.” Jonnie shook her head angrily, her jaw locking. “Oh! I am SO going to kill her!”

“I’ll be sure to keep her far away from you then.” Alex remarked. “What did she say?”

“Call Cha-Chi.” She echoed emotionlessly. “Call fucking Cha-chi,” she grumbled to herself. “Why the hell can’t she call fucking Cha-chi. I can’t fucking call him! He’s not even in the—oh shit.” Jonnie paled as realization dawned on her.

“Jonnie are you okay?” Zack was beside Alex now. “You look like your going to pass out.”

“He’s here.” She whispered. “They’re here.”

“Who is here?” Zack questioned as he placed a hand on her arm fearing she would pass out.

“Rian,” She said suddenly and the boy turned to her questioningly. “Can you go on the computer and tell me when Amber Pacific is in this area?” Confusion flashed across his face but he moved to his bedroom in search of his computer. “I am so screwed.” Panic was setting in and it wouldn’t be long before she was hyperventilating.

“Calm down,” Zack advised. Her eyes flickered to his, locked in his worried gaze. “What’s wrong?”

“She wants me to call Cha-Chi,” She whispered. She knew they had no idea who Cha-Chi was but she didn’t want to explain. Declan was the only one who knew who Jonnie spoke of and it had sobered him into silence as he himself silently went through the list of scenarios that could result from this night, in one phone call.

“They played a show in D.C yesterday. They’re coming to Baltimore tomorrow.” Rian informed reentering the room. Jonnie’s knees buckled but Zack’s strong arms caught her as a whimper left her lips. In the short term perhaps her reaction was overdramatic but Jonnie anticipated the chain of events that it would cause and it was then that Jonnie’s actions were justifiable.

“Jonnie!” Zack began in alarm as he steadied her. “Are you alright?” His eyes held nothing but concern that went unnoticed in Jonnie’s eyes.

“I c-cant,” She stuttered, her heart racing with fear of the unknown. “She can’t put that on me.”

“What are we going to do to get them out of jail?” Jonnie couldn’t speak, she couldn’t breath. Nothing in Jonnie seemed to be functioning properly aside from her mind and that alone had made a decision that changed everything.

“Give me the phone.” Rian handed it to her wordlessly. It rang three times and Jonnie silently prayed he would not answer.


“Matt?” She chocked.

The line was silent and Jonnie began to wonder if he hung up. “Jonnie?”

“I need your help.” She whispered.
45 minutes later the police officer approached the jail cell containing Juliette and the others.

“Juliette Barkalow-“

“Dawson.” She whispered lamely.

“James Flyzik, Vincent Petrocelli, Kara Diakoulas, Logan Gaskarth.” Each turned their head toward the police officer. He drew the door wider, “You’re free to go.” Each head turned to the sound of their name and moved quietly toward the open cell door.

The group moved from the cell and down the hall, Kara moving hurriedly in the lead as though the police would change their mind and throw her back in again. Rian met her at the end of the hall and she ran to him, burying her face in his chest as he wrapped his arms around her in a hug. Matt and Vinny moved next, spotting the band waiting for them. Juliette trailed behind them, knowing what the end of the hall would bring. Logan followed loyally beside her, silently comforting her. Alex, Jonnie, and Declan were waiting for them. Jonnie’s eyes shimmered but no tears fell from her eyes, she was trembling slightly and her blue orbs were somewhat wide eyed. Declan stood emotionlessly beside her, his hands deep in his pockets. It was Alex who stepped forward to greet her; the only one not looking dejected.

“Hey,” He murmured hugging her. “How are you?”

“Fine,” She murmured her eyes locking on Jonnie over her boyfriend’s shoulder. “Where are they?” Declan nodded around the corner and Juliette ventured around the corner to see Matt Young staring back at her.

“Some things never change, huh?” He questioned cockily.

“Don’t start with me.” Juliette grumbled as the group filtered their way out of Baltimore Jail and into the parking lot of the December air.

“What do you mean don’t start?” He questioned following her closely.

“She means she doesn’t want to hear the bullshit leave your mouth.” Declan snapped, speaking for the first time since Jonnie had announced that Juliette wanted her to call Cha-Chi.

“I just bailed all your asses out of jail.”

“You owed me!” Jonnie shrieked back as Matt took a step closer to her, as did Zack from behind stressed girl.

“How do you figure?”

“I gave my father the song tracks you sent to him.”

“Oh so you’re going to play it like that huh?”

“Are you?” She challenged back.

Juliette was silent, Declan stood on one side of her, Alex on the other with Logan not far behind.

“Babe are you okay?” Alex questioned. Juliette appeared as though she was going to be sick as she stared at the pavement, the sound of Jonnie and Matt arguing filling her ears.

“No,” She murmured honestly.

“Don’t fucking go there Matt!” Jonnie screeched and Juliette closed her eyes before she stepped quickly between the two. They couldn’t go down that road, they couldn’t reopen the scars that bore their mark on the New Yorkers.

“Both of you stop!” Juliette snarled. “We know how this is going to play out.”

“Badly,” Declan remarked approaching the trio.

“Go back on tour Matt,” Juliette advised. “Forget about us.”

“Some thanks.” He scuffed.

“It doesn’t matter!” Jonnie cried suddenly. Zack, Alex, Rian, Kara, Matt, Vinny, and Logan stood around the scene looking both confused and concerned. They all stood a few feet away, feeling the small defensive clan needed some amount of space for whatever it was they spoke over. But even with this knowledge, Alex and Zack still hovered within arms length of Juliette and Jonnie. “We know how this plays out. He knows! He fucking knows! He’s going to come here and I’m going to be gone. I’m going to be gone and so will you two!” Jonnie explained turning to Juliette and Declan.

“What’s going on?” Alex questioned in alarm, throwing himself into the conversation; The idea of Juliette leaving propelling him to her side.

“It’s a long story.” Declan grumbled, running a hand through his knotted mane. Jonnie’s eyes locked with Juliette’s.

“I couldn’t run forever.”

“Don’t say that J, don’t give up.” Juliette urged. “You can’t. He’ll listen. We’ll make them see.”

“We’ve never made them understand, Sunny.” Declan murmured contradicting her. His voice was a quite reasoning that left everyone to hear his words. “They won’t listen. Jonnie is right; Louis will send Jonnie to a boarding school god knows where. He’ll find some way to screw up our lives and it will all go to hell. We’ll survive, we always have. But when the smoke clears we won’t be here to clear the rubble.”

“No!” It was Juliette who was crying now. “This is my home! For the first time in my life I belong. They can’t take that from me—from us!”

“What’s going on?” Kara’s voice quaked, still shakey from being arrested and sensing the stress that was setting in amongst her friends.

“Does he know?” Declan demanded of Matt who glared at him wordlessly. “Does he know?” He barked when Matt didn’t answer. Declan took a threatening step forward, his eyes alive with the prospect of a fight.

“Yes! Okay he fucking knows. You think I could just drive fifty miles without having to say where I was going? You think I can just pull 1k out of the bank without an explanation?”

“Get out of here Matt.” Declan seethed. “Your thanks is that I don’t beat the crap out of you for what you did to J, your thanks is that I don’t knock your lights out for right now.” Matt glared at the lot before he stormed away into the night. It was silent aside form Jonnie and Juliette’s sobs.

“What is going on?” Alex demanded. “Please, baby, tell me what’s wrong?” He held her close but Juliette just cried. This was one situation where Alex couldn’t kiss away her pain and hug away her fear.

“L-lets go back to the house,” Declan sighed tiredly, the conflict with Matt exhausting him more than anything else had today. “I’ll explain everything there.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I know, I know I've disappeared for quite some time and I apologize for that.
I felt it was a good time to update, I have been having a good couple of days. My HS football team won homecoming 22-0, which I'm pretty sure qualifies as kicking ass. My work has come to an end which I'm bummed about--I actually really love it. My boss actually stole me this huge ass pumpkin from the pumpkin patch we were working at, it was a pretty funny experience. (You try smuggling a ten pound pumpkin!).

I have a week off from school so I'm pretty stoked about being able to sleep in for the first time since August. Tomorrow I get to go horseback riding with some pretty kick ass people and on Wednesday I'm going to a flea market----Not that anyone cares. *clears throat*

So! What do we think of this chapter? I know it wasn't very informative but the next one will just be chalk full of revelations, I promise.

So just out of curiosity throw me a comment and let me know what you thought of this chapter and what you dressed up as for Halloween.


By the way (I don't know if anyone is following this) but the song "Everything We Were Has Become What We Are" - By Amber Pacific has been added to the playlist on the main page.