Lyrical Love Letter

Bruised Ribs. Bruised Hearts.

Monday morning was something Juliette welcomed openly. After a stressful, chaotic, emotion-filled weekend Juliette was thankful for her small bit of normalcy; school—the one thing that never changed.

“Ju-Ju when are we going to L.A?” Jack questioned curiously as he bounced over to her, paintbrush decorated in blue paint poised in hand. Juliette eyed the art utensil for a moment before she fixed her gaze back onto her painting. Whose bright idea was it to give Jack paint?

“I don’t know yet Jack.”

“Can I see you’re painting yet?”

“Nope.” Jack frowned dejectedly before turning back to his own painting. Juliette had carefully concealed her art piece from the wondering eyes of Logan and Jack. The assignment was to paint what defines you, it was 50% of Juliette’s grade and it was going to be perfect.

“You alright, Juliette?” Logan wondered curiously. His easel was back to back with her own, leaning over it, Logan had an easy view of Juliette.

“Yeah, it’s just been an odd week.” She admitted. “Getting into a fight with Jack’s ex and Zack’s girlfriend. Drag racing. Getting arrested. Deciding to go to L.A—you’re still welcome to come by the way.”

“Nah, you guys go. I have to finish this painting when I’ve barely even started it.” Juliette nodded wordlessly as a silence fell amongst the two.

“I regret that race so much,” She admitted quietly. “Never in my life have I ever regretted my actions, they made me who I am. But that—that I regret. It was so stupid it endangered everything.”

“Is Alex’s making you soft?” He teased.

“I don’t know,” Juliette murmured honestly with a shrug as she concentrated on a specific contour in her painting. Truthfully life held more meaning to her now then it ever did. There was more at stake now—more to loose.

“You know,” Logan began thoughtfully. “I believe we each affect another, with every word we speak and every time we touch, with every tragedy we endure we are impacting others lives. “ Logan looked over his easel at her and she did the same, eyeing the eldest Gaskarth quizzically. “I was only kidding when I said Alex was making you weak. There is a difference between weak and coming to your senses.”

“You think because of the friends I’ve made here, because of living here, I’ve come to my senses?”

“I think you were hanging around the wrong crowd of people in New York. I think now you are where you belong. You don’t need drag racing as a means of amusement anymore. Cheap thrills aren’t what you want anymore. You have friends—good people, who love you. The stakes are higher now.”

“You should be a psychologist.” Juliette smiled painting green amongst brown.

“Yeah right.” He laughed bitterly and Juliette chose not to pursue it as Mrs. Robertson moseyed her way toward them, gazing at each painting in turn with a critical eye. She gasped when her eyes landed on Juliette’s.

“Oh my!” She beamed. “Juliette, this is wonderful. Absolutely magnificent.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Robertson.” She smiled gratefully, pleased to have her approval. A small buzzing sound issued and Juliette gazed curiously around her easel as Mrs. Robertson walked away, careful not to draw attention. Logan had his phone held discretely in his hands, his eyes widening at whatever was written there in the text. “Logan,” She hissed. “You’re going to get caught.”

“I have to go.” He muttered glancing up at her.

“What?” But Logan was already rising to his feet and Juliette found herself following, her instincts driving her and leaving her mind utterly confused. Even as Mrs. Robertson yelled after them, Juliette’s feet continued to follow Logan, knowing only that without her presence things could go horribly, awfully wrong.
“Stop it!” The cacophony of yelling issuing from both Juliette and the girl beside her mixed with the deafening sound of curses and anger. “Missy, move!” Juliette shrieked pushing her friend out of the way as a body went flying at them. The two girls fell to the ground and Juliette was dazed for only a moment before her mind went to one thing Alex. “Alex,” She ran toward her boyfriend, hitting him with as much force as she could, causing the two to fall in a similar manner she had only seconds before. “Alex, Alex, Alex!” She yelled trying to gain just a grain of his attention. But his mind was elsewhere as he knocked Juliette off of him and ran at the bigger man again.

Juliette’s mind was reeling. Logan had told her nothing substantial about why they had both ditched school and so they drove in silence until Juliette recognized Missy’s house come into view. Of course she noticed the house only after she noticed her furious boyfriend, his scared cousin, and a man Juliette didn’t recognize. Only seconds past between the time that Logan pulled his car up along side the curb to the time that he and his brother had charged the middle aged man, leaving Juliette baffled and Missy screaming.

“Stop it!” She screamed, tears falling down her cheeks. It was only then that Juliette saw the bruises.

“Missy,” Juliette started but her mind flickered back to the fight as the man pushed Alex away roughly as Logan decked the man in the jaw. Deck. “Declan.” Juliette pulled out her phone and held it to her ear, she didn’t have the time to type a text message.

“Hello?” A voice hissed on the fifth ring.

“Declan! Please, please, please, get over here.”

“Over where.”

“Missy’s house.” Juliette told him, her voice quaking, fighting the nerve to jump into the brawl herself and break them apart, anything to keep Alex from meeting the pavement a third time.

“Juliette?” his voice was etched with worry.

“Hmm?” Her voice hitching as Logan got a blow to the noise, blood emitting from it.

“I’m coming, alright? Don’t do anything stupid.” Juliette snapped the phone shut and she shoved the silver device back it into her pocket. She moved quickly to Missy’s side, demanding answers from the stunned girl.

“Missy,” She shook the girl until Missy’s eyes locked on hers. “What happened? What is going on?” Tears pooled in her eyes suddenly as she whispered her reply,

“It was an accident,” Missy whispered, her eyes glazing over, dazed like. “He didn’t mean it. He’s drunk.” Something in Missy snapped, startling her as she gripped Juliette’s shoulders. “We have to stop them. He’s out of his mind drunk, he’s going to hurt them.”

“Declan is coming.”

“Screw that.”

“Missy no!” She yanked the girl backward and she toppled to the ground. “You’re going to get yourself punched in the face.”

“You’re a fucking dirtbag, Rob!” Logan snarled tackling the man to the ground.

“Fuckin’ Prick!” Alex yelled picking himself up off the ground. That was Juliette’s chance—her only chance.

“Alex.” She rushed toward him, planting herself between Alex and his goal that was Rob’s face. “Alex,” She grabbed his face with her hands. “Alex look at me.” Alex gripped her hips and Juliette knew any second he’d be moving her out of the way. “Alex please, tell me what the fuck is going on. Logan can handle it for five seconds.” Alex’s angry eyes fell to Juliette, they instantly morphed to something else, as though he had just realized for the first time that she was there.

“Juliette, wha-“ Logan’s fist flew at Rob and Alex’s eyes snapped to the scene, his eyes hardening again. “Not right now.”

“Yes now.” His grip on her tightened, trying to move her, but Juliette gripped his shirt, refusing to be blown off.

“Fuck it,” He growled in aggravation, his eyes falling to her. “I stayed home sick today,” He began hurriedly. “Missy called me, completely incoherent. I came over and this dirtbag, that is unfortunately her father, was chasing her around the front yard. He’s been beating the shit out of her, Juliette.” Juliette’s hands released his shirt as she comprehended the situation. Alex took the opportunity to pick her up and move her aside.

“Alex, no!” In a knee jerk reaction her hand shot out and grabbed his. His face snapped back to face her, annoyance clear in his voice. “This isn’t the way.” She murmured, her grip tightening. She’d be damned if she let him go.

“Let go, Juliette.”

“Never.” She murmured shaking her head.

“Juliette?” A voice called. A car door slammed and suddenly there was Declan as promised.

“Let go, Juliette.”

“No.” She snapped stubbornly, pulling him to her. “Declan, you have to get Logan off of Rob.”

“What the hell is going on?”

“Logan first. Explanation later.” Declan pursed his lips and nodded, making his way toward the mess of punches and curses. Alex was glaring at her but Juliette didn’t care in that moment, instead she pushed him toward his cousin.

“Talk to her, Alex. She’s freaking out and you’re to blame.”


“Go.” She shoved him harder and Alex scowled before making his way toward Missy who seemed to have gone catatonic. She was emotionless, staring wide eyed at Logan, Declan, and her father…that is until Alex put a hand on her shoulder. A sob escaped her lips and she collapsed into Alex’s arms. The scene broke Juliette’s heart but it also assured her that the fighting aspect of the scene was coming to a close. Alex wouldn’t leave Missy’s side now. He wouldn’t get beaten again. After several struggling minutes Declan was finally able to manhandle Logan away from the battered man.

“Missy where is your mom?” Juliette questioned as Logan, who would not stop struggling out of Declan’s grasp, was forced into a head lock.

“I don’t know,” She cried desperately. “I think she went to the grocery store. She should be home soon.” Logan and Declan were panting hard and Rob was either passed out or knocked out on the clean cut grass feet away, leaving a wrecked Missy to be consoled by her battered cousin and his girlfriend.

It was only after dust had settled and heart beats had returned to normal did a thought cross Juliette’s mind so forcefully it left her breathless.

"Where is Jonnie?"

A flood of not so distant memories flashed painfully across Missy’s mind. "Jonnie." she gasped suddenly darting across the lawn toward her house, Juliette hot on her heels knowing that something wasn't right. Alex yelled after the girls but the minute they disappeared into the house out of sight Alex was already across the lawn.

“Call an ambulance!” Alex yelled over his shoulder to Declan as he followed after the girls.

It was Juliette’s scream that sent chills down Alex’s spine that had him running harder than he ever had in his life. The scene Alex found would be one he would not soon forget. Jonnie was a crumpled heap on the ground, her head in Juliette's lap. She had a busted lip and a large round bump in the corner of her forehead.

“Alex she won’t wake up,” Juliette was more desperate and urgent than Alex had ever heard, the distress in her voice tearing him up. “She won’t wake up…” Juliette broke off into sobs.

“She tried to help me,” Missy whispered emotionlessly from her spot beside their fallen friend. She was griping Jonnie’s hand tightly in her own. “She went after him. He pushed her away and when she wouldn’t stop he grabbed the nearest thing to him, my grandmother’s vase, and hit her with it. I didn’t see it though, he was blocking my way, it had only happened in a matter of seconds. All I heard was the vase shatter and a thump. I couldn’t go to her, to help her; he was already going after me again.” Tears brimmed in Missy’s eyes and poured over in rivers.

“Missy this isn’t your fault,” Alex murmured before touching his girlfriend’s shoulder. She was cradling Jonnie’s head in her lap, bent over in sobs. “Juliette, Sunny, you have to let go,” Alex whispered. “I have to get her out of here but you have to let go babe.” Reluctantly Juliette relinquished her hold on Jonnie, reducing it to simply clutching her hand as Alex lifted the frail girl into his arms.

By the time Alex had gotten Jonnie out the door, Juliette still clutching her hand, Missy clutching the back of Alex’s shirt, the ambulance had arrived.

“What happened?” The EMT demanded taking Jonnie’s unconscious form from Alex.

“My father,” Missy whispered breathlessly before turning away and throwing up. Alex rubbed circles into her back and held back her hair as Missy’s body cleansed itself.

“I’m coming.” Juliette stated, climbing into the back of the ambulance, and taking hold of Jonnie’s hand once more. Her eyes flickered to the ambulance’s doors getting ready to close.

“I’ll find you,” Alex promised.

“You always do.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I know there has been a lot of drama in this story but I promise there will only be one monumental drama situation left and then no more. The drama is getting kind of ridiculous but it seems to be necessary. Anyway I just realized how much of a monstrosity this story has become. 42 chapters, Seriously? I never meant to make the story this long and I wish I could say its almost complete but its not, we are almost in the beginning stage of the end of the story if that makes any sense. I suspect around 10 more chapters left give or take.

Comments? Loved it hated it?

I fought with myself about posting this chapter for a while now, I'll be the first to say that I dont like this chapter.

btw anyone read the three one shots i've posted since my last update for this story? One of them is my first 'original' story so I'd really appreciate feedback on that one.