Lyrical Love Letter

"Road Trip! Road Trip! Road Trip!"

“Road trip! Road trip! Road Trip!”

“Rian you packed my camera right?” Kara questioned wondering through the Dawson house as she mentally checked off items on her list of needed supplies.

“Yeah I got it!” He called from his room and Kara relaxed slightly, nodding to herself; One less thing to worry about.

“Road trip! Road trip! Road Trip!”

“Sunny are you almost ready?” Declan called, sighing in aggravation from his spot at the front door, an ever growing pile of bags surrounding him. Declan was a typical guy, he packed an hour before a trip then couldn't understand why no one else was ready.

“Road trip! Road trip! Road Trip!”

“Yeah, I’m coming Deck!” She snapped back in annoyance as she raced around their room grabbing last minute items. Nothing annoyed her more than Declan forcing her to rush while he made no attempt to help. “Why don’t you do something useful and go throw our bags in the cars?” She suggested. She could just picture him at the front door, his arms crossed, his foot tapping.

Kara ambled into the twins’ room, an iPod waving in her hand. “Found it,” She smiled in triumph.

“Great,” Juliette grinned in relief, snatching the device from her friend and tucking it away inside the pocket of her suitcase.

“Alex and Zack are already loading the car!” Declan called up the stairs. Juliette froze and Kara fell silent.

“Is he for real?” Kara mouthed. It did not surprise Juliette in the least—Declan was not the most helpful person in the world.

“Road trip! Road trip! Road Trip!”

“Can you grab my tooth brush for me?” Kara nodded and Juliette marched out of her room in annoyance as she stomped down the stairs and made her way to where she knew her twin to be, arms crossed with his foot tapping.

“Go help Alex and Zack. Right. Now.” Juliette growled, her eyes narrowing. “Or so help me god you will regret it.” He glared at her before picking up a bag in each hand. “See that’s not that hard, use those football muscles.” She turned away from him and headed back toward the stairs.

“Road trip! Road trip! Road Trip!”

“Fine,” Declan grumbled. “But if that kid gets his lights knocked out don’t blame me.”

“And don’t blame me if you get thrown out of a speeding car!” She shot back as she raced up the stairs nearly clashing into Rian on her way.

“Road trip! Road trip! Road Trip!”

“Are you done packing?” Rian asked.

“Almost, Kara and I almost have everything. Are you sure you have everything? I mean it’s only 2,311 miles between Maryland and California.”

“You looked that up?” Rian questioned stunned.

“Yup,” She beamed dancing past him, “I’m just chalk-full of useless information.”

“We already knew that.” Jonnie smirked. Juliette shoved her playfully before venturing back into her shared bedroom.

“Road trip! Road trip! Road Tri--” A slightly girlish scream followed and Juliette darted out of her room to the top of the stairs.

“Declan!” Juliette shrieked angrily. She could almost hear Jack’s sigh of relief and her brother growling in annoyance. Juliette waited several more minutes and when she didn’t hear any questionable commotions she slinked back into her room, surveying all the girls’ bags.

“I think we have everything now.”

“’bout damn time,” A voice chimed from behind her. Juliette pivoted around to see Alex standing behind her, a green beanie adorning his head and a smirk on his lips. He was standing just outside her doorway in the hall. “It’s only taken you,” He glanced at the nonexistent watch on his wrist before a blur crashed into him, sending Alex and the blur toppling to the floor.

“Like a bagillion hours.” Jack finished dramatically from his spot sitting on Alex. “Thanks for saving my life by the way, JuJu, I thought your brother was going to kill me.”

“You’re damaging the goods brah!” Her boyfriend couldn’t choose between coughing or laughing until Juliette and Jonnie dragged Jack off of him and Kara helped Alex to his feet.

“You damage his goods and I’ll damage yours.” Juliette threatened teasingly as Alex wound an around her waist. Jack looked horrified for only a fraction of a second before he began bouncing on the balls of his feet again like he had all morning. The friends turned away then, knowing the words about to leave Jack’s lips didn’t justify an answer anymore.

“Road trip! Road trip! Road Trip!”

“Shut up Jack!” They chimed.

“Road trip! Road trip! Road Trip!”

“Everyone grab a bag.” Juliette ordered, grabbing two herself and trying desperately to ignore the youngest in the camaraderie attending the trip.

“Jesus Christ these are all yours?” Alex questioned gawking at the ten bags.

“Nope, they’re mine too.” Kara piped up.

“And mine.” Jonnie chimed.

“Good thing we all stayed over last night and packed.” Kara remarked juggling three of her own bags out the door.

“No kidding,” Jonnie agreed, holding two bags in her hands as well as one in her arms as they moved toward the stairs.

“Do me a favor girls,” Alex called to them a he trailed behind the four friends, watching the bags balance precariously in their arms. “Don’t fall.”

“We won’t,” They chimed in unison.

“Now say ‘Good morning Charlie’,” Rian teased grabbing Kara’s bags.

“Good morning, Charlie.” The three friends grinned playing along.

“Once upon a time, there were three very different little girls... who grew up to be three very different women. But they have three things in common: They're brilliant, they're beautiful and they work for a band called All Time Low,”

The girls froze before turning toward each other with narrowed eyes. Abruptly, Juliette and Jonnie dropped their bags and turned toward Alex.

“Sorry hunny,” Juliette smirked. “But we don’t work for anyone.” With nothing more to say they spun on their heels and exited the house leaving a stunned Alex and a snickering Kara.


“Shut up, Kara.” Alex grumbled as he and Jack grabbed the bags and maneuvered out the front door. They made it half way across the lawn when a voice made the two freeze.

“I want to go.”

“Oh get off it, Missy.” Alex sighed in prolonged aggravation toward his favorite cousin. “Your mom said you can’t come, so you can’t come.”

“Why do you lot get to go and I can’t?” She demanded hurt, arms crossed over her chest and her lower lip jutting out in a pout. Jack opened his mouth to respond but he glanced between the cousins and decided against it. Juliette stood by several feet away looking amused on her own accord.

“Because you just pulled that face—the same one you’ve made since you were two.” Alex stated wryly. “No really, because you are 15 and we are 17.”

“Some of us are legal adults!” Matt added as he passed them to grab another suitcase on the front steps.

“The point is we are older and have caught the dreaded Senioritis.” Alex explained dramatically. “We must go or we’ll die.”

“One,” She began headedly, jabbing her finger at her cousin. “You are an idiot. Two, Jack is going and he is only a year older than me!”

“What the bloody hell do you want me to say Melissa?” Alex snapped heatedly. Juliette smiled in amusement, she loved how everytime the two fought their British accents came out. “I can’t just stow you away in the back of Sunny’s Impala.”

“Actually,” Jonnie muttered, “You could fit a body or two in that thing.” Matt and Zack threw her a look of deep suspicion but she just looked away and continued walking silently.

“Why not?” Missy challenged, her British accent growing stronger with rage. “What the bloody hell are you so afraid of? You think dear ol’ Dad is going to come after you?”

“Not funny.” Alex snapped deadpanned as he glared at her.

“No it’s not is it,” She mused looking away. “And your just going to leave me here alone with him.”

“Logan is staying, don’t be so dramatic.”

“Well isn’t that that pot calling the kettle black.” Missy quipped rolling her eyes.

“Look Miss, I don’t have time for this.”

“Please!” Missy begged, more urgently now at the prospect of being left behind. “I promise to be good. Please let me go!”

“I can’t babysit you, Missy! You've got Gaskarth in you’re blood, you attract trouble like bees to honey!”

“I’ll watch her.” Alex froze then and turned to see his best friend staring at him, all traces of immaturity gone.

“I’m sure he’ll do more than that,” Jonnie snickered lowly so only the girl beside her could hear.

“J, shut up!” Juliette hissed pushing her friend lightly, but a large grin spread across her lips knowing Jonnie's words to be true.

“You?” Alex questioned flatly, eyeing Jack.

“I’m a big girl Alex I can take care of myself.” Missy snapped trying to avert her cousin’s attention from Jack.

Alex’s eyes narrowed on Missy. “Don’t even get me started on that one.”

“Let her come Alex,” Juliette spoke up, the ruling voice in the situation.

Alex turned toward his girlfriend, slightly annoyed by her interference. Juliette caught the look in his eye immediately and her eyebrows rose, “This is Jonnie and I’s trip, I say let her come. Let her prove she’s not just a 15 year old idiot.” Missy’s jaw dropped but nothing left her lips.

“Fine,” Alex grunted turning away and storming toward the Impala. “But don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

“Oh this should be fun.” Jonnie smirked at the prospect of all hell breaking loose on this trip; she liked the odds.

Missy looked to Jack then, to tell her that all was well; but all he could do was smile weakly in response before turning for the silver car. Matt shoved the last bag into the back of Declan’s sports car before he climbed into the car with Jack and Missy.

“That’s the last of it!” Matt announced climbing into the seat beside Declan as Juliette slid into the driver’s seat of her Impala, Alex beside her, with Jonnie and Zack in the backseat. She twisted the key in the ignition, smirking at the song that issued through her speakers,

”There was a time and place,
Where I never thought,
I'd leave my own hometown,
But those days finally,
Are dead and gone,
It was never my intention to stay there,
Oh no,”
♠ ♠ ♠
I got Quickoffice for my iPod so now I can post from anywhere with wifi =]
hopefully the allignment and everything is okay...

Me watching Daybreakers, The Vampire Diaries, and listening to too much HIM is a bad combination. I end up going off on vampire story tangent. Any one feel like being subjected to that?

Comments are love!