Lyrical Love Letter

The Road To Paradise...took a detour

“Alex I know where I am fucking going.” Juliette snapped, her hands twisting the leather of the steering wheel until her knuckles whitened with anger.

“Obviously not,” Alex argued, his face buried in the map under his nose.

2,000 miles in a car was enough to make anyone a little tense. According to Alex, Juliette had made a wrong turn nearly ten miles back and refused to turn around and go back on track. Juliette argued that she knew exactly where she was going—this was the scenic route and Barkalow’s didn’t get lost. Zack and Jonnie had been wise to keep their mouths clamped firmly shut from the back seat. Their asses hurt from the hard leather seats, their legs were screaming to move, and Jonnie had to pee—but none of these things were worth the risk of loosing their lives over. So Jonnie sat back, her arms crossed over her chest, a look of amusement written all over her face as she watched the exchange unfold.

“How can this not bother you?” Zack leaned over, murmuring quietly. It had become apparent very quickly that both Juliette and Alex had what Jonnie like to call “bat hearing”. This became obvious when Alex and Juliette would mumble and grumble things under their breath and the respective other would hear it clear as day.

“I know Juliette,” Jonnie began softly. “I like to think I know Alex as well. These,” She gestured to the bickering couple, a smirk crawling across her lips. “They are arguing like an old married couple, not two people on the verge of breaking up and killing everyone else in the car.”

Zack took this into consideration as the two watched the arguing couple, a small smile working its way across the bassist’s chapped lips.

“They do act like an old married couple.” He said in agreement.

“Don’t tell them that,” Jonnie smirked with a chuckle. "Or you may very well get us both killed."

"Don’t tell them what?" the bubble around Zack and Jonnie popped as they both turned to see Alex twisted around in his seat facing the two while Juliette peered at them through the rear view mirror.

"Nothing," Jonnie smiled innocently.

Alex eyed the two with narrowed eyes, his eyebrows knitting together in suspicion. He eyed the two carefully for a moment before Alex seemed satisfied that the two weren't lying (luckily Zack was a good liar and Jonnie had perfected the poker face by fourteen) and had turned back around. To Juliette he said,

"Make a right up here, it's a jug handle and it will take us back to the right exit." and just like that the couple were bickering again.

"Do you think we'll stop soon?" Zack wondered as he attempted to stretch out his aching legs. "I'm not used to sitting in a car this long in one setting, my legs are cramping."

"That’s because this is inhumane. No one should be forced to endure this long of a car ride." Jonnie stated matter-of-factly as her head fell back against the headrest hopelessly. "We better be stopping soon because my bladder is on the verge of exploding."

"We wouldn't want that to happen," Zack replied smirking. His head lulled to the side facing her. It was then that Zack realized Jonnie had the bluest eyes he'd ever seen. How had he never noticed before? Her eyes were the color of his mother’s favorite gem--sapphires.

Jonnie turned away, breaking Zack's gaze as she looked toward the girl behind the wheel. "Juliette, my best friend, the hottest girl on the block," Juliette glanced over at her in the rearview mirror wordlessly. "Pull over the goddamn car before I pee all over your original 1967 leather interior." Jonnie ordered in her sweetest voice and Zack snorted in amusement beside her.

"Let's just get off this road first," Juliette suggested.

"That’s another 45 miles!" Jonnie cried, and then her face went hard as she glared at her best friend emotionlessly. "I can't wait another 45 miles Juliette."

"Well," Alex remarked. "You wouldn't have to wait another 45 miles if Sunny hadn't taken a wrong turn."

"Alex I swear to god," and just like that the couple was bickering again, their passengers forgotten in the backseat.

Jonnie groaned and threw her head back, giving up. Jonnie should have known driving cross-country was going to be a bad idea. Whose idea had this been anyway?

"This road trip was the worst idea ever," Jonnie griped. "It's going to turn me into a murderer if Juliette doesn't PULL THIS FUCKING CAR OVER." She said loud enough to be heard over the argumentative two in the front seats. Juliette and Alex didn't hesitate in their argument and Jonnie wondered if they'd even heard her. Jonnie whimpered and turned to Zack with the most pathetic look she could muster. Zack could only laugh in response.

"Hey, hey, hey!" he barked suddenly when the couple's fight rose an octave. The two hesitated, a deafening silence now resting within the muscle car as the attention then laid on Zack. Jonnie glanced at the three people she was forced to endure another several hours with, unable to believe that Zack the quietest of the group had gotten both Alex and Juliette to successfully shut up for any length of time. "I think we should pull over," he advised. "You know, get out of the car and stretch our legs. Get some fresh air and regroup." Juliette and Alex both opened their mouths to protest the suggestion but Zack was faster. "Because if you don't you can almost guarantee you two will be broken up by the time we hit the west coast."

"We're not going to break up," Juliette scuffed and Alex echoed her.

"Oh well that's reassuring," Jonnie snapped, "but it's not going to stop me from pissing in your car if you don't pull this shit over bitch." it was becoming evident to everyone that the more desperate, annoyed, and blown off Jonnie was the more vulgar she became. Zack had been wondering where the notorious Jonnie Posen he had heard so much about had been.

"Fine," Juliette grumbled grudgingly. "But know this, J, if you call me a bitch again Declan won't be the only one thrown out of a moving car."

"I'm sensing some tension here." Zack teased as Juliette pulled off the highway and into the parking lot of a seedy looking motel.

Juliette could only scuff in response.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah so this kind of sucked and its slightly fillerish I'll admit. But I just switched classes for the year so now I have four new classes (Hoping to drop one) and its like a new school year all over again. I'm trying to re-prioritize my life but its resulted in less writing time temporarily. That being said there probably wont be a new chapter to this until at least the first week of March.

So tell me you loved it, tell me you hated it, tell me how put out you are that you won't be seeing Juliette and Alex until March. Comments are love<3
