Lyrical Love Letter


“How the hell did you guys manage to afford this?” Zack questioned in awe as they walked into the pent house suit of the five star hotel they were currently invading. The floors were immaculately white; everything shined and gleamed while holding a new house scent.

“Daddy’s credit card.” Jonnie threw him a grin. “He may have tried to get rid of me but it wasn’t without its advantages.”

“Isn’t he going to be pissed?” Alex questioned before throwing himself down on one of the three black sofas.

“That’s the idea.” Juliette informed.

“I thought the idea was to kiss his ass so he doesn’t disown you?” Missy piped up as she disappeared into one of the many guest rooms filled with queen sized beds, fluffed pillows, and plush blankets.

“The thing with my father is, you have to piss him off a little bit before you can even get his undivided attention long enough to beg for your life.” Jonnie explained and then grumbled in an after thought, “I swear he loves that god damn phone more than me.”

“I doubt that,” Zack consoled as he put his arm around her shoulder. Jonnie admired him for his optimism and his good outlook on life but she knew better. She knew that in her father’s eyes, Jonnie was more of a nuisance than anything else to him.

She offered him a weak smile and her hand ghosted over his before she slipped out of his grasp.

“Alright listen,” Jonnie addressed the group. “There are two full size master suits. One is mine one is Sunny’s. Everyone else can fight over the other five rooms.”

It was silent for a moment, no one spoke or moved a muscle then all at once chaos broke out. Missy bolted for the room she had abandoned her belongings in, Jack shoved Rian out of the way for the room beside Missy’s, and Kara ran for the room diagonally from Missy’s, quickly pulling Rian inside with her before locking the door behind them.

“Why did you lock it?” Rian questioned curiously as his eyes scanned the room; a room which was twice the size of the one at home.

Kara opened her mouth to speak but suddenly someone was pounding on the door.

“Hey Rian, Kara,” A masculine voice called in a sing-song voice.

“I’m not letting you in Deck!” Kara informed, a wide grin on her face. She backed away from it as though afraid he would bust the door down.

“Why not?” Mock hurt filled his voice. “I just want to chill with you guys.” He stated innoncently

“I don’t think so.” Kara stated easily. “You see, if I let you in you’ll throw us out. You do the math: five spare rooms, seven of us. I’m sharing a room, you’re sharing a room.”

“Oh you’re sharing a room are you?” Rian spoke up. There was a playful edge to his voice as his arms wrapped around Kara’s waist from behind.

“Mhmm,” She smiled turning in his grasp to face him, her hands running up the front of his shirt.

“With who? It can’t be me because I’m sharing a room with Zack and I doubt you’d want to share a room with Jack.”

“Hmm,” Kara nodded seeming to think for a moment. “You know, I really doubt you are sharing a room with Zack.”

“And why is that?”

“Because I bet you $100 that Zack sneaks into Jonnie’s room tonight. I’m definitely not bunking with Jack-o because he’s playing House with Missy at the moment.”

“How are they playing house?” Rian questioned in confusion. “They’re barely speaking.”

“They’re in that sexually frustrated/pissed off stage that only results with one thing.” Rian waited for her to elaborate. “Make up sex.” She stated simply.

“Missy’s 15!” Rian shrieked on the verge of walking out the door and guarding Missy’s bedroom for the night.

“Really Rian?” Kara retorted. “You’re really going to pull the age card? I seem to remember a certain Christmas party that resulted in too much wine and an empty bedroom.”

Rian scowled, “That’s different.” He grunted.

“Different how?” She challenged.

“We loved each other then; we love each other now.”

Kara’s eyes turned soft and a small smile worked its way across her lips as she approached him.
“He doesn’t love her, Kara.” Rian murmured softly.

“That’s between the two of them.” She shrugged. “Besides, how old was Alex 12?” She retorted.

“13 or 14” he mumbled wincing.

“Yeah and Logan was no better.”

“Are you calling that family a slut?” Rian questioned in sudden amusement.

“Hey, you said it not me.” She wrapped her arms around Rian and held him close. “I think it’s nice that you care so much for Missy.”

“I can’t help it.” He grumbled reluctantly. “I’ve known her since she thought boys had cooties. She’s basically my sister.” Kara nodded wordlessly as Rian rested his head a top hers before something dawned on him. “Hey, what makes you think Zack and Jonnie are going to do something?”

“Oh babe,” Kara smiled at his ignorance before placing a kiss to his lips. “I love you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Suffering from a severe case of writers block. I have no idea how to get from point A to point B at the moment. It suckks.

Words of encouragement?