Lyrical Love Letter

Torn Hearts

Jonnie had retreated back into the sanctuary of her bedroom. She had never been so scared of her uncertain future before. Jonnie Posen had never been a girl with a lot to loose—until now.

All she had done was stand in the doorway, murmured his name helplessly and he had opened his arms to her, offering the reassurance she desperately needed. Jonnie lay against Zack, his arms locked around her body became the only thing she was sure of any more. Any amount of time away from the certainty and warmth of Zack had Jonnie feeling as though she was both drifting away and disappearing at the same time. The realization, the one word, of what Jonnie was experiencing scared her almost as much as the idea of never seeing this boy again.

Jonnie Posen, the steely, defensive, daring, no give a damn, girl was in love—and with a boy in a band no less. (Not that she would ever admit it).

“Will you tell me what is wrong?” Zack wondered, his voice soft as his breath blew against her bare shoulder. Her head was tucked beneath his chin as they lie in their queen size bed. Jonnie had cried silently for a good five minutes discretely, hoping Zack hadn’t noticed. Unfortunately she didn’t realize her tears had splashed his hand, each and every one of them, but Zack understood her level of pride and had pretended not to notice.

“We’re going to loose it all,” She whispered emotionlessly. “Sunny, Declan, and I, we are going to loose everything.”

Zack’s arms instinctively tightened around her. She was solid and real against him and Zack was determined not loose her.

“You aren’t going to loose everything. We’re going to leave California together. Juliette and Alex, Rian and Kara, Declan, Missy and Jack, you and I. Everything is going to be okay, you’ll see.”

One of the many reasons Jonnie had been initially drawn to Zack was for his strength. There was a level of warmth and strength in him that Jonnie had rarely seen in anyone their age. Jonnie needed someone in her life who could be just as strong as she was, yet have a warm enough, patient enough, heart to thaw her own; she had found that in Zack.

Jonnie knew she could confide in Zack and she would, if only to spare him, give him time to distance himself and lessen the blow of her leaving she would.

“No,” She whimpered shaking her head as her eyes glazed with fresh tears. “I’ve got this feeling eating away at my gut.” She turned in his arms until she face him, her hand cupping his cheek. “Our stories don’t end together, the bands, and us. Juliette, Declan, and I—this isn’t our story, this isn’t our happily ever after.”

“It could be if you let it,” He murmured, it was then that Zack too felt as though Jonnie was slowly disappearing, slipping away right out of his arms.

“No,” Her lower lip trembled as fresh tears cascaded down her blotchy cheeks. “I’ve had this feeling before, this dread in my stomach.” She bit her lip, avoiding his gaze. “The last time I had this feeling was the night of our race in New York. Juliette almost died that night. It was because of that night that I was sent away and it was just one of the reasons that ultimately led Renee to take the twins from the city.”

Zack knew that no words could comfort Jonnie in this state; he knew nothing would expel the dread within her. So Zack tried another approach.

“Close your eyes,” He took her hand and placed it over his heart, her fingertips cool against his flush skin. “Do you feel that?” He murmured, feeling her rub her thumb over the skin beneath her hand.

“Your heart.”

“You can feel it beneath your hand. You can feel me,” He rubbed her cheek soothingly. “I’m right here J,” He remaindered. “You’re right here. Just live Jonnie. The future, in the words of one Natasha Bedingfield, is still unwritten.” Jonnie smiled at how unbelievably corny he could be. “You can’t change or fix things that haven’t yet happened. Worrying about the future, about things out of your control, are just going to make you go prematurely grey, babe.”

Jonnie opened her eyes and smiled at him. “I could stay here in this moment with you forever.”

Zack pressed his lips to hers softly, “I’ll stay until you ask me to leave.”

But they both knew she would never ask that.

Juliette was gazing at her cityscape view out her window while Alex showered. Her mind roamed beyond the four walls that hid her, beyond the building she dwelled in, her mind wondered past the palm trees, across the over pass, to a building barely visible on the horizon. It wasn’t as a tall as similar closer buildings, nor was it as extravagant. It was 6 floors, 6 damnable floors that each held a certain sense of loathing for Juliette and Jonnie. Juliette knew the layout of this building like the back of her hand. She had memorized the blue prints when she had done a few things she wasn’t too proud of in order to free Jonnie.

She knew that Louis spent most of his day, if not his life, on the third floor behind a red oak desk—the same desk that Jonnie and Juliette had both defaced a time or too. She thought of his thin mouth, his pale complexion, his hooked nose, and his dark eyes—he was nothing like his stunning model like daughter. Juliette had her own vendetta against the man. The fact that he had tried to have some kind of authority over her was just an insult in the time that Juliette had spent in L.A. Juliette had a douche bag, flake of a father, anex step-father who had been the world to her, she didn’t needed Mr. Posen trying to act all authoritative on her as well.


Juliette jumped, her eyes as wide as saucers, as she turned to face none other than Alex himself. Of course that didn’t stop Juliette’s heart from flying out of her chest and her hand cementing itself to her chest as though to stop said vital organ from leaving her body.

“Jesus Alex,” she gasped.

“Woah sorry.” Alex’s hands flew up in front of him. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“Its okay,” Her body had relaxed but her heart was still trying to relax. She turned back out the window, taking no interest in her boyfriend’s half naked form, (which Alex admitted bummed him a bit).

“Where is your head at Sunny?” Alex questioned softly as he stuck a strand of hair behind her ear. He watched his girlfriend curiously, knowing that her mind was miles away, buried deep in suppressed memories that Alex wasn’t sure she would ever share.

“Nothing, I-“ But Juliette didn’t want to voice the heaviness that had settled in her heart, the uncertainty that was growing were last nights meal should be. Juliette didn’t want him to worry, she didn’t want to extinguish the glint in Alex’s eye that had shimmered ever since they crossed out of Maryland’s state lines. “Nothing,” She sighed. “Just thinking.”

“You know you can talk to me,” he murmured pressing his lips to her temple. “You scare me sometimes Juliette, your ability to live in your head with this idea that you can fix everything worries me.”


“Because you have a superhero complex and while I love you for it, as far as I know you haven’t been bitten by a radioactive spider, you aren’t from Krypton, and you don’t own a Bat Mobile.” He stated, a teasing edge to his voice. “I’ve seen that look before,” He mused, as he wrapped his arms around her. “You’ve got that, ‘I can handle the entire world crashing down and still make it home without a scratch’ look in your eye.”

“My world has fallen to pieces before,” Juliette stated lightly. “It’s nothing new.”

She twisted in his arms, her own winding around his waist as she smiled up at him. Alex gazed at her adoringly, his eyes locked with hers.

“That doesn’t make me worry any less.”

“And I love you for it.” Juliette smiled, solidifying her statement with a kiss.