Lyrical Love Letter

Lie With Me And Just Forget The World

Juliette, Jonnie, and Declan returned to the hotel later that day with ashen looks upon their model-like features. It was this look that sucked the happy carefree atmosphere out of the hotel. It was a look that left Alex, Zack, and the others with somber faces, as they stood frozen in the kitchen facing the trio.

No one seemed to know what to do or how to move as everyone drank in the severity of the situation. Alex however seemed to grasp reality first for he stepped forward and wrapped Juliette in his arms where she was safe and real, never being able to imagine her one-day leaving him.

“What do we do now?” He questioned softly against her shoulder.

“We do the only thing we can do,” She murmured emptily. “we go home. We go back to where we belong.”

Alex nodded, breathing in the scent of raspberries, before he stepped away from her, nodding to himself.

“Right, okay, good.” He stated unsure of what else to say, his mind beginning to work in overdrive in knowing that she would be sent away from him. “We should pack then,” He turned to their group of friends, their own created family. “We have to pack.”

The others nodded silently aside from Zack who stepped forward and took Jonnie into his arms in a similar manner Alex had. But it was Jonnie who lost it. It was Jonnie’s sobs startled the silence and filled the air with pain. Jack reached for Missy, the two of them thankful for each other, before they disappeared into his bedroom. Kara tugged Rian away and Declan had suddenly disappeared from sight.

“C’mon,” Alex murmured as he guided her toward the sanctuary of their bedroom.

Juliette said nothing as she stood within the room; Alex seeming to move too fast for her to understand as he pulled out their suitcases.
Juliette wished her life could be this simple, to just pick up and leave with boy she loved and go someplace safe. She wished it was this painless.

But her heart seemed to hurt almost prematurely at the events that would take place in her future. Her mind thought of leaving Alex, of never seeing the band flourish into what she knew they could become. She thought of Missy, her new misunderstood overlooked friend, who would somehow have to find her legs and run without her.She thought of Zack and Jonnie who would never get what they deserved together, whose relationship was over before it could begin.

It was then that Alex noticed his detached girlfriend, amidst his furious packing and racing mind.

“Hey,” Alex’s voice was soft in her ear as he approached her, concern etched into his face. He cupped her cheek in his calloused hands, his thumb running over her lips. “It’s going to be okay.”

Her lively eyes, always so filled with spirit and strength and determination were now empty and defeated as her sad doe eyes rose to meet his. Juliette didn’t have the strength to fight him on this, she had little strength to do anything other than lie on her bed and never move again.

“I love you,” She whispered brokenly, closing her eyes as his forehead rested against hers. “No matter what.”

“Don’t talk like that, you aren’t going anywhere,” His voice hardened in determination. “I wont let you.”

She smiled softly at his willfulness, if only it was so simple.

“Don’t think about that stuff now,” Alex ordered in a hard voice. “Just don’t. Think about now. Think about me and you.”

A flicker of a smile worked its way across her lips, “Make me,”

Surprise flashed across Alex’s features before something else took its place. Alex studied Juliette for a moment, drinking in her beauty and wondering how a guy like him had gotten a girl like her. She was striking to him, from her perfect porcelain complexion, her wide beautiful oaken eyes that always managed to convey her feelings, to her perfect smile that lit up any room she stepped into.

Then his lips were upon hers, meshing against each other in perfect sync. His hands went to her hips, drifting up under the thin material of her shirt as silent tears cascaded down Juliette’s cheeks as she gasped into the kiss when his tongue grazed her bottom lip and she allowed him entrance.

Forget,” He kissed the corner of her mouth, “forget,” He kissed the edge of her jaw, “forget.” his lips moved to her neck. He said this one singular solitary word over and over again like a chant to make her forget the troubles that plagued them both.

But what Alex didn’t realize was that it was not quite his words that willed away Juliette’s overactive worried mind, it was his touch. It was his lips on her face and neck, it was his calloused fingers gently touching the sensitive skin of her hip as his hand ghosted under and up her shirt then under and down her jeans.

But Juliette did forget. For one last time Juliette and Alex were granted their perfect carefree bliss one last time…
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Totally over do but it's all I got. I've been so busy for various reasons which are actually explained more fully in my 'Speechless" update. But hopefully I can get back on track with my stories. I'm particularly adamant about finish this story by the end of January/Mid February but we'll see. Hopefully I'll get out another update for L.L.L within the next week.