Lyrical Love Letter


When Juliette entered the Dawson house, she realized just how much of a struggle this was going to be for her. Her mother had taken off and Declan and Juliette both knew that she had no intention of coming back any time soon, she was basically left to her own devices being in a house full of guys—Uncle Ben, Declan, Rian…and Juliette wasn’t nearly close enough to her aunt to even factor the woman into the equation

She also never really considered the fact that she would actually be sharing a room with her twin brother. Isn’t there some unwritten rule saying that girls don’t share a room with their brother? But that was exactly what Juliette was being forced to do. Juliette had been forced to do a lot of things lately. She’d been forced to live with her estranged family, she’d been forced to share a room for the first time in her life (with her brother no less), she would be forced to tolerate Rian’s motley group of friends, and she began forcing herself to do things she did not want to do; example? Melanie.

Juliette had grudgingly joined cheerleading and for all the wrong reasons and Declan was giddy with what would come of it; Declan loved very few things more than he loved trouble. Declan knew Juliette, he knew that it would end in nothing short of a disaster but Juliette was okay with that, she would bring Melanie down with her.

“You know you’ve complete turned around.” Declan commented one night, cross-legged on the bed parallel to his sister’s own twin sized one.

“What are you talking about?” She mumbled as her eyes scanned a through the newest issue of PEOPLE magazine.

“You’re actually tolerant.” There was a teasing edge to her brother’s voice but she ignored him as she turned the page in her magazine.

“There is a distinct difference between tolerance and waiting for the opportune moment to beat the crap out of someone.” Juliette replied easily, her bubble gum smacking against her lips. Declan shook his head laughing under his breath. He lay back on his bed and tossed the football up into the air before catching it again.

“So, how’s your new BFF?” Declan questioned, the teasing edge still in his voice as he glanced over at his sister’s form. She was frozen and her eyes were glaring holes into the glossy pages of her magazine.

“What BFF?” She questioned slowly, her eyes meeting his as Juliette glared at her twin. In Juliette’s mind she had not made any ‘BFF’. She had made friends, and with the passing day plenty of enemies, coming in the form of tightly wound hair buns and pom-poms but no BFF’s.

“You know…Melanie.” He stated soberly; Declan was enjoying this. “and Alex.” Juliette’s eyes narrowed at her twin as she gave up on reading her magazine and instead made use of it by throwing it at her brother who was now laughing at her openly.

“Why are you such an ass?” She questioned with a sigh.

“Why are you on such a high horse?” Declan retorted, “It’s just going to hurt more when you fall.”

“When I fall? What makes you think I’ll fall?”

“You always fall Juliette.” Declan rose from his bed and made his way toward the door. “Fall for guys, fall from pyramids, trip and fall, fall from grace.” He moved quickly through the open door before slamming it shut behind him just in time to hear the soft thud of a pillow impacting on the opposite side. Declan laughed to himself before shaking his head and moving down the hallway.

“I don’t fall.” Juliette grumbled crossing her arms over her chest like a defiant three year old. “I don’t.”
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So 38 readers on the last chapter and only one comment [even though I <3 DearJamieSincerelyMe for her rad commenting skills] does anyone else find that slightly odd? 38 readers and only 1 comment.