
Oli The Fiend

Evelyn was home for the first time in a long time.
The instant that the night rolled in; a blue moon blaring outside her bedroom window like yet another portal to another world, the air thick with musk and darkness, and she was out.
She would escape.

In the beginning, Evelyn usually had no choice but to sneak out through the front entrance; not a chance in hell she could even attempt to climb out any second story exit. She never was that daring, or in her opinion, psychotic.

When she confided the reality to Oli, he couldn't help but laugh sweetly and ask why she had to sneak around when she should be able to leave whenever she wanted. He found humor in the fact that she was 24 years old and still afraid to do what she pleased.
Technically, metaphorically, and in all other senses of the word, she was an adult; and as an adult, an equal to her father and that fucking Carolyne, she had the right to wave the middle finger in their faces and get away with it.

She would always smile at her boyfriend when he played the scene out in her mind, for she could see him doing it (even wondered if he had).

As she turned over in her bed, she tried to get comfortable in a place that felt so foreign at that time of the night. Usually, she would be in that wretched, yet unforgettable van with her favorite boys in the world; 'bashing grannies and fucking sluts' as any of them would put it light heartily.

This would obviously transcend to going to the club and performing; most likely getting drunk beforehand. Evelyn never understood why they put their bodies through such extensive alcohol intake if they were supposed to be the extremely talented individuals who would pluck guitar strings furiously, beat on numerous drums and cymbals in an intricate rhythm, or entice their audience by passionate screams. In order to convey this properly, one would think that the men would be more careful of their booze. That they would be serious about their art instead of getting trashed.

But Nicholls told her the opposite.

It had nothing to do with being uncommitted to what they were doing; quite the contrary: they drank in order to properly perform. When under the influence of such a substance, it coaxes your nerves; helping you to relax. So many alcoholics out there do exactly the same thing to relieve themselves of the stress on their back from a heavy day of work etc.

The band needed every drop left in their glass so they could deal with the pressure of the crowd and on themselves. It would be unthinkable to face all those people who expect you to show them a good time without being intoxicated. If they didn't fully indulge in the drink, they would probably trip over themselves and suffer from an intense paranoia they've never known and never wanted to.

Evelyn never thought of it that way, but only because she didn't think to add irony to the equation. It was strange to imagine that they used the excuse of getting drunk in order to prevent unwanted behavior, but then again, she was sure that she had never seen them not drunk.

The entire time, searching through all her memories, Evelyn repeatedly witnessed the same intoxicated behavior inside and outside the club. In the van, at that luncheon, and anywhere else they might have been. It were pretty subtle most of the time, except for a few occasions in that alleyway exiting the venue where Nicholls once threw a bottle over her head; barely missing her scalp.

It all depended on the individual: Curtis couldn't hold his alcohol to save his life. Always saying something off the wall; attempting something stupid; always something.

He was the scape goat for any situation, and could be ridiculed at any time as a form of entertainment. Yes, it was cruel in some form, but with always being smashed, a constantly fleeting mindset, being deaf in one ear and blind in an eye, he really was destined down that path.

Matt was the next worst one, for he was always one of the biggest talkers on those alleyway nights, and of course the not-to-be forgotten almost attack on Corey, all due to the rum and cheap beer swishing around in his stomach and the liver unable to process it in enough time.

Kean and Lee were pretty leveled for the next placing, needing a little more alcohol than their other two companions who seemed to get buzzed off of water. They didn't act as outrageous either, just hazy eyed and late on their responses. They were the kind of drunks to suffer from temporary retardation when having too much to drink.

Which only left Oli.

He was the only one to ever have a clear head, and always taking control of the situation. He told Evelyn that he had begun drinking from the ripe age of 16, and had grown immune to its sneaky way of taking control of a person. That was quite an immunity, for he never really played the part of the town drunk unless it were a couple times in the van or in the alley maybe once.

It was because he always had his eye on his girlfriend in making sure that he was constantly there by her side and fully aware of everything he was doing. He didn't want all of him and his mates to leave her to take care of them; that wasn't her job in the slightest. At the least, he would be right there with her to keep them in line and in a steady line to the van.

Tom was still in the picture (off to the side or in a corner), completely sober as an infant, but never really said a word unless spoken to or hardly motivated. Sadly, no one really made an effort to pull him out of his shell and shown as a normal (and even more) young adult.

In the past couple of weeks, however, after that faithful day in the restaurant, it looked as though he were trying to turn things around. As though heart-fully, genuinely, to become a bigger part of the group. He made more facial expressions towards the activity revolving around him, laughed every time someone said something funny instead of holding it in.

They took notice rather quickly to this strange and unexpected turn of events and welcomed it with open, swaying arms. Evelyn saw it as a new finding; she had never witnessed his true personality, even if it was in a smaller dose than true, but at least it was something.

Nicholls even patted him roughly on the shoulder and cheered "You're back!", to which the rest of them yelled and shouted their happiness; ironically causing the youngest to softly recoil with an obvious smile stuck on his face.

He liked that very much, even if it embarrassed the hell out of him.

It was that type of praise required to get the baby Sykes to rise up from his timid, seemingly-permanent habitat and to the inner essence that everyone was bound to fall in love with.

The instance was clear as day in Evelyn's serene conscience; transparent to the point where she felt as though she were there once again, the smells and feels and overall atmosphere resurrected from where they were put to rest and roaming like nonthreatening zombies. This didn't assist in getting its master conjurer to a state of complete relaxation, however.
It only made her become more restless in a somewhat sedative (but not yet submissive) position. The type of insomnia only experienced by a true patient of the disease, instead of an occasional visitor only staying awake due to a never leaving stress.

Only she never had insomnia on a basis.

She wasn't disrupted by stress of any kind, not even crossing her mind. It was the reality that she didn't have any sort of dilemma plaguing her; not even a plan to go out later on.
It's been a while, but Evelyn was finally alone.

She wasn't being pestered in the middle of the day when she was normally sleeping by Carolyne the Slime who would ooze into her room like poisonous gas to tell her to get up and do something with her life. Evelyn was doing something with her life, just not in the way that her housemaid would approve of. Then again, that's why she was a housemaid and not her mother.

Carolyne was supposed to run around the mansion and keep her mouth shut.

But of course, she never obliged by the rules like the hired help should. She had been cleaning that house for years and knew she wouldn't get fired. Without her, everything could possibly fall off its axis and that pristine manor would turn into a madhouse.
No wonder she used this to her advantage in being vindictive.

Evelyn hated to acknowledge it, but every now and then she had to just so she wouldn't lose her temper with the older woman.

The pillow her head was perched upon was too hot to try and sleep on, so she flipped it over to the colder side and in a brighter expectation that it would help her catch some REM sleep. She must have only been laying on that side of the cotton for a couple minutes before there was a disrupting crack on her window. She disregarded it as only another irregularity of nature clashing momentarily with her domestic habitat, and closed her eyes to find a peace that was too far away in the first place to grasp.

Soon, the piercing distraction returned and it was enough to get Evelyn out of her goose feathered bed and beckoning. She opened the curtains to her window and looked out. There was no dead bird face down on her porch from an accidental smack with the glass, or a couple pebbles thrown by her lover to make his presence known.

No, Oli made it known by actually standing there on her balcony knocking.

Evelyn took a deep breath to calm down those speeding nerves; that returning adrenaline that had only been out of her system for twelve hours, and tried not to have a heart attack. It was completely unexpected to show up like that unannounced, but she couldn't say that she didn't like it.

His appearance was normal for this bizarre occurrence; clad in a black hoodie, black skinny jeans, and black vans. He looked like a scene ninja, ready to kick some posers' asses, and not to do something so casual as visiting his girlfriend.
He smirked at her stricken reaction.

"Yeh look like yef seen a ghost."

"I-I'm just, surprised, that's all. Hi."

He raise the hand that was probably used as a fist to rap against her door and gave a small wave; a cute little smile on his face. Oli resembled a child in that moment, and Evelyn couldn't help but chuckle.

He questioned with an even bigger one.

"Oh, you just looked adorable, that's all."

"Well, 'f tha's the case, suprised yeh aren' laughin' all the time."

She rolled her eyes playfully at his amazing ability to inflate his ego and merely hit his shoulder, to which he grabbed a hold of her wrist as she tried retracting it and pulled her up against his chest.

Evelyn didn't refuse the sudden brush of their bodies, clearly, and just stared into his eyes as he continued smiling.

"What are you doing here? There's not a show tonight,"
She asked in a hushed and continuing voice, either because of their close proximity or the fear of being heard (although that were impossible).

"Teh see yeh love,"
As though it were the most obvious answer.
"and seein' yeh wiff the guys an' a million others 's no fun, I never get yeh alone."

It was very true.
More than 90 percent of Oli and Evelyn's relationship was spent at all of Oli's shows or other miscellaneous locations that almost never pertained to the couple being alone, and the only instances where it was the two of them was when he walked Evelyn to her door (while the boys were waiting and watching in the van), or when they caught a second to peck each other on the lips as good luck before he performed.

They had talked for hours sometimes via telephone, but that could only compensate for so long until the physical side of their relationship was screaming and hollering on the opposite boundary; itching to be fulfilled. They were both in their early twenties, and have had their share of intimate encounters and significant others; they weren't a couple of virgins, more easily put.
No doubt, Oli was there to relieve all the built-up sexual tension.

Evelyn nodded knowingly, feeling guilty about the situation.
"I know, I'm sorry."

He looked at her sweetly, and from when he got a hold of her wrist, he slowly moved his hand down to the ends of her fingers and entwined them together with his own.

"'s not yer fault, jus' wondered what it'd be like teh have yeh teh myself wiff'out a time limit."

She laughed, the type of laugh only seen by the best of friends and closest family members that genuinely arises from your mouth; a small dose of your essence bubbling up when you couldn't be happier and the other person says something that reminds you of why you love them so much. It's the sweetest sound to ever come from a human, and Oli beamed at the reaction.

Her eyes had closed softly from the impact of humor, and she pulled him closer to lay her head on his shoulder. He liked being in such contact with her, and loved it even more when she would take it upon herself to initiate that contact.

He moved his chin to the top of her head; looking out at the sky.

There were hardly any stars because they were close to the city, but in the other direction behind him were even more; only Evelyn able to see them from past his neck where her nose barely touched. She didn't want to look at that universe though; it would be there until the end of time, but the man who held her so close wouldn't.

Who really knew how long the two would actually be together, and to think it would be until their dying days was a naive and utterly stupid way of living. It was impossible that two individuals so young and with so many changes to still encounter would be cohesive in those transitions and able to tolerate, daring to still love, each other. They had to experience more types of people, then maybe in their mid-thirties settle down.

With each other though: unlikely.

Neither one of them hoped to be soul mates, for they were well aware of and acknowledged these realities. All they wanted, for the time being, was to enjoy each other, and once it wore out, they would be on their separate paths.

So what if the feelings they experienced were stronger than with any other boyfriend or girlfriend. So what if their bonding up to this point was purely intellectual; a vast difference from many other relationships.

It didn't mean they had been split apart in the heavens only to reunite on Earth. It didn't mean that this was a sign of being soul mates.

This was love, which is a very different concept.
Love can be strong for a period of time before something happens that causes it to dwindle; isn't it merely a more severe case of infatuation? Destined mates, on the other hand, sounds so permanent.

That whole 'universe alignment' and a 'glowing outline of your true love' fantasy that is a figment of the deprived population's mind.

People can't fucking glow.

The two knew this; knew that you couldn't try to find something that doesn't exist. That's why people are always so devastated when someone lets them down in one way or another: they have these unreachable expectations that they've only seen in movies and read in books.

They can only be found in these two places because both are conjured by minds, and minds display perfection, and people aren't perfect.

People aren't perfect and they can't fucking glow.

You just have to take what is given to you or what you take from others, and wait until the shine wears off.

Evelyn moved her mouth to his neck and pressed a hard kiss on the side. She listened as her boyfriend deeply sighed at the gesture; tightening his grip on her waist. She hadn't even realized that he let go of her hand in the first place and moved it to her pelvis.

The tips of his fingers clasped her protruding skin as she continued to leave her lips there; sucking a bit. It felt weird for her at first, doing this to her own lover, partly because it was a new involvement in their relationship, and because she feared she would absorb the tattoo ink from deep under his skin even though she was barely trying.
It was the nerves fucking up her mind.

He wasn't objecting to this action though, and definitely wasn't concerned about his grafted art if it were even possible to disappear. He took in this moment, this happening; a large shift in their relationship by slowly letting his eyes close and enjoying all the feelings coursing through his masterly charted out canvas of a body.

What was going on could hardly constitute as anything truly substantial, especially at their mature ages, but Oli's nervous system was showing him what it was like to be overreactive and make every part of him 10x more sensitive to Evelyn's touch.

Ever since they started going out, four months ago, and he hasn't layed a promiscuous hand on another girl. Hadn't even thought of it.

He was really good about keeping to himself when he knew he had commitments to another girl; wasn't as if he were tempted even the slightest anyway. Oli really liked Evelyn, and wouldn't fuck up anything by getting cheap thrills and boundary-robotic touches from a tart.

He didn't submit to the temptations of a tool, or any normal man his age and older for that matter, and maybe that was mostly because Evelyn was gorgeous. She was one of the most attractive girls he had seen in Wilcom, if not the most attractive, and wasn't going to be one of those brainless males who cheated on their beautiful mates for a goblin.

Not to mention, she was the governor's daughter.
You don't leave them on bad terms, and he didn't really want to.

So really, the point of the matter is, he was getting a boner fast just from his girlfriend performing the lightest definition of a sexual act upon him. She noticed soon, and brought her face away from him to see his lids still shut, and chuckled.
He opened them quickly and looked at her.

"...Already Oli?"

He blushed.
That was the first time ever she'd seen it. The rare tint on his face was something about him that had been disregarded; as though she had forgotten about that phenomena entirely and didn't even think it would ever come from him. But there it was, as clear and contrasting as day, and for once, it was nice to see Oli in the hot seat like that. Especially if she was the one to spark it.

"uh, sorreh. 's been a while Eve.

He had never called her that, so the cut of her name even more signaled his anxious self. His anxious hands that were now sliding around her hips to prompt her to proceed with the soft core eroticism he had been waiting for. His anxious tongue that was idling just above it's bottom; desiring so much that he could taste Evelyn's saliva from a couple days before; since the last time they kissed on the mouth.

He was in heat in the shivering night, and wanted to warm her up even if she was just as hot. All the fantasies to ever tour through his conscience were having their way with his pleas now.

The times he imagined Evelyn wearing a navy plaid skirt, white silk blouse, and knee high stockings; almost devouring her face as she was pushed up firmly against the wall, then he'd run his hands across the goosebumps on her thighs and slid up the breezy clothing with ease.

When he would think about grabbing her hand from the crowd, right from the front, and pull her up on stage. She would hold such an admiration in those piercing blue eyes, and maybe be embarrassed by the sudden attention put on her. He wouldn't care, because in the ecstasy of his current performance and the overreaching energy of the crowd and his band, he would grab her face and kiss it.
Stick that anxious tongue in her mouth and roam.
Lay her down on the pulsating stage and remain above her.
Lift off his shirt.
Take her's off.
Remove all other clothing.

Fuck her right there in front of all his friends and fans.

He could imagine just seeing the look on her face; so full of shock, awe, and pleasure. Her nails digging into the hide that is his back, all eyes on the two of them, and the band still pumping out music as he pounded her just as hard.

Or there was even once where he thought about fucking her in the band van, just in the name of the heightened thrill. He could lead her inside the cramped interior and pin Evelyn by the wrists to the uncomfortable fabric of one or the other row of seats. The vehicle would shake slightly on its axis as he would push inside her with a dominant force that would have obscenities and incomprehensible noises spew from such a pretty mouth.

Her clammy hand would finally smack the glass after Oli had already moved his grasps to her pre-bruised hips to pound harder, then maybe one of their friends could approach the van, forgetting something vital from the previous night, and upon seeing the rocking automobile and heavy condensation, they either back away immediately (or if you were dense like Curtis), continue walking to investigate and feed the curiosity.

They could be found in the middle or towards the end of their act; sweat coating their bodies and still slapping skin.

Oli had thought out these three scenarios in grave detail and various more: banging his girlfriend on a desk in a teacher's class, janitors' closet, neighborhood park at midnight, graveyard, and his parents' bedroom that could possibly be equipped with more mirrors.
He had imagined all of it, and it helped get through the mornings when all he could do was masturbate.

It wasn't that Evelyn was stingy, they just hadn't had the right moment to fornicate. He was never able to get to her house due to his still thriving inability to drive, and he sure as hell wasn't going to ask Nicholls to drop him off then pick him up. Not only would endless teasing about his intentions ensue, but Oli would have felt unbelievably humiliated about having to bum rides off his mates to see his girlfriend. Just the thought put a bad taste in his mouth and could kill any boner that he currently had.

It was saved, however, by Evelyn placing her mouth on his ear and whispering, "Well let's fix that.", then cupped her hand on the back of his neck; grabbing at his hair greedily.

Oli soon snapped out of the pitiful thoughts of getting rides from his best friend and was left with the bakers' dozen of sexual daydreams. It turned him on even more, needless to say, towards Evelyn's charms and actions to bring them closer to the wall by the balcony door; not quite going inside yet.

It was one of the colder nights out there in Wilcom, but either the two were numb (unlikely) or caught up in the immense contact of their reunion (likely). They couldn't feel the pressure of the breezes, couldn't hear the howls of nearby dogs, and couldn't see the scenery encompassing them.

They could only feel each other's exploring hands.
They could only hear their own grunts and moans.
They could only see each other, and the closely located bed.

Oli felt so overwhelmed of that familiar, yet almost forgotten feeling of being touched or kissed by a woman that he wanted to skip all the foreplay and get the two of them naked. At the same time he was enjoying it two times over though, and moved Evelyn's face up to his to meet in a shy and passionate kiss.

She met oh so willingly in the sweet, but mature act of allowing her tongue to skid over his pierced lips, to which he opened up his mouth and let their spit coalesce. She had been waiting for this just as badly; wanting to lift up her night gown and allow him to take over.

It sounded like the most obvious and desirable plan, but another, more sentimental part of her said to make this moment memorable. To make it beautiful and worth something, not quick and in a only spurred heat of the time being. She wanted the both of them to be gentle with the other and for Oli to carry her, bridal style, to her canopy bed and delicately take off her short dress, then softly caress her skin as he went inside her without a single ounce of violent obsession.

This seemed so uncharacteristic of Oli, so she opted for the first option: him fucking her brains out.

It was fastly becoming the right option after all as the tattooed sex fiend had her back against the wall they were steadily heading to and ran his hands straight up her sides; sending tingles in their midst. His hungry fingers and palms began up past her curves, and across to meet each other at her breasts. Oli squeezed them and heard Evelyn gasp, as though pushing the chest of a stuffed bear to hear it say "hello" or "I love you".

He had the privilege of listening to this before he decided to move his phalanges back on down to her waist, and it were as though they traded roles because she weakly moved her hands down his chest; grabbing the zipper of his jacket on the way. It caused the two pieces of fabric that were only connected by a simple metal contraption to immediately disperse, leaving Oli with an open hoodie.

He hastily took it off, with Evelyn's assistance, and began kissing her again as though they had never broken apart. This was the point in their hot reunion where they would shed clothing, article by article, before it became too cold and they would have no choice but to move to the bedroom. For Evelyn, all that had to be removed was her gown before she was tragically shivering, and Oli in his boxers and socks as he put his arm around her shoulders and quickly led her inside.

The bedroom was spotless, for Carolyne or one of her other peons had been there and cleaned it up. They technically weren't even supposed to be in her room, by Evelyn's own personal request, so it must have indeed been the head, uncaring boss maid who scavenged through all her things in search of an answer to Evelyn's sudden mood changed from extreme depression to being content.

Evelyn could give a shit at the time, for she was even happier than she could remember and was about to have sex for the first time with the most gorgeous boyfriend she had had.

They were backing up to the bed just as they were backing up to that stone wall only a couple yards away, only faster because the anticipation was clear by the increasingly desperate kisses and stumbling limbs. After a few seconds of trying to comply with such a system, Oli's lack of patience finally bothered him enough to suddenly grab the backs of her thighs and hoist them up to his waist; carrying her for a limited time so they could just get to the damn bed.

Evelyn didn't even hold the nerve to chuckle at his anxious actions only because she was just as desperate in engaging in more sexual endeavors.

Plus, it was great preparation for spreading her legs.

Every bone, muscle, and vein in her body was throbbing ecstatically; positive that her lover feel it most sensitively against his groin. The very thought that they were finally, after for 2 1/2 months, going to be having sex hit her again like a freight train, and excited her all over for a second time.
It was almost too complicated to comprehend.

Oli kissed the side of her temple for a brief time before he let the both of them collapse upon her soft, goose feathered comforter; him on top with her legs wrapped around his pelvis.

If they were naked = perfect position for fucking.

He hovered above her, stopping all obvious romanticism, and just stared at his Evelyn. This was that element that she had once been waiting for; that sentimental observing of one another that had been kicked out by the lust and passion.
Well, the passion was still very much alive, it was just downgraded back to the real level of compassion they had for one another. It was clouded by those touches and those kisses previously mentioned a pretty decent amount of times, but alas, their real sides had returned in that small space of time, and that was just enough of the devoted and delicate amount that Evelyn needed.

Oli ran his right hand down the form of her face, not making a sound. He traced the lines and dips that made up her profile with an amount of care she had not yet seen, one that left her stunned and sinking more into the mattress, and Oli then brought his face closer, inch by inch to her forehead.

His chapped lips moved against her skin in the sweetest structure of words to ever grace her ears.
"You're everything to me, beautiful."

In that moment, for Evelyn, she knew those words would forever be etched into her mind; never to be forgotten. She had a feeling that Oli wasn't one to go the predestined route of "I love you", for he was pegged as someone astronomically different from any other human with a dick, therefore, he would surely think of something more creative (let's add the common knowledge of him being a lyricist too); he would create a statement all on his own which could account for so much more than a cliche so worn out, it was uttered to strangers.

It meant more to Evelyn to hear Oli say something that held more poetry and integrity.

She couldn't deal with all the sentiment packed into what he said though, so she just followed her own automatic instinct of beaming her brightest in what was most-likely her entire life, and kissed him again. He only allowed her to peck his lips, for he was still engrossed in that special moment, and just stared down at her as he let his hands make their way down her thighs again, and glide back up.

"Good thing I shaved today."

Oli paused in his attempts at seduction and looked into Evelyn's eyes; complete fascination and bafflement present on his face. He wasn't sure if it was him hearing things or if she really said something that strange in such a serious and passionate time. Just to confirm, the confused, horny singer examined his borderline-flushed face girl, who looked back as though what she had just said was normal in all sense of the word.

It had barely killed the mood, to say the least, and all hot and almost naked...they stopped all activity.

The room was quiet with only sounds of those dogs and locusts outside wailing or hissing their pain or casual nature. The two lovers were completely still; it felt like hours, but in reality, only a few measly seconds.

Oli ended up only shaking his head with a parabola of a smile; big enough to make the both of them laugh. He was shaking so hard from being struck with the cute humor that he had to hold her upper arms to support himself; giving Evelyn an even better view of his colorful chest.

She leaned up and connected lips again, and it was as though they were going to get down to business with a quick removal of their undergarments.

They should have known it wouldn't have been that easy.
Just as he began fondling her breasts again; continuously turned on

by her attempted secret moans, the door to her room was being hit by a fist repeatedly.

A very strict rap.

The couple, frozen with fear, couldn't move.
They didn't hide.
They didn't even try to cover themselves up.

The door to her bedroom was opened, and in its archway stood the big man himself.

The governor.
Her father.

It looks as though they'd have to wait another 2 1/2 months to fuck.
♠ ♠ ♠
Finally finished this chapter.
It felt like it took an eternity.

Oh, and the shaved legs line?
Let's just say that was taken from personal experience....

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