No Where, Nevada

Prologue: Bang, Bang, Shoot 'em Up

No lights.
Loud noises.
And finally a loud brutal bang.

Then there was running and a lot of it coming from me. A voice in the back mind told me I couldn’t save him, taunted me telling me no matter what he would die and it would be all my fault. I ran upstairs the fastest I possibily could. My legs felt like snapping from the pressure when I reached the top of the stairs. My lung felt like exploding, then they did. I collaspe to the ground, all the breath leaving me all at once. The loud noise of a pop echoed through my ears. I clutched my stomach but that does nothing. There is another bang from the room in front of me, then everything is quiet. A pair of dark coffee black eyes stares me down as the cool liquid rolls over to me. Then comes the blood…lots and lots of blood.

That’s all I remember on the day that my brother died. Nothing else. Just that. He was all I ever wanted and some had taken him away. I know that may seem weird when talking about a brother, but it’s the truth. He was my best friend. One of the only people I trusted in the world. I didn’t have a dad growing up, he backed out when my mom got pregnant with me at eighteen. He didn’t like kids, having one was enough for him. Then she got pregnant again and of course that was not his fault at all. Aside from the few cards a year and the occasional begging for money stop, we never see Pops around. I have visited him a few times, all with J.D. by my side. But other than that, I had no dad, which kind of left me with a damaged view about what a family is, but I delt with it for sixteen long years…I lived without having a full family.

I guess I should also tell you a little bit about myself before I go on this wild tirade much longer. My name is Winonia Rae Hollaway but everyone who wants to live calls me Winnie. I’m sixteen years old and don’t know how to drive or if I want someone to recycle my organs when I’m done with them. My name is Winnie and my brother is dead and I have no idea why, who did it, or how. All I know is that I was there. And I don’t remember anything else.
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This is my first chapter. It's bad, at least I think so.
The upcoming ones will be a lot better.
