Lost Voice

Lost Voice

I sold my voice today. I was warned against it; I was told I was getting a rotten deal. I can never speak again, and in exchange, I lose everything I had to hide behind. I was forced to strip, one layer at a time, until the whole world could see me, through me, with nothing to guard me.

I can't speak to tell a lie.

I can't speak to cover my tracks.

I can't hide behind my words, but I can also no longer be bound by the limitations my foolish mind permits them to give me.

I was scared at first. I could feel every eye intensely upon me, judging me. And I couldn't say a word to sway or dissuade the judgement. Instinct told me to find a place to hide, but there was none; I realised suddenly that I was in a vast empty space, shared only by so many prying eyes.

But the more I felt the judgement and accusations, the less they burned my bared flesh. I couldn't speak to make excuses, and I had no disguise to mislead.

I sold my voice today. I was warned against it; but I bartered carefully and got exactly what I'd always needed.
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Again, if you didn't read the long version of the description, it's not quite how I wanted it to be so I'll probably be re-working it later, but it' for a writing prompt on LiveJournal. Critique more than welcome. Also, feel free to check out my poem and other story, and journals too if you feel like reading a rant.