
Chapter One

Ever since I was ten years old and learned the tragic fate of my real father, Matt Sanders, I had accepted my step-dad. I had hated him until that moment when my mother told me he had died of cancer. I don't know why that awful news had made me like Jimmy, but I suddenly started to depend on him. The weird part is, though, Jimmy and my father had been close friends. They were in a band together along with my uncles Brian, Johnny, and Zacky. Of course they weren't my real uncles, but they have been with my mom and I since the day I was born. They helped my mom raise me after Dad died. And though I've learned to accept Jimmy, I would never fully accept him as my father.

Now, six years after my mother told me why my real father 'wasn't around', I had learned the truth. My dad wasn't dead. He was alive, but he lived in California. Me on the other hand, I lived in Liverpool. Anyways, he had left my mum. Not because of me; heck, he didn't even know I existed; but because my mum kicked him out, and he didn't want to fight for her. She was sick of him being drunk at night when he got home, and he just didn't want to hear her nag anymore. Zacky had told me all about what happened, and how Matt still doesn't know who I am. They had him convinced I was Mum's niece.

That brought me to stealing his cell phone number out of Jimmy's phone, which is, well, now. I couldn't bring myself to type in the few numbers and hit talk on the house phone, but I had to. All the while, I couldn't keep the horrible thoughts from storming through my head.

'What if he didn't want me as a daughter?
What if he was really through with Mum?'

No, I had to call him. I couldn't go the rest of my life without knowing my father. I finally hit the speaker button, and let it ring. He picked it up on the third ring, and I heard someone in the background.

"Hey Jimmy! What's up?"He said, his voice was kind of deep, and bit a raspy ever so often.
"Uhm... I'm not Jimmy."I mumbled
"Darcy?"He asked, referring to my mother.
"Actually, no. This is Kaitlin. Y'know, her... Well, niece I guess."I laughed nervously
"You guess?"He chuckled "What have you been into kid?"
"Learning about you, actually."I slipped out
"What do you mean?
"Matt... I'm Darcy's daughter. I'll be sixteen in a month. You and my mum split a little over fifteen years ago."I explained quickly
"So... Wait. Does that mean... You're... I'm your dad?"I could hear the shaking in his voice
"Uhm, yeah. I just found out, too. And not from my mom either. She told me you were dead." I informed him.
"She did? Who told you? Why didn't anybody tell me? Holy crap..."He rambled, I giggled "And you must be Darcy's daughter, you talk and laugh just like her."
"Zacky told me. They didn't tell you because Mum would flip her lid. And yeah, a lot of people say that." I replied

"Kaitlin? Honey where is the phone?"Mum asked, coming down the hallway
"Is that Darcy?"Matt My dad asked
"Yeah."I answered "I've got it, Ma! I'll be done in a minute!"

My bedroom door swung open, and there stood my mum staring at the phone in my hand.

"Kaitlin? Is Darcy in there?"He asked quietly
"Who are you talking to, dear?"Mum asked
"You still there?"Dad asked, Mum's eyes quadrupled in size.
"Yeah, Dad, I'm here. And, uh, so is my mum." I stuttered

"M-Matthew?"Mum asked
"Hey Darc, it's been a while."He said softly "Why didn't you want me to know?"
"I didn't want her around you when you were drunk, I just... I didn't want her near that stuff."
"That's a lame excuse. You know I would've quit for that! She's my daughter. You know how we had planned having kids."
"Well, it doesn't matter anymore. She's here, and she shouldn't even know about you."

"Whoa, wait a minute, mom. I want to personally meet him. I want to be with my father."I said defensively
"Hang up the phone Kaitlin."
"I LOVE YOU DAD! BYE!"I shouted before my mum took the phone from my hand and hit the end button. I pulled my legs up onto my bed Indian style and crossed my arms over my chest. She leaned against the doorway and sighed.

"How did you find out?"She asked in a half whisper
"Zacky. Since him and Dad are best friends, he figured I should know, and Dad should find out. I stole the number from Jimmy. Why did you tell me he'd died?"I replied, she just turned and walked out of the room.

I laid back on my bed and put my arms behind my head. I didn't really know what my dad looked like, but according to Zacky I looked a lot like him, just in girl form. I sat up quickly and stared at the laptop on my desk. Should I look at tickets to California?

I walked over to the desk and opened my laptop, then opened the internet. I pulled up a few places to buy plane tickets and searched the prices to California. It wasn't too expensive, but then again, it wasn't cheap. There was no way I could afford a ticket there, let alone a round trip ticket. I don't even have a job, and I couldn't just steal money from my mother. I shrugged and closed the laptop and sat back in my computer chair. I heard a knock on the door facing and looked up; Jimmy.

"Your mom told me the whole thing."He said, I nodded at him
"I just wanted to know who he was."I replied
"Well, yeah. I understand. But, she's a bit upset that you would want to go live with him that quick. You don't really know him that well. Your mom doesn't even know Valary. And, she doubts he has changed his old ways."Jimmy explained
"You drink though! And honestly, I'm almost sixteen. I think I can 'fend for myself."I argued "I just want to meet him."

"I just got a call from Shadows, he said he's coming up here to visit..."Brian said, coming to the door, but he stopped short when he saw me sitting there "Crap."
"It's fine Brian. I know who he is."I told him, getting up "When is he coming?"
"He said they're flying out tomorrow. Valary is coming, too."
"Brilliant! I'm excited!"I exclaimed, standing up from my computer chair.

I turned on my stereo and scrolled through the My Chemical Romance songs. Jimmy and Brian watched for a minute before walking off. I grabbed my journal out of the drawer beside my bed and sang along to Thank You For The Venom. Yeah, I was a huge fan of Avenged Sevenfold, but My Chem was my favorite.

I began writing about Matt in my journal and planned out the next day in my head. They probably wouldn't be here until late, but I couldn't wait.

I was meeting my dad.
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The only reason this fan fiction is up is because I had entered this contest before I decided to delete all my fan fictions! Plus, I have a good feeling about this one.

Love y'all.