
Chapter Five

My mother soon sat beside me and stroked my hair, sighing softly.

"Did you enjoy tonight?"She asked, I nodded
"More than you know. He's awesome, mum!"I answered, she smiled
"That's good then. I just don't believe this all happened so fast."
"I don't believe you never told me.."I mumbled
"I did it because I didn't know if he had changed or not. I didn't want you around that. You know that."
"Like I've said, Jimmy drinks."
"That's true.. And you are older. I guess I should have told you. I'm sorry."She replied
"It's alright, mum. At least I got to meet him. I think I'm going to head upstairs and pack a few things. Where are the boxes?"I stood up and stretched, then followed my mother to the garage and grabbed two boxes before heading to my room.

I opened my drawers first thing and began refolding the clothes inside, then laying them in one of the larger boxes. The Used was blasting from my laptop as I packed silently. I noticed it had started lightly raining, so I turned off my music to listen to the patter of the rain against the roof. I stopped folding and packing to look out the window and watched the rain in the street lights. Everything seemed just too good to be true.

Then I screamed. Someone popped in front of my window, and I jumped back, anticipating getting hit. But as I stood there, I saw it was Josh, my boyfriend. I put a hand over my heart and sighed in relief as he climbed through the window and shook off some of the rain water. He enveloped me in a hug, and I laughed slightly at the reaction I'd had.

"What was that about?"He asked, I laughed again
"I don't know. I was pretty much in space, then I saw you pop up and I thought someone was going to kill me."He chuckled and kissed my head
"Well, you don't have to worry about that."He looked around my room and saw the boxes, then frowned "What are you doing?"
"Packing..."I started
"Why? Where are you going?"
"I met my father today. My mum had lied to me... And I told him and he came to meet me. His band is getting back together for another CD, and he lives in California. We have to move there..."I explained quickly
"You're leaving?"He asked
"When were you going to tell me all of this?"He mumbled, putting his hands on my waist
"I was going to call you tonight. I swear, I was. You won't believe who my dad is!"I said, trying to cheer him up. I knew he'd be upset when he learned I was leaving. I was going to mention him coming with us though... Which probably wouldn't go down well...
"Who is he?"
"M. Shadows. Matt Sanders."His eyes became huge and he pointed to the poster over my bed
"THE Matt Sanders?"He asked, I nodded "WHOA!"

I started laughing hysterically and laced our hands together. He leaned his forehead against mine, and I could see the sad expression on his face.

"Baby, I don't want you to leave. And that's a long way away."He mumbled. I closed my eyes
"I know. But this is my father we're talking about. The man I thought was dead for nearly sixteen years. You have no idea how important this is to me."I answered, he nodded softly against my head.
"I think I had better go then... I just wanted to pop in quickly and check up on you, since I hadn't heard from you all day."He began to walk towards the window, but I grabbed his arm and pulled him back.
"Please, stay. It's cold in here."He laughed and took a seat on my floor, and we continued packing.

Not much longer after we had begun packing, we were passed out on the floor. He had his arms around me, and I was curled up into his side. I finally allowed myself to wake up when I heard my bedroom door open, and if I hadn't been so groggy, I would've had a heart attack. Thankfully, it was Jimmy. He didn't really mind if Josh came over, as long as nothing went on. My mother on the other hand... She didn't like him staying the night at all.

"Why don't you two get in bed? The floor is a bit... Uncomfortable."I looked up at him with tired eyes, and nodded without saying a word. I know, its odd that my step-dad would tell me and my boyfriend to sleep in the same bed, but he was probably tired as well, and he trusts me.

That's what I love most about Jimmy.

He trusts me.
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Sorry it's taken so long. I've been really busy with school.