That's Not A Christian

That's not a Christian

--- This is a play---

Opening scene: We start off in a school hallway. A gay guy walks down the hall, a bunch of other students in Christian T shirts come out of no where and knock him down, kicking and punching him. Suddenly another teen walks on the scene.

Last teen to arive We'll call him John: STOP! (he is also wearing a christian T.

One of the other teens (Jill): What's wrong John? aren't you going to help us beat up this quire?

John: NO! This is wrong!

Jill: No, he's a fag! God hates fags so as Christians we do too!

Nick (another of the "christians): Don't you love God? Come help us!

John *running over and pulling them off the gay guy. his name is Gret: Leave him alone God doesn't hate! Where are you getting this crap! Have you read the same bible as me? Mine says God loves EVERYONE! And that Jesus Christ died for EVERY single one of us!

Jill: Yeah but not fags!

John: Well what about sluts?! (Jill blushed) We all know your past Jill but did we beat you up for it?! (she looks down ashamed and walks away)

Nick: Yeah well Jill can just go, we can finnish off the fag ourselves!

The 5 others still left chime in: Yeah!

John: You'll have to go thru me! (stepping in front of the gay guy)

All the attackers: Get him!

John: before you do I want to ask you something.. Have none of you sinned?

No one said anything

John: That's what I thought, Bill you had a drug addiction, Melissa you tried to kill yourself, Nick you almost killed your sister because of your anger problem, Rose you used to cuss worse than anyone, I myself used to be a thieving, lusty, backstabbing dog. Now if we were those things and God still loved us what makes you think he won't love this guy? Just because he's gay? GOD LOVES HIM ANYWAY!! And you should too!

{End scene}
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--------sorry I know it kinda sucks------