
Anonymous Text

I woke up to the annoying beeping sound of my alarm clock. I hate sleeping at my house, because that means its during the week. Which means school. And that I'm not at my boyfriends house. Yeah, my boyfriend isn't exactly you're typical boyfriend. Maybe you've heard of him, Joe Jonas? Yeah, I'm dating him. We've known each other for our entire lives and about a year ago he told me he loved me as more than a best friend.

I sat on the blue swing at the local park, waiting for Joe to show up. He texted me asking me to meet him here. I didn't think anything of it. We had been going to this park, using this swing set ever since I could remember. We always went here when we wanted to talk or just to get away.

"Hey." I looked up to see Joe standing in front of me, his eyes squinting a little from the sun.

"Hey. What's up?" I asked as he sat on the red swing next to me. He shrugged.

"Just wanted to talk I guess." He said, looking down at the pebbles covering the ground. About what? Joe always came out and said what he was feeling, he never usually beat around the bush with me.

"Okay. About what?" I said, turning slightly in my swing to face him better.

"How long have we known each other?" You know the answer to that Joe. So why are you asking me?

"Pretty much our whole lives. Why?"

"How long have we been best friends?" Okay, you know the answer to this one too, Joe.

"Joe, what's going on? You know the answers to all these questions you're asking me." He was starting to act weird.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too, Joe. We're best friends. What is going on?" I am getting seriously confused.

"No, I don't think you get it, Kristen. I love you." Wait, like love love? What!?

"What?" I said, my head is starting to hurt. You can't go confusing me like this Joseph. You of all people know this.

"I love you, Kristen. More than just best friend love, too. I've loved you for a while, but I've never been able to say it until now. I love you. Always."

I sat in silence, just letting my brain try to absorb this sudden burst of information. Joe was in love with me? The more I thought about it though, the more I realized I loved Joe as more than a friend, too. It just took me until now to realize it. I looked over at him and found him staring back at me. I let out a small smile and grabbed his hand, intertwining our fingers.

[End Flashback]

We've been dating ever since.

I rolled over, looking out my window. It was sunny, but I had this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. It was one of those weird sunny days, the kind that you know something is going to go wrong. The kind of sunny that is deceiving, thats trying to convince you that since its nice out, nothing can go wrong.

I looked at my clock and gasped. I was going to be late to school. I quickly hopped out of bed and grabbed a pair of skinny jeans and my orange t-shirt with an elephant on the front. Slipping into a pair of black flip flops that showed off my french pedicure, I ran my hair brush through my hair. After quickly brushing my teeth I ran downstairs, picking up my keys on the counter.

"Shit." I mumbled. I left my cell phone upstairs. I ran back up to my room and noticed that it was vibrating on the nightstand table.

New Text Message
From: Unknown

"Thats weird...I wonder who it is." I said, opening it. There was a picture of my best friend, Manda, sneaking out of some house by going out the upstairs window, over the porch. By the looks of the light, it was early morning. Wait, I know that window, that porch, that house. That's my boyfriend's house, my boyfriend's window. What? I read the text under the picture, my eyebrows furrowed.

Did you know she spent the night there last night? In Joe's bed? Did you know they kissed? What about him telling her he loved her?


Oh hell no.
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so yeah. intenseness coming in the next chapter.
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