Love Triangle

Love Triangle.

I walked through Waterside with my headphones blaring. It was a chilly october day I finally stopped crying. I'm not use to crying. it was something new but I was getting use to it sadly. I should tell you the reason behind all this blubbering before you mistake me for an over dramatic teenager PMSing all over the place.

Is all started last October, the 14th to be exact. That was the day I hooked up with Jack. Everything was perfect but we kept it a secret. We didn't tell a soul. He was suppose to like my friend but they just didn't connect. I was faithful to him, his right hand man and kept a smile on his face everyday. When December hit though people slowly suspected things were going on between us. As cover up Jack said he like this girl Domo.

December comes into play and were still together with Domo as the cover to our nasty weird secret. Why we were still a secret I didn't understand. Now let me shed some light on the back round story to Jack and myself.

Jack. The thing with Jack was he never really knew anything about anything until he met me. He was a loner always down, but a true romantic and poet, strange enough. He was amazing in his own way, to me.

With me the tables are turned. I was alway the center of attraction, never for a second could sit down. Always trying to please someone. But the truth was, I was never happy with myself. The only thing that made me happy was seeing others happy.

So me being me I tried to make an excuse to way I felt so crappy about this whole Domo thing. I mean he started to really develop feelings for her. Shouldn't I feel weird? I mean what was I? I tried to make him talk to her and maybe they would hook up? Who knew I mean we really weren't anything official. Although this went on he tried to get closer to me and make me understand it wasn't true. We got so close I did another stupid thing. We lost our virginity to each other. Stupid I know. Sue me later.

Now I'm gonna bring this two months forward to February. Mind you when I started to "go out" with Jack I pretty much dropped my old best friends and everything revolved around him. don't ask me why but I did. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid me.

So I started to talk with Lexie again and she wanted to introduce me to some of her friends. One in particular named Damion. From her, he sounded awesome but I was just to loyal to Jack and didn't do anything when we first hung out. It made me sad but I knew that my heart was to much with Jack to let it even be opened to Damion for even a second. Stupid mistake.

When May came and everything between me and Jack were all on good grounds and I was starting to get back in track with my old best friends. (Em, Brit, and Lexie.) When Domo appeared in the picture. Now I spare the details because truth be told, It still hurts. Jack wound up full on making out with Domo after we had a three way kiss (yea I know I'm pretty much a slut) and he went on to making out with her instead of me. After this sickening incident, our school and everyone else found out the real story of me and Jack.

Stupid me tried to make up for him doing that with out him even apologizing for what happened. As the summer went on and I turned 16, I though hey maybe I should try to be friend this girl? Why not and maybe find out the real reason Jack wanted her more than me? It was September and she came over to hang out and have a sleep over. Instead it wound up with all three of us on the couch watching Forgetting Sarah Marshall and Jack with Domo making out with his hand up her shirt and starting to kiss down her neck, while I was right next to them.

I went through months of crying and I didn't even know what to do. Thats when it came to me, a year later sitting in Waterside when my last tear fell and I knew what I was going to do. I was going to get back at him. He need to know how it felt to feel so betrayed and hurt. I first turned to my best friends. They couldn't even stomach how I could just sit back and let this happen, but they did agree that my idea was great. Revenge was going to be sweet.

It wasn't until December when I saw Damion on AIM late one night during break. I decided to IM him. Now I know Lexie told me he had feelings for me, but I really didn't think he still had feelings for me almost a year later, but their was still something there. The following night though I spilled everything to him. I don't know why but I did.

In January almost February again, we decided to hang out one day and just get to know each other and if anything happened then it happened. Well something did happen. We were at Lexies (me and her were having girl time =) ) when he came over to say Hi. We had a great time all three of us. We were hanging out but I can't explain it but when we were in her basement and He was laying on my shoulder and Lexie had her head on my leg while I played with both of their hair making them fall asleep, He looked me in the eyes and just stood there. I don't know what it was or how to explain it, but I knew everything was going to be alright. He made everything alright for me.

When we were about to leave and were hanging in Lexies mom's room, something just happened. He kissed me and everything felt better. Since that day every time we saw each other we've kissed. But after the second time we kissed, I felt bitter towards Jack and I knew I couldn't do what he did to me. We decided we needed a break. I need to think because I couldn't take it. Our break started a day before Valentines day. Valentines day would make our one year and 4 months together, so we spend the day together me and Jack. Well I remember a few days before hand Damion had said that he had a surprise but I had to wait and see since I wasn't going to see him that day.

Jack and me met up early to talk then came to my house. We came home at 4pm and decided to see a movie at 8 (Mall Cop.) When I came home me and Jack were pretty distant, but I didn't care. I also told him (Jack) I didn't want anything for Valentines day, although I got him something against my will but forced by my mother. Right as I got inside my apartment my mother was home with a friend and smiled from ear to ear. She told me I had a secret admire and that I had one more gift from someone.

It was from Damion. (He had my mood ring for two weeks that I had forgotten about but put it in the card along with a big basket.) I couldn't believe it. I was more excited then God coming down for a second round with us. My cousin came over that night and was playfully hating me. I asked him if I could see him. I had to thank him I mean it was way to sweet that he did that. (He lives in Queens. I'm in Manhattan for him to come out of his way? Damn.)

Well after we hung out and well got lost for an hour coming home the next night. Hey I know what your thinking. Slut! Slut! Slut! No not at all. It was just so, I have no idea how to explain it. It was truly amazing and new and strange. I never been with a guy like that. I remember that night I was telling Emma about it and she nearly feel over laughing saying it was like Sex and The City episode. I remember we couldn't stop laughing. My cousin told me though that I needed to end it with Jack. I knew I didn't want to but I knew I had to.

True be told it was disgustingly nasty and hurt everyday like someone was stabbing me. It was heartbreaking but I did try to get over it by telling him that we could still be friends. I mean truth be told it didn't really hit me until about two weeks later. Damion though was there, he was like my knight in shining armor, my Dracula, my Angel Demon. He was everything in a guy that I never experienced only read about. I still don't know how to explain it.

Everyday I'm with him it's something new, from the way he looks at me or calls me beautiful or his angel. I don't know what it is. His eyes, His smile, the way he makes fun of me being shorter than him. (I'm 5'5 his 5'10?) He makes my heart skip beats when I see him or talk to him. The way he holds me. I can't get over it. Were not "together" but were definitely not an item.

The reason I know that is because when he walked me to my door Friday after spending a day at Lexies, he mouthed I love you. When I told him I didn't understand he told me to come to him and he kissed me slowly then softly a couple of times then said "Loves Ya." as he looked into my eyes. I knew then and there, I was saved.
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This is a true story and BTW some names are changed. =p

Yes there are over 600 words.

ohhhh also BTW. The backdrop reminded me of "Damion" ROFL. yea I own a Pucca shirt and hes always messing with it. XD so yea I had to put that as my backdrop and the Waterside pic was taken by me.