When Angels on the Sidelines Deserve to Die

Here you go create another fable


Ry turned his head to the voice, a questioning look on his face.

"Who's the chick?" Came the question from a guy with blond hair and blue eyes. His black tee shirt and jeans stood out because of the chains all over them.

Ry just smiled and nudged Ren with his head to wake her up; it was almost time for class now anyways. She had been asleep for about twenty minutes. When she opened her eyes her arms wrapped tighter around Stryker's neck before loosening as she woke up.

"Blake, meet my girlfriend, Zaren. Zaren, meet my friend, Blake." He said calmly with Zaren still on his back.

"Ah, so this is Zaren," Blake said politely. "Pleasure to meet the young lady that grasped Stryker's attention. A hard feat to accomplish."

Zaren merely looked at the man like he was on crack before whispering into Ry's ear. "Is he always this polite, or is he just a complete ass in disguise?"

Stryker laughed. "Yes, Zaren. He's always this polite; it's not just you. He's British you know, and they have manners."

Blake's face was twisted into a look of confusion, and insult.

"No, no," Stryker attempted to assure the Brit. "She's not being mean, I promise. She just wanted to know if you were always that nice, or if you were trying to hide your ass like personality. I assured her you're always like that."

Blake nodded. "Alright then. I'll see you later, Stryker. I have a class to get to."

"As do we," Ry replied, turning to Zaren who was still perched on his back. "We're going to be late if we don’t hurry."

Zaren grumbled. "Fine then. Maybe I wont carry you there," Ry teased, instantly getting her to put on an expression of innocence.

He laughed and proceeded to class with extra baggage on his back. Walking into class right before the bell rang and walking to their seats in the back of the room was harder said then done when everyone, including the teacher, was staring at them.

"What? A guy isn’t allowed to give his girl a ride?" He asked, laughing slightly.

Aden, who happen to share first period with them, snorted in laughter as he waved to Stryker and Zaren, who was yes, still on his back.

"Come on, Ren. You really have to get off now though before I get into some big trouble."

Zaren pouted slightly but jumped down from his back and landed on her feet behind him before taking her bag from him and sitting in her seat between the two boys. Class passed without a hitch and everyone continued to the next class and so on until lunch.

"Zaren, would you like to sit with me and the guys today, or you want to go off?" Ry asked her, willing to go with her if she wanted to be away from the crowds.

"I'll stay with you and everyone…" Zaren replied after a slight hesitation, grabbing Ry's hand as they started towards the cafeteria.

"Don’t worry, Ren. I'll stay right next to you the whole time. Promise," Ry smiled as they walked to Stryker's group of friends.

As Ry walked up to the group with Zaren in tow they all fell silent. Stryker introduced them all one by one then introduced Zaren as his girlfriend. "So she's going to be around so don’t get all…" He paused. "What's the word I'm looking for?"

"Hormonal?" Blake suggested helpfully.

"Yeah, that works. Don’t get all-hormonal. She's mine, and if I see even one of you touch her or hurt her in any way…" He trailed off they knew what would happen.

After getting nods from everyone that they understood, Ry took Zaren and they went to the lunch line to get some 'foods' as Zaren called it. Stryker smiled as Ren picked out a simple melon soda, and pop tarts, proclaiming that she would eat a bigger dinner later when he told her to get more. Grabbing his own drink and a sandwich he paid for both of them, much to Ren's displeasure, and they headed back to the table.

After lunch was over it was just two more classes until they got to head home. Stryker coming over Ren's house to make sure her going out with him wouldn’t make Liam kill him. He figured to tell the brother now rather then later and get his ass chewed out for not saying it right away, and Zaren agreed it was probably best.

The bell rang for dismissal and Zaren picked her head up off her desk where she had been snoozing yet again, to see Ry smiling and holding out his phone. A flash of light from the device cued her in that he took a picture. She blinked repeatedly to make the little dots of light go away while Ry just laughed.

"Come on, Ren." He continued laughing. "Let's get out of here already."

When Zaren continued to get up and walk to her locker at a pace slower then what he wanted he complained, and decided bribery was the only way to make her go faster.

"Zaren," he whined, following her. "I want to get to your house already and get this over with before your brother kills me. Besides," he threw in like it didn’t matter. "The faster you get home the faster you can go to sleep."

Ren turned to look at him. Blinked, then quickly gathered up what she needed and shut her locker, grabbing Ry's hand and almost tugging him to the parking lot to their bikes.

Ry smiled. "Knew that would get you going faster."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry if it's shorter then normal. I need to think of what's next and forgotten.photo once again asked when I was updating and I didnt do it when I said it would. x] I'm horrible I know. I was busy though! There was an Anime Trivia day at Saturday Matinee and I just had to go.