Health 2 Papers

"Affect Paper"

I have been taught some things on healthy lifestyles, unhealthy lifestyles, addictions, eating disorders, STD’s, and pregnancy. Some of it came from health class and other parts from people I know.

I know some things about healthy lifestyles. A healthy lifestyle is eating right and exercising. It’s having friends to talk to and not bottling everything up inside. Washing your hands could be a good habit to get into. It’s avoiding hazardous things like smoking. A healthy lifestyle includes mental health also. If you were to have a very healthy lifestyle you would avoid things you know are bad for you but not to the point of paranoia. A healthy lifestyle is when you can balance everything in your life with out having some kind of breakdown. A healthy lifestyle is something very good for a person to have.

An unhealthy lifestyle would be doing drugs or drinking more alcohol than needed. It could be having an untreatable disease. It would be eating just whatever and then not exercising. It would be bad habits. It would be depression and phobias. It would be not even trying to solve your problems and making hem worse. It could be over working yourself and not eating enough (or at all), not getting enough sleep, and seeing things that don’t really exist. Things like mental disorders and eating disorders aren’t part of a healthy lifestyle. Another example if an unhealthy lifestyle would be to eat only bad food like fast food or things like that. An unhealthy lifestyle isn’t good for you or the people around you.

There are a lot of different types of addictions. You can become addicted to major things like drugs and alcohol or it could be something as harmless as tapping your finger. You can get the addictions by just letting it become a habit or like in cigarettes it has a drug to make you want it more and more. Addictions are hard to get rid of, even though some people don’t think it’s true. Everyone probably knows someone with an addiction. Some people are addicted to shopping and others to weightlifting. I believe you can become addicted to anything.

Eating disorders are part of an unhealthy lifestyle. They are serious conditions that need to be treated. You can gain an eating disorder by thinking you aren’t good enough for other people (like depression). There are really only two eating disorders that I know of… anorexia and bulimia. Anorexia is when you don’t eat at all and bulimia is where you eat an excess of food and then you throw it all up. I don’t really know too much in this area.

There are a lot of different STD’s, but I can’t remember a lot of them. I know that all of them have nasty side effects and that some people don’t even know they have them. I also know that I honestly don’t want any of them.

Pregnancy is something I know a little about. I know that it really isn’t that cool. I know that teen pregnancy is not good. I know that my mom had to quit school when she was pregnant with Michael. She doesn’t regret it now, but she sometimes wonders what would have happened had it not happened.

That’s everything that a really know on healthy and unhealthy lifestyles, addiction, eating disorders, STD’s, and pregnancy.
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This paper was basically what we knew coming into the class, no movies had been watched and this was the first day of class.