Dreams of Promises

Dreams Do Come True

Matt coming home was one of his promises fulfilled. Me walking down the aisle to him was yet another. He beamed a smile at me while I silently tried to calm the butterflies in my stomach. They settled themselves when he said “I Do” and I was given the chance to do the same. We exchanged our rings and before the priest could tell him to kiss me, Matt captured my lips in his and I wrapped my body around his. He carried me from the church like that, half-ignoring the laughing of our family and friends.

The reception went like I figured it would. After we danced to Mischa singing “This I Promise You”, Matt and the guys got drunk. I sat back and laughed at their antics. Matt finally came over and sank to his knees in front of me, his head falling to the lap of my dark purple dress. I’d chosen to get married in a gothic revival style instead of the traditional white gown with orange blossoms.

I giggled and lifted his head, “Are you okay?”

“Umhum. I love you, Mrs. Sanders. Let’s get the babies and go home.” He murmured.

“We’re suppose to go to the hotel and spend the weekend there, remember? Mom and Brett are going to keep the babies.” I leaned forward and he kissed me hotly. I laughed at his eagerness and he stood. Before we could leave, Mischa ran over to hug us. Matt’s eyes narrowed on the fact that her hand clutched my bouquet but I gently reminded him that Felicity, who’d flown in to be another bridesmaid for me, had been the one who actually caught it.

He nodded warily and hugged the girl to him, “What are you going to do while we’re away?”

“I’m gonna go stay with Nana Sanders.” She shrugged. Matt’s parents had embraced Mischa like a granddaughter and I was grateful for it.

“Okay. Be good. Robbie isn’t allowed over.” Matt slurred. I was afraid Mischa wouldn’t pay any attention to his request since he was drunk but she nodded solemnly and hugged us both.

At the hotel, Matt started to sober up a bit and we had the most mindblowing sex. Unfortunately, we both fell asleep almost promptly and slept until late the next day. Since we had decided not to take a real honeymoon until school was over and before Matt went back on tour for the summer, we just lounged around. We had a lot of sex until we ran out of condoms and Matt was too lazy to go get more-that and I didn’t want him to get out of bed because we were cozy.

That night I dreamed again, and when I woke up I realized something. Matt’s arms twined around me, his lips nuzzling into my neck were all the promises I really needed. Dreams were just that and if they came true, if they were what was meant to be, I’d be happy then but right now, in this moment, Matt’s love was all I needed to fulfill the dreams and promises that’d become so important in my life.
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Okay I realize it was a crap ending, but I still liked it. Hope everyone else did too.