The Dorkerella.

So, That Was The Sound!

Well, I swear to God we've been down this road before
The guilt's no good, and it only shames us more
And the truths that we all try to hide,
Are so much clearer when its not our lives
When we don't face the blame

Blared the stereo, thus waking me up, the Kracken of all heavy hardcore sleep lovers.

Flinging my teddy bear, Sandy at the stereo, her impact indeed turned it up, even more louder, and my eardrums began to ring.

"FUCK!" I untangled my self from my bed and hopped on one foot, trying to skip across the clothes ridden carpet, and then, my foot got caught onto a jean, which I mean, it got tangled.

So, I guess I'm a spider that keeps getting stuck.

Narrowing my eyes, I shook my foot free and slammed my finger down on the OFF button of my stereo.

Rubbing my temples, I groaned and started to gather my thoughts.

So, I was in a interrogation room, right? Wait..what charges did I get?

"....HOLY MOTHERFUCKING SHIT." I shrieked, a vague memory popped up in my head, a scene when Travis and I are making out..Oh man.

We had sex.

I wonder if we used protection..

No, bad Friday!


Why are you worrying your self over when you're in LOVE with Travis?

HEY, my fairytale is coming true!

I cocked my eyebrows and hopped onto the bed, staring at the plushy dancing hippo comforter.

Then, a tapping sound got louder.

I could feel my eyes dilate, maybe it's a killer out loose, out to kill me!

Or..or, maybe it's a evil monkey.

ZOMG, we're going to die.

I rolled over, trying to locate the sound but got into a stare down with Patrick Stump, on the poster tacked on my ceiling.

Yeah, baby! I'm winning!

A whacking sound soon engulfed the room, and I froze, biting my lips.

I wonder how I'd look with a lip ring..

Probably hot.

I grinned to my self, enjoying the images flashing through my head, pictures of me looking pretty punk with a lip ring.

WAIT, I should get snake bites! No..spider bites! Oh man, they're awesome!

Maybe, I could get my cheek pierced..

Oh. Yeah, the noise.

With a grunt, I rolled off the bed and recoiled from the vibration, considering the height of the bed is about four feet.

I lifted the bottom of the curtains and eyed a pair of Adidas.

Hey, they look like Travis's!



I jumped up, glanced in the mirror, my hand lingering on the handle.

But, then soon, I realized I was only in my bra and underwear.

Yeah, I should definitely get some clothes on.

Snatching a worn-in Hollister white ripped shorts shorts and a tank from God knows what, I opened the door to the balcony and grinned.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short, but oh well