Playing With The Big Boys Now

Chapter One

"Why can't you just settle for the number two school in the state?" came the static-filled voice of my best (and only) friend through my small black and silver cell phone.

"Because, I want to be number one, not two."

"But the top school is boys only"

"I know, and how sexist is that? I mean, girls can do anything boys can do."

I could practically hear Cara's eyes rolling as I launched off into one of my famous feminist speeches.

"Delilah," she cut me off, "how do you expect to be accepted into an all boys school considering you're a girl?"

"Easy, threaten them with a lawsuit," I said happily, my mother was a feministic lawyer, and if she wanted to, she could sue that school for all it was worth if she could prove I deserved the first-class education it offered (and not like I'm bragging or anything, but I definitely had the brains for it).

"Yeah, but how would you survive? You're pretty much socially challenged with your own gender, I doubt you'll have much luck with the opposite sex."

"It's not about socializing, it's about my education. I'm sick of unchallenging, boring classwork."

"Overacheiver," she scoffed.

"Damn straight," I said with a smirk flitting across my face.

"Fine. But if you don't get in, don't come crying to me, and if you do, you had better give me details."

"Deal," I said, laughing as I closed the flip phone with a loud, reverberating smack. Now all I had to do was convince my single mother to help get me in, which shouldn't be hard, seeing as how she was so "GIRL POWER" all the time. I may have been slightly over-feministic, but my mom was militant. I guess that's what comes from not having a single positive male figure in your life since you were six years old.

I made my way down the stairs, bracing myself for the coming conversation. I sauntered into the kitchen, where my mom was sitting at the counter sipping on her latte.

"Hey mom, you know that school? St. James?"

"The all boys one?" she asked, glancing up at me through her square glasses.

"Yeah. Well, I've been thinking for a whi--" She cut me off.

"You want to go, because you believe that it'll be more of a challenge and you want to prove that just because you're a girl doesn't mean you don't deserve the highest possible education." Damn. How does she always do that?

"Well yeah, basically."

"Okay. I'll call tomorrow and see what I can do."

"Thanks mom, you're the best," I said, pecking her on the cheek.

"Damn right I am," she said, turning her head back to the newspaper on the counter. I shook my head and made my way back up the stairs, changing into my pajamas and falling asleep, only to be woken up what seemed like minutes later by the obnoxiously loud invention more commonly referred to as an alarm clock.

School passed by in one preppy, overly pink and happy blur, and soon I was at home again, bored out of my mind, seeing as how I had already finished the next three homework assignments early. Damn I needed a hobby. Just as i was about to turn on the television, my mother came bursting through the front door, a secretive smile on her face. She handed me a large white envelope, trying to keep a straight face while saying in her business-like "mom" voice, "That's your schedule, supply list, reading list, and just about any other list you could possibly need, and some other random papers, I don't know I wasn't really paying attention when the secretary person told me what was in it."

I stared at her, shocked and dumbfounded. I. Got. In.

"How?" was all I could get out at the moment.

"Well," she started, "I had a nice little chat with the principal, and when he so politely reminded me it was an all boys school, I, in an equally polite manner of course, reminded him about the Supreme Court and that whole Women's Rights thing."

"I see. So you basically threatened him with a lawsuit."


"I knew that would work."

"Now go get some sleep, you start tomorrow."

My vocal chords said, "OK" but my insides were screaming, "TOMORROW?!" as I climbed up the stairs, setting my alarm clock to ring 30 minutes early so I could get ready. Not like I wanted to look good for the hundreds of guys there, I just wanted to make a good impression. That was it. I couldn't shake off the swarm of butterflies (OK, maybe more like stampede of rhinos) in my stomach as I drifted off into sleep, imagining thousands of scenarios of what tomorrow would bring.
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A/N: Ok, please tell me what you all think of my newest idea (even though I'm supposed to be updating my other story xD) I love getting feedback on my writing, even when it's crap, which it sometimes is.