Playing With The Big Boys Now

Chapter Twelve

Turns out that hanging out with the guys basically meant watching a really bad horror movie and talking through the entire thing. Which wasn't that bad, seeing as how I hated horror movies, even the really shitty ones that were completely not scary at all.

Gerard, Ray, and Frank had claimed the sofa while Bob and Mikey shared the loveseat. Leaving Cara and I with the floor.

I had no problem with this. In fact, I preferred it. Cara, however, did not. She was always a bit on the germaphobic side, and was always ranting about how carpets collected nothing but germs and dust. Ew.

So, what did she do? She flopped herself right onto the sofa, on top of Gee, Ray, and Frank, with her feet on Gerard's lap and her head on Frank's armrest. I don't really think he had a problem with it though, he had really hit it off with her in the car and I was pretty sure he'd be smitten by the end of the week.

So I had the floor all to myself. Mikey's side of the loveseat was closest, and being the lazy person I am, I plopped down right there at his feet. leaning against his legs. Apparently he had other ideas. He kept bouncing his leg up and down and kicking me slightly in the small of my back, until I finally got fed up and moved over to Bob's side. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a self-satisfied smirk work it's way across Mikey's face. So that's what he was doing.

About halfway through the (totally crap) movie, I started to get restless.

"Hey Gee, I'm thristy, where do you guys keep drinks and stuff?" I asked as I pushed myself up from the floor.

"In the fridge. Duh."

Mikey had that annoying smirk on his face again. I was starting to have some serious homicidal urges toward this kid.

"Hey Bob," he said, "Could you go with her, make sure she doesn't burn the house down?"

"Sure," he replied, shrugging.

I glared at Mikey one last time before trailing off behind Bob, who was walking towards what I assumed was the kitchen.

He held open the refridgerator door while I stared at its contents, trying to decide whether I wanted Coke or water. I eventually pulled out a water bottle and leaned against the counter as I twisted the cap off, taking a sip out of it. Bob was standing across the room, just watching me.

"It's quiet," he pointed out after the drawn-out silence got to be too much for him. He was still looking at me.

"Yeah," I replied, taking another sip from my water as I stared straight back at him. His eyes were insanely blue. Not good. I always was a sucker for blue eyes.

Distracted by this little mini-ramble in my head, I hadn't noticed him walking closer to me until he was right in front of me. I jumped a little bit, startled by being in such close proximity with him.

He was still looking at me, but his eyes had changed. I couldn't place my finger on exactly what, though. As I tried to figure it out, he slowly bent his head closer and closer to mine, stopping right above my face, and just when i thought he was about to kiss me, he reached up and brushed my cheekbone.

"Eyelash," he said, holding it up on a finger, "Make a wish."

So I did.
♠ ♠ ♠
A/N: Short. But I felt this was a good stopping point, when I went to write the rest of it it just didn't work as well, so I stopped here. but no worries, the rest is in my head, will hopefully be written soon. So coment, maybe it'll spur me to go faster xD