Playing With The Big Boys Now

Chapter Thirteen

"What'd you wish for?"

"Can't tell you."

Why not?"

I had been trying to explain to Bob how the whole wishing thing worked for the past hour or so. He still wasn't quite grasping the concept of 'don't tell or it won't come true'. As it was, I didn't have much hope for it coming true anyways, but in the off chance it did, I wasn't going to fuck up my chances by telling him. Plus there was the fact that I wished that he had kissed me instead of telling me to make the stupid wish in the first place, and telling that to someone you met three days ago and already have feelings for is probably not the best of ideas.

"Ok," I said, "How about this. I will let you know if/when it comes true, ok?"

He looked thoughtful for a moment before answering, "Yeah, I guess that's ok."

I sighed. If only he knew what my wish actually was.

By now the shitty horror movie was over and we were all just laying around talking about everything from music to school to Cara's bright purple socks. After a while it got boring, and in a fit of rare genius, Frank decided that we should play a game. When asked what game by the rest of us, his face twisted into an evil grin as he ran into the kitchen, only to reappear seconds later clutching the empty water bottle that I had forgotten about and left on the counter.

We all groaned, knowing what was coming next.

"Frank, is that like, the only game you know or something? We play this all the time," grumbled Ray.

"Yeah, but it's always boring with just us, but there are girls here this time!" Frank exclaimed.

Cara and I exchanged a worried glance.

"Pleeeeaase??" whined Frank, turning his pitiful puppy dog eyes on us.

"Fine," I sighed.

"YAY! Kay, here's how we do it, someone spins the bottle, duh, and whoever it lands on has to answer a question or do a dare, and if you refuse the dare you have to answer a question and vice versa."

"We know how to play, we're not four," snapped Cara.

"I'll go first," said Frank as we all arranged ourselves into some semblance of a circle.

He twisted to bottle around forcefully and watched it twirl around until it finally slowed to a stop in front of.....Mikey.

"Truth.....or Dare?" he asked in a serious tone I didn't even know he had.

"We all know your dares are evil, truth for sure."

Okay. Noted that Frank's dares are evil. Pick truth.

"Hmmm," started Frank, "Do you have a crush on that chick from Barnes & Noble? The one with the glasses?"

Mikey blushed before mumbling a small "yes" and reaching for the bottle.

Noted that Mikey has a crush on someone with glasses at a Barnes & Noble.

The bottle was spinning again, and this time it landed on me. Goody goody gumdrops.

Mikey had that evil smirk on his face again, and I was dreading what was coming next.

"Truth or dare?" he asked.

If I picked truth, he'd probably just ask me something about Bob. if I picked dare, he'd probably lock me in a closet with Bob or something similar. Which wouldn't be that bad.

"Dare," I said.

He smirked again.

"I dare you to.....spin the bottle and kiss whoever it lands on."

Okay. Wasn't expecting that, unless he had some magical power that could make it land on Bob, which wasn't entirely impossible since the smirk hadn't gone from his face yet.

I picked up the bottle and flicked my wrist, sending it spinning. It finally started to slow down, twisting to a stop in front of....


Mikey still had that smirk on his face as I leant forward to peck Gerard on the lips, not intending to linger any longer than necessary.

"Oh come on, that wasn't a real kiss," he said as I pulled away, and Gerard wasn't arguing with him either.

I growled in annoyance before grabbing the sides of Gerard's face with both hands, kissing him squarely on the mouth, pulling away just before he could slip his tongue in my mouth.

"Happy now?" I asked.

"Yes," Mikey replied, looking more smug than ever. I could not figure this kid out no matter how hard I tried. Meanwhile, Cara was laughing at my obvious annoyance. Oh she was going down later.

I flicked the bottle a second time, this time landing on Cara.

Maybe she was going down now.

"Truth or dare?" I asked, already knowing the answer.


This time it was me who was smirking. I was gonna put her in my position.

"I dare you to spin the bottle and kiss the person it lands on."

She shrugged.

"Fine," she said, spinning the bottle.

I saw Frank lean forward a tiny bit, almost imperceptibly, looking hopeful. Ha. I knew it.

The bottle spun to a stop in front of him. Well, at least it worked for some of us.

I could see the excitement in his eyes as Cara leaned forward to kiss him. After a few seconds, she started to pull away, but seemed to change her mind when Frank wrapped an arm around her waist. They had been at it for about five minutes when Ray smacked him on the back of the head and reminded him that there were other people in the room who didn't exactly fancy watching them make out on the floor.

Cara blushed. Ha. I was so teasing her about this later.
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A/N: Written at 1:30 A.M. while I was wired on caffeine and unable to sleep. I know, spin the bottle/truth or dare is such a fanfic cliche, but a necessary evil for the plot. Comments are good for my soul.