Playing With The Big Boys Now

Chapter Sixteen

This called for some major girl talk.

As soon as we pulled into the drive, I climbed out of the cramped car and rushed to the door, fumbling with my key to unlock it. I threw my bag onto the floor by the stairs and raced up them to my room, grabbing my phone and punching in Cara's number.




Just and I thought she wasn't goingto pick up, the phone clicked on and I heard Cara's breathless voice answer the phone.


"Cara! Hey, thank God, I really really need you right now, it's happening all over again!," I shouted through the receiver in one tangled, rushed sentence.

"Whoa, slow down Speedy Gonzalez, say what now?"

"It's happening. Again," I said, calmer this time.

"What's happening?" she asked, completely lost as usual.

"Look, I really don't wanna do this over the phone, can you come over?" I whined, sounding very much like an annoying twelve-year-old.

"Sure, you know I'm always here, I'm coming over right now, don't move!" she exclaimed before I heard the distinct click of the phone disconnecting. I sighed once more and flopped onto my bed to wait for Cara.

I was asleep by the time she arrived, but as soon as I felt the matress shift under her weight, my eyes shot open.

"Okay, now what's going on, sweetie?" she asked, tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear.

I took a deep breath, calming myself before beginning, "Okay. You know how I kinda kissed Gerard when we played truth or dare?"

She snorted, "Kinda?!"

"Shut up, just listen!" I yelled, "Okay. Anyways, today in art, he kept like, glancing at me, and when I looked him in the eyes, he had that look."

"What look?" she questioned.

"You know, the look. The Sam look."

She gasped, "Oh no. I thought I told you to never bring up that asshole again."

"That's not the point, Cara! The point is, he had that 'I like you' look, and he was lookin' at me."

"Oh shit."


"Well, what're you gonna do?" she asked.

I sighed, "I have no idea."

"Well do you like him?"

I sighed for what seemed the fiftieth time in the past five minutes.

"I don't think so. I someone else."

"I know. Mikey told me. And did you see his face when you kissed Gee?! He was so jealous."

"What are you talking about?!"

"You know. You and Bob."

"Psh, Mikey's crazy. There's nothing there. Whatsoever."

Unfortunately, my traitorous mind added onto the end of the sentence.

"Riiiiight. Well, I guess we'll just have to see what happens, don't stress about it. And if it does get way out of control, you know I'll listen."

"Listen. And comment, complain, laugh, all of the above," I added.

"Like I'd be me if I didn't do all of that," she explained, rolling her crystalline blue eyes.

I giggled and wrapped her into a tight embrace.

"Thanks. For everything," I whispered.

"No problem," she replied, "Now let's go get some chocolate and a book of mad libs."
♠ ♠ ♠
Aw. I want to dedicate the entire chapter to my bestest pals, Dani, Shae, and V, for being my therapists, entertainment, and sisters. And for also staying up at 4 AM eating cookie dough and doing Mad Libs with me. You guys pwn.

Comments would be amazing, since I'm skipping the second half of the Super Bowl as I type this.