Playing With The Big Boys Now

Chapter Five

After another long, drawn out, yet for some reason pleasant silence, the bell rang, shattering the serene atmosphere. Well, as serene as it can get with annoying jock boys throwing bits of paper at eachother, and then at Gerard and I, marvelling at the fact that "Emo boy had a girlfriend" as they so charmingly put it. Gerard just told me to ignore it, which I was doing anyways, but I was still grateful when the bell rang.

Gerard offered to show me to my history classroom, seeing as how I didn't have that class with Frank. At least I knew Ray, so I sat beside him while the teacher came in and asked for a repeat of the Chemistry class, Why don't you introduce yourself? episode. With that finished, all that was left was to sit, take notes, sit, pay attention, oh and did I mention sit?

Incase you hadn't noticed, I can't sit still. And history was so boring, there was nothing for me to occupy myself with. So I decided to talk to Ray. Well, in a note anyways.

Is it always this boring?, I wrote and folded up the paper as quietly as possible before flicking it across the space between our desks. He looked at it for a minute before picking up his pen and writing back,
No, normally it's worse

Haha, sucks for you. Well, I guess me too now.

Yep. Sooooooo Now what?

I dunno. Pick something. Anything, I need something to occupy myself with, like a game or something

Ok, well, I don't know much about you, so, 20 questions it is!

Yippee....just kidding, ask away

Haha, ok, um....favorite color?

Purple. Next.

Any siblings?


Um, I don't know, mother's maiden name?

What the fuck kind of question is that?

I don't know, I suck at this game

Ha, ok, it's Jacobs....I think.

You think? Nice. Middle name?

Niamh. I know, it's weird.

Nah, it's cool. Play any instruments?

Nope, I'm instrumentally retarded, though I've always wanted to learn how to play the violin.

Why violin?

No clue. I just like the way they sound.

Works for me. Pets?

Goldfish. Anything bigger and it would probably die within a week.

What is this goldfish's name?

Freddy. After Freddy Mercury

Ahaha, I love that! Favorite thing to do?

Art. And I also dance.

Sweet. Favorite food?

Too many to name, I like a lot of foods.

I'm out of questions.

Well, the bell's about to go off anyways, soooooo yeah.

And with that, the bell did, in fact, go off. Now came the part I was dreading. Lunchtime. I know most kids love it, but I don't. It was my first day at a new school, I knew a grand total of four people, and I didn't want to barge in on them, so it looks like I was sitting by myself today. Yippee. On the way to the cafeteria, we met up with Frank again.

"Hey Delilah!" he said, waving at me.

"Hi," I said, waving back.

He and Ray wandered off to some table or another, leaving me standing there, once again looking like a lost idiot. At least I was until Frank turned around and said, "Well, are you coming or not?"

And so I went.
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A/N: OK yous guys, I'm going on a nine-day vacation!!! Whoop-de-diddle-doo. Anywho, I tried to get this done quickly 'cause I won't be able to update for that long seeing as how I'm going to be in the middle of the mountains in the middle of nowhere with no internet access, so please forgive suckishness. And even if I had internet, my parental units wouldn't allow me near it. So, expect at least two more chapters when I get back, because Lord knows I'll have plenty of time to write. And also, coooooomeeeeents!!! Please.