Playing With The Big Boys Now

Chapter Six

As Frank and Ray led me to a table in the back, them chatting in front and me slowly shrinking behind, I could feel everyone's eyes on me.

We sat down at a table with Mikey, Gerard, and some blond kid I hadn't met yet.

"Delilah, this is Bob," said Ray, motioning to the blond guy, "You know everyone else."

"Hi," I said, smiling and holding out my hand. He shook it, nodded, and went back to watching Gerard, who was drawing something in his sketchbook. I figured he wasn't exactly the talkative type.

I looked around again and saw countless pairs of eyes shoot away from my glance. They had been staring again.

"Why do they keep staring? It's as if they've never seen a girl before," I said, frowning slightly. Gerard looked up from his sketch.

"Honestly? I'm surprised they aren't staring more."

"But why?" I insisted, still unsure of what he meant.

"Well, one, You're the only girl student to ever grace these halls, coupled with the fact that you're new, they're naturally curious. Two, you aren't like most girls they've seen, and three, you've been hanging around with us."


"Let me put it this way," said Frank, "Most girls don't look at, talk to, or come into any sort of contact with us unless absolutely vital to their survival. In other words, never."

"Oh. Well, I don't see why, you guys are great."

"It's 'cause we're 'emo'," said Mikey, air-quoting the emo.

"Anyways," he continued, "Subject change. Why aren't you eating?"

He pointed at the empty space in front of me.

"I don't really know. It just feels weird to eat in front of a bunch of people I don't know. Gave me a lot of trouble at my old school, they all thought I was anorexic or something," I explained. He didn't look entirely convinced.

"But you know us."

"Yeah, but I don't know them," I said, gesturing at the majority of the student population.

"Ok, whatever you say."

"OK, new topic!" shouted Frank, "My birthday is in three weeks!!!"

"We know," the other's all said in unison. I guess this wasn't the first time Frank had announced his impending birthday recently.

"Cool, what day?" I asked.

"Halloweeeeeeeen," he said, drawing out the 'e'.

"Lucky, mine is on valentine's Day."

"Sweet, someone else with a cool holiday birthday!!"

"Yeah, it's awesome because my mom won't forget. She's the most scatterbrained lawyer I know." Bob chuckled a bit.

"Bob sorta kinda laughed....So he does make noise!" I exclaimed, causing the other four to laugh and Bob to blush.

"Yeah, he speaks from time to time, too," said Ray, getting glared at by Bob in the process.

"Ok guys, stop teasing him," I said.

"You started it," pointed out Frank.

"If I jumped off a cliff, would you?"

He thought for a moment.



"Damn right."
♠ ♠ ♠
A/N: OK, so I lied, it was only a seven day vacation and only one update. BUT I hadn't had much time to right because whaddya know, there's actually stuff to do up there! Amazing. Plus when I was SUPPOSED to write another chapter, I ended up with a poem instead. Which reminds me, I forgot to tell you all about my one-shot that I wrote six months ago and finally got around to editing and posting. Read and let me know what you think! And also, they background was hurting some people's eyes, and I got on my nerves, so i changed the layout.....again.