Playing With The Big Boys Now

Chapter Eight

Once again I awoke to the blaring beeps of the incredibly maddening contraption I call my alarm clock. I slammed my fist down on top of it, groaned, and rolled out of bed. Not a good idea, I realized as I felt my body smack into the (not-so-soft) carpet. Damn gravity.

I chose to ignore the shooting pains that were tingling their way all up and down my entire left side, and got dressed, brushed my teeth and all that jazz. I headed down the stairs to find my mom with the morning paper, as per usual, sipping on her coffee.

"Mom, I think I'm gonna walk today," I said, as if I had any other options.

"That won't be necessary."

"Why not?"

I was incredibly confused. I knew she couldn't drive me, because yesterday had been a one time deal, she had to get off work to drive me. So what the hell was she talking about?

"There's some kids named something or other, I forgot, one started with a G I think? I don't know, but they came to pick you up. I'm assuming you know them?" she asked, glancing at me over the rim of the paper she was reading.

I rushed to the front window and looked through a crack in the blinds. What I saw was Gerard, Mikey and Frank sitting in Gerard's car, waiting for me.

Words can not explained the shock I felt at that moment, then the self-pity following that shock. Was I really so pathetic as to be surprised when people were nice to me and actually maybe liked me? The answer?

Yes. Yes I was.

I ran back to the kitchen to say goodbye to mom, ran back to the stairs, at the foot of which my messenger bag sat, waiting for me to grab it and dash out of the door. Which I did, coincidentally causing Frank and Mikey, who had been leaning against the door, to fall through and land at my feet.

Frank looked up and smiled, "Well, good morning sunshine, we thought we'd have to come in there and wake you up ourselves, but your mom said that wouldn't be necessary."

We headed towards the car, Mikey once again in the front and Frank and I in the backseat. We picked up Ray and Bob, and since I was the smallest, they made me get out so they could sit and I once again sat on Bob's lap with my legs resting across Ray and Frank. Hmmm, I sense a pattern forming here.

"So, what'd your mom say, you know, about tomorrow?" asked Frank.

"I meant to ask you about that, I can't go unless I take my friend Cara with me, would you guys mind if she tagged along?"

They seemed to think about it for a minute, before Gerard answered for everyone, "I don't see why not. So long as she isn't a bitch."

We all laughed, and I assured everyone that she was quite possibly the least bitchiest person in the world. We talked and laughed all the way up to the school, where Gerard pulled up to let us all out before parking somewhere. As I reached for the door handle, so did Bob. My hand landed on top of his for a moment, and for a few seconds we just kind of stared at eachother, before realizing a) there were others around us, and b) we had to get out to get to school. Though I didn't really want to get out at all.

I tried to hide my blush by rubbing my eyes, pretending it was from my hand rubbing against my cheek and not something completely different. Quite frankly, I wasn't even sure of why I was blushing, I didn't like him like that did I? I'd only known him for a day. I convinced myself that couldn't be it and my mind was playing tricks on me. Thankfully, I'm pretty sure no one noticed. Although, I can't really be too sure about Bob, seeing as how I was trying to avoid eye contact with him, afraid I'd get lost in that sea of icy blue all oveer again.
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A/N: I honestly have no other excuses for not updating rather than school starting and writer's block, which quite frankly I think are shitty excuses. I know I probably don't deserve comments after the length of time it took me to update, but I wish for them nonetheless.