An Identity Crisis

So close!

Weeks had passed and everything continued going great. We’d all gotten close with Silvia and she became one of our friends. In our off time we’d usually talk or play cards and such. On the bus we’d all play ‘Rock Band’ or watch movies. Today however was a card day.

“You so cheated!” Silvia yelled playfully to me.

“No way, not even close!” I laughed.

“So close!”

“Whatever, I just won’t play cards with you anymore.” I mock pouted.

“Were you this mean to your previous stylist?” she joked.

“She would have never played cards with us.” Bill stated as he gathered up the cards and began shuffling them.

“Why not?”

“She hated Tom.” Gustav said plainly as if this was some big obvious thing.

“Why?” she asked more seriously this time.

“I don’t know. I never did anything mean to her.” I said.

“Besides disagree with her choice in outfits.” Bill piped up.

“Well none of us liked her style, but she knew that.” I retorted.

“Well when you tell a girl her sense of style sucks she might get angry.” Silvia laughed.

“Not her style for her though, just for us.” Gustav said.

“Exactly, she always looked great. Like she should have been the star and not us.” I said.

“Awe.” Silvia smiled.


“That was sweet.”

“Well it’s true. I don’t even really know why she quit; she never told anyone.” I said with a shrug.

“I know, she was all happy and nice then like two weeks before she quit she got all bitchy and that’s when she started hating Tom.” Bill added.

“I even asked if I’d done anything to offend her and for a second I though she’d smile and say she was fine but then she got red in the face and told me to leave her alone.” I never understood girls.

“Hmm, I guess that is odd.” Silvia leaned on one hand and stared at a spot on the table.

“Yea, especially for Tom; going from hero to zero over night.” Georg laughed and I glared at him.

“How so?”

“He used to be her favorite.” Bill stated and I sighed; I had been at one point.
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Are you all just dying from utter anticipation?
GOOD!! lol
Any new ideas ladies? [gentlemen?]