An Identity Crisis

Johnny Depp!

One day before an interview we were all sitting back in the green room with Silvia waiting for the show to start. We had roughly 15 minutes so we killed the time with a version of 20 questions.

“First thing you notice about the opposite sex?” Silvia asked out.

“I love girls to have nice hands. Someone who takes care of themselves shows a lot about them and how they act.” Bill said happily.

“I like a nice smile.” Georg said and Silvia agreed.

“Well I love big beautiful eyes; I think it’s very important.” I smirked and everyone else laughed. Sure I said it like I meant a full chest but I really do love beautiful eyes. They’re the window to a person’s soul.

“Hmm…favorite movie?” Bill asked. “Mine is ‘The Notebook’; its so sad.” he smiled like being sad was a good thing and I couldn’t help but chuckle at my brother.

“Well I like ‘The Devil Wears Prada’.” Silvia said.

“Mine would have to be ‘Role Models’.” I laughed.

“Whispering eye.” Georg whispered loudly and we all started laughing.

“How about celebrity crush?” Gustav asked.

“Johnny Depp!” Silvia yelled and we all chuckled.

“Angelina Jolie or the Olsen twins.” Bill said and Georg agreed.

“For me it’s Jessica Alba.” I smiled.

“Who?” Silvia asked as if she couldn’t believe I’d actually picked her.

“Jessica Alba.” I repeated.


“She’s amazingly gorgeous.” I laughed and Silvia shook her head and laughed softly.

Just then Jost burst into the room.

“5 minutes guys. Are you ready?”

“As we’ll ever be!” Bill sang out.

I glanced over at Silvia only to see her staring at me from the corner of her eyes. She smiled and looked away quickly.

’Well what was that?’
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the lack of posts this weekend; Easter was busy and hella fun!!
Happy late easter to all of you!!
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