An Identity Crisis

The states.

I was bored out of my mind and couldn’t find anyone. I looked everywhere; the tour bus, the lobby of the current hotel we were staying in, even their rooms, but to no avail. I couldn’t even guess at where Bill was which was odd. So I went to the only place left; Silvia’s room.

I knocked and stood waiting with my hands in my pockets. When she answered the door her usual smile didn’t play a part in her features.

“Hey do you know where everybody is?” I asked.

“No, why? Can’t find ‘em?”

“No and I’ve looked everywhere. I’m bored to tears.” I sighed.

“Well come on in, I could use the company.” she said and her words made her seem ages older.

I came in and closed the door behind me. She sat on the foot of her bed and I sat on the small couch at the wall.

“Are you ok?” I questioned.

“Yea, why?”

“You look sad or something.” I noted.

“Just a little homesick.” she shrugged.

“Well where do you live?”

“The states.” she chuckled.

“I kinda guessed that much; you have an accent.” I too chuckled.

“Yes and German is so not my strong suit.”

“So why are you here?” I joked.

“I dunno, felt like it.” she said nonchalantly.

“Hmm, well what all family do you have back there?” I asked knowing that most people actually miss the people rather than the place itself.

“You wouldn’t even believe it.” she chuckled.


“I have a daughter.” she said and played with her hands idly.

“Oh wow, I would have never guessed.” I said calmly, but I was actually really shocked.


Why would someone with a baby just up and travel to Europe? This was so not starting to make sense. Where did Jost find this girl?
♠ ♠ ♠
Where did he find her?
any guesses?

Thanks to all of my readers, commenters and/or subcribers. you rock!!