An Identity Crisis


I couldn’t believe my eyes. Silvia had just pulled a wig from her head allowing a light brown bunch of hair to fall down her shoulders. She removed her glasses and smiled at me.

“Surprise!” the room yelled in unison.

“What?!” I asked astounded. “You all…but how? And why?” I couldn’t seem to put full sentences together.

“You used to be so talkative, what happened?”Silvia asked coyly.

“But you…you’re…” I stammered.

“Jessica Alba, I know.” she laughed.

Oh. My. God. Jessica Alba was in the same room as me. She was standing in front of me, talking to me, looking at me. That’s when I realized it had been her this whole time. I’d been hanging out with Jessica Alba this whole time.

“Scheiße!” I said to no one but myself, although the whole room seemed to laugh.

“Somebody should explain before we have to go looking for a replacement guitarist due to the former’s sudden heart attack.” Jost chuckled from behind me.

“Take it away, Kara.” Jessica had said.

Kara came and stood between Jessica and me and started to explain everything.

“A few weeks before I ‘quit’ I saved Jessica from some ruthless paparazzi members.” she started.

“I was unaware of how well known I was over here and didn’t really hide myself all that well.” Jessica said.

“I had pulled her into a changing stall while I got the store’s manager to get the paparazzi escorted from the premises.” Kara continued.

“I was so thankful to her that I offered to repay her in any way I could. She’d mentioned that she worked as a stylist for a band and that band’s guitarist was a big fan of mine.”

“So Jessica and I got to talking and devised this plan where I’d ‘quit’ my job and Jost would miraculously find and hire Jessica a.k.a ‘Silvia’. I told Jost and then the rest of the guys and out the plan to action.” Kara smiled triumphantly.

“We had to know so that we couldn’t accidentally give up her identity and spoil the plan.” Bill said.

“So I started mismatching you outfits and pretending to be angry with you so you thought that there was a legitimate reason for my leaving.” Kara said.

“So you don’t really hate me?” I questioned, speaking a full sentence for the first time since the revealing of my favorite actress and celebrity crush.

“No, Tom; I don’t hate you.” Kara smiled and blushed.

“Quite the opposite, I’d say.” Gustav chuckled.

“What?” I said looking quickly at a now crimson faced Kara.

“Well I’d say you’re quite fond of her as well.” Jessica said to me.

Kara and I shared a look and then quickly turned away.

“So this whole time, you knew I liked you…as and actress, this whole time?” I asked.

“Yea, I thought it would be something fun to do seeing as I had some free time between films, and I decided to take Kara up on her offer.” Jessica Answered.

“This was all your idea?” I asked Kara, my voice taking on a soft tone I’d never used with her before. I realized was affection.

“Yea, I knew you liked her and thought it would be cool for you to be able to meet her.” she said in a nonchalant tone, not really grasping what kind of ‘dream’ she’d just helped me accomplish.

“Thank you.” I said simply.

The rest of that evening was spent talking and laughing about the little adventure we’d all just been on. But Jessica was leaving us that night; she missed her family and had a film coming up. We all helped her pack and escorted her down stairs to the lobby to say our goodbyes.
♠ ♠ ♠
Lol and how many of you truthfully saw that one coming?
Yes this was only a short story to tide you over until i got everything situated with the sequel to Who Said Anything About Love. The first chapter of the sequel, 'So This Is Love' will posted the same day as the last chapter to this story [hopefully tomorrow]. There will be a link :]

Thanks to all my readers and commenters and/or subscribers