An Identity Crisis

This can't be good.

Just as we were about to give up hope Jost burst in the door with a victorious grin on his face.

“What is it?” Georg asked curiously.

“Follow me and you’ll see!”

We looked at one another nervously before getting up and following our manager out of the small room we were sitting in. We walked to the main entrance of the building were a heavily dressed figure stood looking like a lump.

“This can’t be good.” I heard Georg sigh beside me.

“Wait here.” Jost said holding up his hands indicating that we couldn’t follow him.

He walked over to the ‘lump’ and began conversing with it. After about a minute he brought said ‘lump’ over to us to introduce it. Once they were within a few yards I realized it was a girl.

“Guys, this is Silvia. Silvia these are the boys from Tokio Hotel; Bill, Tom, Gustav and Georg.” he pointed to each of us and we returned her shy smile.

“Hi guys. It’s nice to meet you.” she said.

We all replied in varied terms off ‘hello’ and ‘nice to meet you too’. Her voice, though quiet, held a certain elegance to it. It sounded so familiar, but I couldn’t place it.

“Silvia is here to dress you!” Jost said proudly.

“Excuse me?” I asked a little baffled by the idea. She could hardly dress herself let alone us.

“She’s going to dress you for the shoot today. If she does well we might sing her on as a full time stylist.” he informed us.

At least he would decide after she dressed us. If it was as bad as I assumed it’d be we’d only have to deal with her today then never again.

“But we still don’t have anything for you to dress us in. Only what we have on.” bill informed her.

“Hmm, well tell me your sizes and color preference and I’ll be back in 20 minutes with something. If that’s alright?” she directed the question at Jost.

“Ja, we’ll give you some cash and Tobi can take you into town.” At least he was having our body guard accompany her; the ‘bum’ might have just run off with the cash.

We all wrote down the things she’d need to dress us and then Tobi escorted her to a car out front.

This should be interesting.
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Thanks to all of my readers, commenters and/or subscribers.