An Identity Crisis

Put these on.

The guys and I went back to the room and sat back down on the couches while we waited for our hopefully-not-new stylist to return.

“Did you see her outfit?” Georg laughed.

“Ja, and David honestly expects us to look good for this?” Bill replied.

“Jost is crazy! All I have to say.” I laughed as Gustav folded his arms over his chest and sat quietly again.

“True. Did she look familiar to anyone but me?” I asked.

“Mmm, not really.” bill said.

“Yea, the girls just kinda run together these days.” Georg stated.

“One big blur.” Gustav finished.

“Ja, I guess so.” I sighed. I must be going crazy. Just toss me in a nut house when we get home.

Georg and Bill got up and went to a foosball table while Gustav listened to his iPod. I had hardly slept the night before; it was so hot in the summer time. I took this time to relax in a well air conditioned room. No sooner had I gotten comfortable was Jost back in the room telling us that Silvia was back.

We all trailed out of the room like little ducklings behind Jost as we wandered into a dressing room. There stood Silvia surrounded with bag and such which honestly made her look even more like a ’bag lady’.

“Ok, I’ll take…Gustav first.” she said as she grabbed some stuff and ushered him into the furthest changing stall.

She came back and took Bill down next. She stood and explained what the outfit should look like so he had all the pieces correct. She then took Georg, doing the same and came back for me.

“Alright, Tom. Right this way.” she said as she grabbed the last couple bags and I followed her to the last changing stall. “Put these on.” she handed me the bags and smiled. “It’s a pretty simple outfit.”

With that she walked off and closed the curtains. I reached into the bags and started pulling out the clothes expecting the worst.

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Thanks to all of my readers, commenters, and/or subscribers.