An Identity Crisis

Alright boys.

“It’ll be about 25°C tonight and you’ll be performing outside,” Jost said to us and then turned to Silvia, “they’ll wanna dress accordingly.”

“Yea, not too many layers; accommodate to the heat. Got it.” she nodded.

“Ok, you boys go with Silvia and she’ll take care of you. I’m gonna go check things with Tobi.” Jost said before turning and leaving the dressing room.

“Alright boys, lets do this.” she said excitedly and we follow her to a changing room.

She picked stuff out quickly and with ease. It made me wonder why she never dressed herself up. We only ever saw her long flowy skirts and big sweaters. Never any make up and she kept her eyes hidden behind thick framed glasses. Today her dark hair was parted down the middle and pulled into a low bun at the base of her neck.

Some brighter colors might help too. Something other than gray or brown.

“Alright, this should do it.” she said handing me some clothes and pointing to the stall I’d be changing in.

Once again it was another perfect outfit. As I came out and saw the others I smiled seeing how great they too looked.

Where did Jost find her?

“Ok, good luck you guys.” she smiled and Bill went forward to hug her.

She continued on down the line hugging the rest of us and when I embraced her I was slightly shocked.

She had a great figure; slim, toned and a pretty full chest from what I could feel of it. She could so pull off something better than what she wore. Maybe she didn’t know it.

We left her and followed Saki to the stage.
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Thanks again to all of you reading, commenting and/or subcribing.