An Identity Crisis

Room 217

“Vielen Danke, München!” Bill called out to the crowd before we all exited the stage.

I handed my guitar off to one of the crew members and went to the side stage taking a towel we were offered.

So our first show was great and we couldn’t be any happier. I wore a smile that reached my eyes all the way back to our green room. Inside Jost and Silvia sat on the couch talking.

“So how was it?” he asked us.

“Great!” Bill exclaimed excitedly.

“The crowd was amazing!” I said animatedly.

“And the outfits rocked, Silvia.” Georg smiled toward her.

“Thanks.” she returned his smile.

“So now what?” Bill asked Jost

“We have a few fans with back stage passes and then once they leave we leave for the hotel.” he informed us.

“Fantastic! Bring them in.” Bill cheered; great shows always put us in great moods.

Tobi let in out 3 fans; one boy about 15 and two girls about 16 or 17 I’d say. They were cute, like little sister cute; blonde and braces.

We hung out with them for about 20 minutes, signed some stuff for them and then Tobi escorted the back out to their parents. We gathered up our things shortly after and headed out to the bus.

10 minutes after we’d left our adrenaline high’s faded out completely and we all retired to our bunks. Then at what seemed like only minutes later we stopped at the hotel. I had half a mind to just stay in my bunk, but the thought of being able to spread out pushed me to get up and follow the others inside.

“Tom, room 217,” Jost handed me a keycard, “and wake up calls go out at 6:00am. Night guys.”

I turned and went to the elevator with the others. Silvia and another crew member, Dunja, our translator, were inside the elevator as well. They were on the fourth floor with the rest of the crew.

“G’night ladies.” I said sleepily as I stepped out of the elevator.


“Gute Nacht.”

I heard in unison and waved as the doors slid shut.
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