Close Up Camera One

"Close up Camera One,
The hero sings in this scene
The boy that gets the girl gets to go home, where they get married
But stop the tape,
The sunset still looks fake to me
The hero looks like he can't breathe,
The damsel just left everything"
- "Black Cat" by Mayday Parade

Matt Sanders is the star of the popular television drama In the Shadows. When the producers decide that the ratings of the shows need a boost, they bring up and coming actress Caddy Carlson onto the show to play opposite Matt as his love interest.

When Matt's manager and agent force him to begin dating Caddy as a publicity stunt, despite the fact that Matt very clearly dislikes her, there isn't much that can go right.

Disclaimer: I don't own A7X or either of the songs that inspired this story, "Camera One" by Josh Joplin Group and "Black Cat" by Mayday Parade