My Real Romance

My Real Romance -09-

Few hours later...

I look down and see Gerard, smiling up at me. Not just any smile though. A drunken smile. His face covered in sweat and makeup, hair knotted with grease and beer and his breath reaks horribly of alcohol.

"Gerard, you ok?"

I try to help him up and he giggles.

"No! Of course I am!"

He stumbles backwards.

"I just left that um, girl I was with. You know-"

He starts to mumble incoherently. I raise an eyebrow, grabbing his arms before he falls backwards.

Bad move!

He stumbles forward and crushes me against the ground. I cough loudly, not being able to breathe.

"You left Jade? herself?"

He giggles again, poking my nose, mumbling something that sounded like...

"What a cute nose! A cute little button nose!"

He then looks up at me, smiling.

"No, I left her. As in not with, no more, gone with the wind!"

He rolls off me with uncontrollable giggles. I stare at the stars.

"Beauitful night..."

"Your beauitful"

My heart stops and I look over at him. He's laying on his side, head held up by his hand, starring at me like he's known me forever.

He still knows nothing...

I blush and look away.

"You better not fall for me Gerard. I'm with Bert. You know-"

"Why not"

I look back over at him, with sad eyes.

"I'm not who you think I am"

I get up and walk away from him.