My Real Romance

My Real Romance -03-

He chuckles nervously, leaning back in his seat.

"Yeah, I guessed so."

He looks at me, like he's deep in thought. I start to get a little nervous.

"You know what I don't like?" I lean back, biting my bottom lip.

"No, what?" He squints.

"Liars" I gulp, feeling the heat rising to my face.

"Fakes, posers, people who leave for no reason at all"

My mouth hands open, astonished.

"Why'd you do it Mia?"

Tears start forming now and I look around, speechless. He stands up, sitting next to me. I scoot away from him.

He whispers, "Mia it's-"

"Please don't tell Gerard! Oh god!! Please! He can't know I'm here! He-"

He puts his finger on my lips, hushing me.

"Shh, It's ok. I won't"

He hands me a napkin and I start drying my eyes and face.

"How did you know it was me?"

He grins, putting his arm around my shoulder.

"I knew it was you when I bumped you" He pauses and studys me more.

"Want to come over to my place?" I raise an eyebrow


"Just to talk, I swear"

I sigh, "Alright, nothing more."