Status: HIATUS!



A bright sunny day in Maryland. The sweat was rolling off the back of her neck. Amanda was waiting for her brother and his band to get back from a brief tour they had just got done with.

Just then tires screech to a stop in front of her. It's Rian's car and it's piled with boys. They all pile out one by one. They start walking there way toward her.

Okay, it's more like running. Jack is the first one to her.

"Hey lil' Dawson! I missed you!"

"Hey Jack! Imissed you too."

"Aww yay!" He hugs her and goes inside

Alex and Rian are the next ones to come.

"Hey sis! How was home without me?"

"Diferent. But Kara kept me company."

"That was nice of her. Is she here?"

"Duh! In the house."

He smiles real big and goes inside.

"Heeey lil' Dawson! Did you happen to miss little ole' me?"

"Of course! You're my best friend."

"Hey! I thought I was your best friend." says a farmilar voice.

She looks and sees Matt coming up the walkway.

"Of course! I haven't seen you in a long time!"

"I know! I missed you. I like seeing you."

"I like seeing you too."

"Well I better go inside and keep those boys in line."


He goes inside.

"Did he just say he's going to keep them in line? He's the one who causes most of the mayhem on tour."

"Hahh. Well maybe not here."

"I'm so sure."

He goes inside and she follows.

They're all in the living room playing video games. Matt is beside Rian whispering cheats to beat Jack. Poor Jack she thinks.

Amanda sits on one of the stools by the counter and opens up a soda. Matt comes over and takes it from her.

"Thanks I was getting thirsty."

"Hey! That was mine."

He walks back over to the couch again.

She gets another one out of the fridge and Alex takes it.

"Why is everyone taking my soda?"

"Aww poor lil' Dawson."

"Shut up! Go play video games."

"No, I'd rather tease you."

"Because you missed me."

"Psh no."




"Yeah?! What?!" Matt asks.

"Oh Alex here was just telling me how much he missed me."

"Whatever." Alex pouts.

"Aww get over it. Let's go get stuff for the cook out."

"Okay. You wanna come?"

"Sure. This should be interesting going to the store with you two."


"Your welcome?"

She gets Rian's keys and they head off to the store.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's kind've an intro.

Nothing big................................YET.