Status: HIATUS!



Just when they are making there way to the car, a light blue Honda Civic. It's Liz, Amanda's best friend.

As soon as she sees the boys a big smile creeps across her face and she practially falls out of the car.

"Alex! Matt! Your here!"

She tackles them with hugs.

"Yeah we are! We missed you too,Liz."

"Oh my gosh! It was so boring around here without you guys."

"I bet, so what did you do?"

"Oh just sat here with downer butt here."


"Sorry but you were so down when they were gone."

"Whatever. You guys can catch up later, we have to go get some groceries."

"Oh?! Can I come?!"



"Because us three are going and that's final."

"Fine." She stomps her foot and walks into the house.

Amanda rolls her eyes and turns back to the guys.

"I figured I'd save you at least some time before you have to 'catch-up' with her."

"Thanks,doll. I mean she's a sweet girl, but a little much." Matt says.

"That's Liz for ya."

"I call shotgun!"

"Awh man! I was going to call shotgun!"

"Too bad." Matt jumps in the front seat.

Alex gives him the finger and gets in the back.

"You two are so childish."

"We try our best my dear." Alex gloats.

"So what exactly are we buying for this cook-out?"

"I don't know just find out when we get there."

"Hmm well no candy and dumb stuff. Actual food, okay Alex."

"Wha?! Matt is the one who gets all that."

"I am not!"

"Whatever. But seriously, food."

"Alright." He winks and smiles at her.

Stange enough she actually likes all the attention Matt's been giving her, since they haven't seen each other in so long.

"So Matt, I wanna know how the tour was for you."

"It was nice, actually relaxing. Unlike the other tours, I liked this one."

"That's good. I can't wait to go, I have been waiting for so long."

"I bet. You can hang out with me and help me get a girlfriend. Because apparently I need some good advice to get a good one."

Her stomach did a flip when he said girlfriend. But she ignored the feeling.

"Oh. Who said that?"


"I did. And it's true, you always go for the sluts Matt. They are no good."

"He's right, Matt."

"So what makes you think she'll be a good matchmaker?"

"She got Jack and Kaley together didn't she?"

"True, now that's all he talks about. Thanks Amanda."

"How was I supposed to know?"

"Well you should've."

She sighs. "I'll try my best to find you a good one."

The words almost don't come out. She can't quite figure out why it's so hard for her talk about Matt being in a relationship but it makes her jealous in a way.


Just then she swoops into a parking spot and gets out.

"Let's go shoppers!"

They follow her into the store. Alex immediately goes to the alcohol section but Matt keeps by her side.

"So I was thinking a hometown girl. Someone to come home to when I get back from long tours, you know?"

"Yeah, that could be good."

She cringes at the thought.

"How about that one, she seems nice?"

He points to some bleach blonde girl wearing an extremely short mini skirt and high wedged shoes.

"Uhm slut?"

"Really? What makes you think that?"

"The bleach blonde hair and the extremely short skirt, the fake tan. Do I need to go on?"

"No, I get it."

He looks around the store again.

"How about the one over there at the end of the aisle?"

Matt points to some guy bent over a case of beer trying to pick it up.

"That's Alex. You tard."

"She's good,right?"

"Oh yeah, you two are made for each other. Go make your move."


Matt slowly walks towards Alex and when he gets close enough he smacks him on the butt.

"Hey sexy! You come here often?"

"Matt, don't do that! Help me get this."

He walks back over to Amanda.

"She's not interested."

"I'm sorry." she gives him a sad face.

"Oh well."

So after they help Alex get the beer, they get all the food they need and head back to Amanda's house.

When they get there Rian already has the grill ready to go.

"You have fun with them?"

"Hahaha. It was interesting."


"Shut up, Rian. Where's Liz?"

"She's inside."

Amanda gives Rian all he needs and goes into the house.

Liz is siting on the couch next to Matt. She's obviously flirting with him, her hand is on his knee. Amanda feels her face start to get hot.

Alex sees Amanda and comes to help her.

"So is everything all set out there."

"Uh yeah. Thanks though."

"What are you guys playing?"

"Well we were playing Mario but Jack got a phone call and ran to the bathroom."

"Shit, I have to pee too."

"Good luck." he says and goes back to the living room.

She walks down the hallway to the bathroom. Amanda can hear him talking on the phone.
She puts her ear up to the door and listens for a minute then lightly taps on the door.

"Jack ,can you get out of there? I have to pee."

Silence then. "Uh can you come back in a few minutes?"

"Why? Do you have to talk on the phone in the bathroom."

More silence.


"Who are you talking to that you need to talk to them in the bathroom?"


Amanda reaches for the handle and twists it. It's unlocked. She swings the door open and sees him with his pants and underwear down, he has a boner and his hand is cupped around it.

"Ewww! What are you doing?!"

"Nuthing! Geeet oooooout!"

He slams the door shut. She runs down the hallway and back into the living and busts out laughing.

Matt asks. "What's so funny?"

"J-j-j-aaaack was jacking off while on the phone! Bahahahahaha!"

"Who's he on the phone with?" Alex asks.

"I don't know, but Oh my gosh!"

A few seconds later Jack is in the living room.

"Why did you walk in on me, I was busy."

"Oh I could tell that. Hehe."


"Who in the world were you on the phone with that you needed to do that?"


Alex gives him a big smile.

"Miss that, huh?"

"Shut up! You guys are mean!"

"Aww. I'm sorry, Jack."

She hugs him.

"Yeah, yeah."

Amanda then runs to the bathroom.
After she gets back from the bathroom she sit on the couch next to Matt.

"Hey how was that potty break?"

"It was nice?"

"That's good. Hey look we finally get to talk serious."

"Yeah, about my potty break. How nice."

"Your funny. I like you. I'm glad your coming on tour with us."

"Aww thanks Matt."

"Just think it's going to be so much fun! Late night parties, late night bunks talks when I have nightmares, late night movies and snacks. Just all around fun. You are going to be my new best friend, Amanda."

"I honestly can't wait." She smiles.

He smiles back.
And almost instantly her heart swells.
Then she finally realizes why she's so bugged by him being with a girl.

"Shit, I'm falling for Matt Flyzik."

She runs out the front door and into the car and starts it and drives away.

This wasn't happening. How could it happen? Why was it happening? Then she thought of how long they've known each other and how nice he was. He was perfect and she had just fallen. Amanda had started to fall for Matt Flyzik
♠ ♠ ♠


it was mean lot's
and comment.
