Status: HIATUS!



She gets down the driveway and stops the car. What is she doing? Why is she running away?

She shifts the gear into reverse and backs it up to its original spot and turns it off. Then she goes back in the house and back to the couch.

Alex gives her a funny look. "What was that about?"

"I don't know, it was weird,right?"

"Yeah. You scare me sometimes."

"Sorry. So is the food done?"

"I don't know, go ask Rian."

"Fine, I will."

Amanda walks out onto the patio where everyone has congrigated to. Rian is still by the grill.

"So Rian, is the food ready? I'm starving."

"Almost. Just a few more dogs, but if your hungry you can go ahead."

"Okay. I'll tell everyone else."

She announces the food is ready and everyone stampedes over to the table and soon there is nothing but the sound of 'hmms' and 'yums'.
Amanda waits until everyone else has got there's and takes a seat next to Alex who has joined the rest of them outside.

"So enjoying your time off?"

"I am actually. But I miss being on tour."

"Really? What for?"

"I don't know, the rush of being in front of all those people and doing what I love. It's heaven."

"Sounds great."

She looks away from him and scans the porch for Matt, just at the other end she sees him sitting by Liz again. She's all over him, touching him, and rubbing up against him.
The cup in her hands immediately becomes crushed.

"Whoa. What was that for?"

"Oh. Uhm. I guess I didn't know how hard I was gripping that."

"Yeah I guess. Are you okay today?"

"I'm fine."

"Alright. Well I'm going to talk to someone less crazy, later.

"Hey..I'm not crazy."

Alex gets up and walks away and starts talking to Rian and Zack.
Jack slides over a second later.

"Hey! You still like me or do I gross you out?"

"Aw of course I still like you."

"That's good." He smiles.

"Next time though, lock the door."

"Yeah, I'll remember that."

"Haha. So how is your day off?"

"It's good. I haven't been this chill since I don't know when. I like it. How are you with everyone back?"

"I'm happy everyone is back, it was way too boring without you guys."

"Aww. That makes me happy you missed us."

"Yeah. Which is why I'm glad I get to go with you guys this time and no missing will happen."

"For you maybe."

"Aw Jack. I'm sorry that Kaley is still in Minnesota."

"Me too. If we weren't on tour I could be there."

He hangs his head down.

"Don't be sad. You will be together soon enough."


"You're welcome."

"So did you hear?"

"Hear what?"

"Matt and Liz are 'talking'?"


"Yeah why do you think there all over each other and even earlier they snuck kisses. It was interesting, but I don't think it will go anywhere."

Her heart starts beating really fast and really loud. She feels as if it's going to come out of her chest.

"What? Since when?"

"He's been talking to her all tour long."

"Really? Yeah I had no idea."

"Now you do."


She looks Matt again on the porch but doesn't find him or Liz. She immediately stands up.

"It was nice chatting with you but I gotta go inside for something."

"Okay. Bye lil' Dawson."

Amanda runs to the patio door and goes inside and as soon as she walks into the house she sees.......
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