Status: HIATUS!



Amanda sees the horrific site of her life when she walks into that house. Liz and Matt having sex on the couch.
The new drink she has in her hand falls to the floor and her mouth drops open. But no sound comes out.
They must've heard the cup crash to the floor because they jump up when they see Amanda standing there.

"Oh sorry we thought everyone was outside."

No words would come out. She couldn't even move, her feet felt like concrete glued to the floor.
They both hurriedly put their clothes back on and make their way back to the door.

"Sorry you had to see that Amanda." Liz says apologetically.

"Yeah sorry." Matt adds.

W hen she hears the door slide close behind her. It's like her brain starts working again suddenly and a scream squeezes it's way out of her lungs. She manages to make her way to her room and fall to her bed.

Liz and Matt? Could she handle that? Would it last? Was she going to be able to keep it together and not beat her best friend's head in?
All these questions zoomed through her mind. Just then she heard someone come in her room.

"Now what are you doing in here all alone?"

It's Alex.

"Oh uhm, I have to get something but I can't seem to remember what it is now."

"Huh. Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. Hey you want to go for a little drive. I need a second away from everybody."


She gets up and grabs her purse then heads for the door.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, just go tell everyone we'll be right back. Tell them we are going to get some ice cream."


He leaves her. She makes her way to Rian's car. The keys are still in it from her little freak out earlier.
She turns the car on, it startles her when it turns on, but she shakes her head a bit and it doesn't bother her anymore.
A few seconds later Alex is getting in the car. As soon as he shuts the door she's making her way down the drive.

"Now are you going to tell me why are you acting so damn weird today?"

Amanda looks at him then thinks for a second. Should I tell him? What if he tells?
She shakes her head again. Might as well tell him, he might help.

"I'm acting weird because my best friend is all over Matt."

"How would tha-Oh! Do you like him?"

"I do. Alot."

"Aww. How cute lil' Dawson wikes lil' Matty."

She gives him a pouty face. "Please don't do that."

"Sorry I couldn't resist. So are you going to tell him?"

"Hell no! I'm too scared and besides he seems to only think of me as a friend and woman adviser."

"True and that's mostly my fault."

"Yeah thanks, Alex"

"I'm sorry! But I didn't know."

"It's okay."

"So what made you go over the edge, if you don't mind me asking."

"Well when I went it to see where they were since they weren't outside, I found them having sex on my couch."

"Oh that's gotta hurt."

"Yeah and they just get up like I didn't see it. Gawd I wanna kill her!"

"You can't do that. Just let me think, maybe I can help with this."

He grabs her hand and squeezes it. "I'll try my best to help. I don't wanna see you get hurt,babe."

"Thanks. You know you're not as big an asshole as you want everyone to think you are."

"Aww you too kind."

She smiles.

"So how about we really get that ice cream. All this has made me crave some."

"Sounds good to me and we can discuss possible plans."


Amanda turns the car toward town.
Maybe having these boys back was more drama than she needed but also more interesting that she imagined.
♠ ♠ ♠
Cliff hanger, gone. :]

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